May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 127 - Chapter 127: Go home and get married

Chapter 127: Chapter 127: Go home and get married

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Nie Feng went to the Moonlight Club to pick up Gong Mochen for work. He told Gong Mochen that he had told Qin Shen that Gong Mochen was in the club.

"President, I'm sorry. I am so incompetent!" He took the initiative to admit his mistake.

Gong Mochen's fingers pressed on his throbbing temple. "It has nothing to do with you. Don't blame yourself."

Only he could subdue that little vixen. Nie Feng couldn't withstand an assault from the vixen... She was too clever.

If she knew, she would know. The matter had already caused a storm in the city. It would be difficult for Qin Sheng not to know.

However, this was the only place where he could threaten Sikong Jue.

As the car left the club, a petite figure walked out from behind the big tree on the street.

Qin Sheng looked at the car that had driven away and felt a chill in her heart. She hadn't given up and came to see if the man had really come here. In the end, she did indeed see Gong Mochen walk out of the Moonlight Club.

Tears rolled down her eyes. Did he really not want her anymore?

Suddenly, a hand landed on her shoulder and a devilish voice came from behind her. "Why are you crying? About a man? Without a woman by your side, are you still a normal man? But most of it is just for show. Don't mind it."

Qin Sheng waved the man's paw away. "Get lost!"

She wasn't in the mood to quarrel with Li Ang.

"Get lost? Sure, where do you want me to get lost to?" Li Ang turned his arm and hugged the girl, pushing her against the big tree.

"Li Ang! Are you leaving or not? This is called molestation!" Qin Sheng roared angrily. She didn't know who to vent her anger on. Li Ang was still trying to irritate her.

"Molestation? But you're my girlfriend. Do you think the police will take care of it?" Li Ang teased the girl. "We have been engaged for a long time, didn't you know?"

Qin Sheng's mind went blank. "What do you mean by engaged?"

"You took my photos and stole my earring. Those are the things that engaged me to you. You took the initiative and took them away yourself!" Li Ang said.

"Those are the things that I wanted to threaten you with! I have not intention of getting engaged!" Qin Sheng was speechless. How did it become an engagement just by stealing some things from him?

"That's what I need for my engagement, and the person I'm engaged to is you," Li Ang said.

His mother had always said that he and Qin Sheng were meant to be together. It turned out that he was quite against this, as he hated this girl to death. But now he was willing to believe that they were really meant to be. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been like enemies since the first time they met.

"Why me? If you want to get engaged, go find Qin Yunting. She can't wait to marry you!" Qin Sheng pushed the man away from her.

"Why should I look for her? She's not the girl in the photo. I want to get engaged to the girl in the photo," Li Ang explained.

"What are you talking about? The girl in the photo? What does it have to do with me?" Qin Sheng asked.

"Don't you think that you are very similar to her? You are her. Our marriage has been decided long ago. I'm just here to play with you. When you're done, let's go home and get married," Li Ang said.

Qin Sheng felt that her brain couldn't comprehend what she was hearing. "I'm that girl?"

Her mind was filled with the image of the girl in the photo... but why didn't she have any memory of it? When was it taken? And where was it taken?

"You're lying!" She didn't believe it. Even if she couldn't remember what happened when she was young, she knew that she had never left this country. Gong Mochen had brought her up!

"I'm not lying to you. If you want to know the reason, come home with me. Anyway, Gong Mochen doesn't love you anymore. Why do you still love him when he visits such a place to play with women? Qin Sheng, he's not worthy of your love!

"In this world, I'm the only one worthy of you. You know my mysophobia. My body can't accept other women except for you. So, I will never cheat on you," Li Ang urged the girl.

Qin Sheng's mind was in a daze. She looked at the man with a serious face and felt that he wasn't lying to her.

"Then tell me first. Who arranged our marriage?" she asked.

"I'll tell you when we get home." Li Ang raised his hand to touch the girl's smooth little face. He couldn't wait for their first night together.

Gong Mochen came to the Moonlight every day. There were only two possibilities. One was that he had agreed to some of Sikong Jue's conditions and asked Sikong Jue to give the medicine to him. The other was that Gong Mochen wanted to sow discord between him and Sikong Jue.

No matter which, he could use this opportunity to make Qin Sheng give up on Gong Mochen. That way, he could take her away.

Suddenly, he screamed, "AAAH! You don't want to use it anymore?"

The girl's knee was planted on his penis. It had almost squashed it into a pancake!

"Who told you to touch me! I don't want to use anything of yours!" Qin Sheng said with a red face.

Damn Li Ang! Had she ever said she wanted to use his penis?

While the man was holding his injured manhood, she pushed him away and ran from him.

She ran straight to a taxi and took it back to the hospital.

Li Ang watched the taxi drive away and got into his own car. He knew very well where the little woman would go. He drove to find Qin Sheng, and Sikong Jue asked him to find out if Chu Xia really had a miscarriage. He had to help him.

Of course, he could also hook up with this little woman whilst he carried out his duties.

When Qin Sheng returned to the hospital, Nie Feng had already placed food on the table.

"Where did you go?" he asked vigilantly.

"She went to buy me a drink. Didn't I tell you?" Chu Xia said quickly.

Qin Sheng immediately understood. "Chu Xia, I couldn't find the drink that you wanted. I'll buy you another later."

"What drink do you want?" Nie Feng asked.

"There's no need to buy it. I don't want to drink it now. Anyway, let's eat. I'm so hungry!" Chu Xia interrupted Nie Feng.

Qin Sheng immediately gave Chu Xia the porridge and nutritious soup. These were great supplements for a pregnancy.

Nie Feng looked at the two girls who were eating. He was relieved to find nothing unusual.

Suddenly, the door of the room opened and Li Ang walked in.

"Have you eaten? Count me in," he said as he sat next to Qin Sheng.

Nie Feng reached out to grab Li Ang's collar. He wanted to throw Li Ang out, but he missed. Li Ang was fast, beyond his imagination.

"Don't touch me. I am a neat freak. I don't like to be touched by others!"

Chu Xia saw that Nie Feng could not hit Li Ang and was really anxious. She picked up her bowl and threw it at Li Ang. "Get lost! Sikong Jue killed my child. Isn't that enough? Do you want to kill me too?"

Li Ang dodged and the porridge was thrown on the wall. The corner of his lips twitched. "Sikong Jue has let you down. Why are you even speaking about him?"

"Who doesn't know that you two are in cahoots? I won't let you stay here!" Chu Xia picked up another bowl and was about to pour porridge on the man.

Nie Feng pulled Chu Xia back and stopped her. "Duke, are you not leaving? Chu Xia's current condition means it's not suitable for her to be agitated."

Li Ang's face darkened. "Alright, I'll leave. Qin Sheng, you have to consider what I said to you!"

He walked out of the room as he spoke. It seemed that Chu Xia had indeed miscarried. Otherwise, she wouldn't hate him so much. He took out his phone and sent a message to Sikong Jue.

Nie Feng looked at Qin Sheng and asked sternly, "What did Li Ang say to you? Tell me!"