May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 126 - Chapter 126: Which woman did he look for

Chapter 126: Chapter 126: Which woman did he look for

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"I am." Qin Sheng ran to the doctor. "How is my sister?"

"She lost the child and miscarried. But the ***** is fine. You guys take good care of her!" After the doctor finished speaking, he turned around and returned to the emergency room.

Qin Sheng was in a daze and all her nerves were on fire.

Even her legs were weak and she almost fell to the ground. The baby was gone just like that?

Nie Feng held onto Qin Sheng and whispered into the girl's ear, "Don't worry. Let's get Chu Xia back to the ward. I've got something to tell you!"

Qin Sheng looked at Nie Feng in surprise. He had something to tell her? What exactly?

Nie Feng turned and saw Chu Xia being pushed out. He went up to Chu Xia and followed her and the nurse into the VIP ward. Qin Sheng also ran in.

Chu Xia's expression was solemn. Her lips were so pale that there was no color in them. Tears kept rolling down from her eyes.

Nie Feng ordered the nurse, "You're done here. Go, now!"

The nurse obediently left the ward.

He turned to look at the two girls, who were holding each other and crying, and said in a low voice, "Don't cry. The child is fine. It's safe!"

Qin Sheng grabbed Nie Feng's arm in shock. "What... what did you say?''

"The child is safe. Because the rescue was timely and Chu Xia vomited out most of the medicine, the child is safe. This child is quite lucky. If it was any later, he would be dead!" Nie Feng said.

Chu Xia couldn't believe her ears. "But... but the doctor told me that the child isn't safe. Also, the nurse said the same thing!"

"Yes, it was the CEO's order. He told me to tell the doctor that no matter if the child was lost or not, to say that the child was lost! You know that Sikong Jue didn't want the child. If he knew that the child was fine, do you plan to let him give you another dose of medicine?" Nie Feng explained.

When he knew that Chu Xia was in trouble, he asked Gong Mochen for instructions. Gong Mochen asked him to contact the doctor so that no one could listen in. And so, the doctor announced that the child was lost.

Qin Sheng punched Nie Feng with her little fist. "You're annoying Why didn't you tell me earlier? You made me sad for nothing!"

Nie Feng really was an idiot. He was right beside her and didn't even tell her the truth!

"If I had told you in advance, you wouldn't have felt sad, but then how could you lie to the Duke's men? Don't forget that Sikong Jue is the Duke's man. The Duke will help him investigate this matter," said Nie Feng.

Qin Sheng's mind spun. Nie Feng's words actually made sense!

She walked to Chu Xia's bedside. "Now you can rest assured. The baby is fine, and you're not allowed to cry anymore! Take care of the baby. I'll see how Sikong Jue can harm the baby! Mark my words..."

At the mention of Sikong Jue's name, Chu Xia's heart ached. She forced a smile and said, "Okay, I won't cry anymore. I want to take care of the baby properly. Let Sikong Jue have no children and no grandchildren! I couldn't care less."

She cursed the man fiercely. Whether he was responsible or not, whether he acknowledged the baby or not, she didn't care. After all, it was just a drunken mistake. However, she would never forgive him for trying to harm the baby!

Nie Feng looked at the girl who was smiling through her tears and felt relieved. "It's almost dawn. You guys should get some rest. I'll go pick up the president and buy breakfast for you both."

Qin Sheng then remembered Gong Mochen. She stopped Nie Feng and asked, "By the way, is Uncle not at home at night? Where did he go?"

Nie Feng paused for a moment. "Well, Miss Qin, if you want to know, you can ask the president yourself."

Damn it... that wasn't the answer she was looking for!

Qin Sheng's eyes were like a crescent moon. She casually took out a flower from the vase on the bedside table and turned around to grab Nie Feng's arm. She shook the flower in her hand and said, "You're not going to tell me, are you? Okay! I'll give you this flower!"

She hadn't forgotten that Nie Feng was allergic to pollen. She could hold this against him for the rest of his life!

"Miss, aren't you making things difficult for me?" Nie Feng's expression changed, and he hurriedly covered his mouth and nose with his hand.

A dignified strong man was actually afraid of pollen! However, that was his body, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Qin Sheng's arm rested on Nie Feng's shoulder. He was too tall that she felt a little uncomfortable. "Tell me, I promise not to tell anyone, okay? My uncle won't know it was you who told me! Otherwise, you can have some intimate contact with the flower!"

The flowers in Qin Sheng's hand rushed towards the man's mouth and nose. It was useless! Even if he covered his nose and mouth with a hand, the pollen would still go in!

Nie Feng held his breath and didn't dare to breathe. "The president is in the Moonlight Club."

The Moonlight Club... Qin Sheng was completely stunned. Gong Mochen actually went to such a place?

She let go of Nie Feng. "He went to the Moonlight Club to look for a woman? Which woman did he want?"

"The president didn't look for a woman!" Nie Feng said through the gaps between his fingers. Pollen really wasn't fun for him. He quickly ran towards the door.

"What are you daydreaming about? Didn't you hear Nie Feng say that President Gong didn't look for a woman?" Chu Xia called out to Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng walked to Chu Xia's bedside and sat down. "But if he didn't look for a woman, why would he go to such a place?"

"Maybe there's something else going on?" Chu Xia gave an excuse. Even if there was something else, he didn't have to go every day, right?

Nie Feng said that he didn't look for a woman. Therefore, she wanted to believe Nie Feng. After all, Gong Mochen had never liked other women. Besides Qin Sheng, he didn't even have a female animal by his side.

Qin Sheng's expression was so dark that it could cause a storm. "Will Uncle fall in love with another woman and stop loving me?"

"How can that be? Don't think too much! If your uncle doesn't care about you, why would he help me? He only cared about me because I'm your best friend! This time, it's all thanks to your uncle helping me, or else..." Chu Xia stopped. The rest of her words were too scary and she didn't dare to say them out loud.

"Sikong Jue is too much! We'll leave after the acceptance letter is sent out. We'll make sure they can't find us!" Qin Sheng said angrily.

If Sikong Jue was in front of her, she would tear him apart!

Chu Xia nodded and touched her lower abdomen. They would be able to leave this nation in a few days, and they would no longer be afraid of anyone.

Qin Sheng covered Chu Xia with the blanket and lay down on the sofa to sleep. Chu Xia had told her to sleep on the bed, but she was afraid that she would bang into Chu Xia if she didn't sleep well.

In the corridor, a few people disappeared around a corner. The people that left took out their phones and made a call outside the hospital.

"Duke Li Ang, Chu Xia had a miscarriage. We checked the medical records, but Gong Mochen has set up a secret guard. We can't go near Chu Xia to check her."

"It's good that she had a miscarriage. Call off the team," Li Ang ordered.

He hung up the phone and sent a message to Sikong Jue, informing him that Chu Xia had a miscarriage.

Sikong Jue finally received the news that he had been waiting for. Although he was very confident in his medicine, he had still been slightly flustered. Even if his master had poisoned him a few times, he would still be able to detoxify himself easily.

Chu Xia's resentful eyes appeared in his mind. In the next moment, he shook his head to scatter his perturbing thoughts. He continued to study the medicine in his hand.

Who should he give the medicine to? He was in a dilemma. It wasn't for himself, but for the person on the other bed...