May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1198 - Chapter 1198: whose baby is it

Chapter 1198: Chapter 1198: whose baby is it

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Lian Lian was feeling uneasy. "You grabbed littleflower? Did he bite you? You'll die if you don't have the antidote! "

She had no choice but to use the antidote to threaten the man. He had already pinned her against the wall.

She faced the wall and leaned her back against the man. She could feel the man's dangerous resistance. As long as he used force, he would be able to possess her without any scruples!

"Why are you so concerned about me? Are you afraid that I'll be bitten to death by littleflower? " Willam asked.

"Aren't you afraid? Do you want to die under LITTLEFLOWER'S POISON? " Lian Lian questioned. She did not believe that there was anyone in this world who was not afraid of death!

Willam sneered. He didn't believe that the little woman was concerned about him!

"I'm willing to die under your skirt. " He bit the woman's earlobe with his teeth and started to do what he wanted to do the most.

Ever since he had sex with her, he couldn't help it at all. It was fine when he didn't see her, especially when he saw her. He didn't want to tolerate it at all.

He couldn't help but slide her leg with his foot, but he was bitten by the littleflower on her skirt. He grabbed littleflower. What made him feel strange was that the last time he was bitten by a joke, he even fainted. But this time, he didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

Not only did he not feel uncomfortable, he felt that his eyesight was better. He could even see things in the dark.

He held littleflower and was certain that the little woman would come looking for him. Sure enough, he was right to wait here. Lian Lian ran back very quickly.

Lian Lian was pressed against the wall by the man. She struggled to move, but the man was too strong. All her struggles were completely useless.

The strength of a man was never something she could withstand. Her hands were so fast that they almost tore a hole in the wall cloth.

"Let go, let go, I... " She stammered.

Willam's hand touched the sweat on the little woman's head. "You're really useless. YOU'RE SO tired? I've only just started. Enjoy yourself. "

Lian Lian's forehead turned black. This kind of thing was not enjoyment for a woman after a long time. It was torture.

"SOMEONE'S COMING! This is GAIA's palace, " she quickly said.

"What's wrong with GAIA's palace? I can enter as I want. I can sleep as I want. GAIA doesn't have the ability to control me, " Willam said loudly.

He could hear that there was no one here, so the little woman could not scare him.

Lian Lian was like a helpless boat in the sea, allowing the waves to beat against her.

It was not until the little woman was so tired that she was about to collapse onto the ground that Willam stopped and hugged her with his long arms.

"tired? I'll bring you to rest, " he said as he tidied up the little woman's clothes and ran out of the banquet hall with her.

He heard the sound of a group of people walking over from afar, so he naturally had to run away with his little woman.

At least he would not embarrass the little woman here.

As he ran away, GAIA brought his guards to the banquet hall.

"Go and see if there's anyone inside? " He ordered the guards.

The Banquet Hall's door was pushed open and the crystal lights were lit up. Under the bright lights, the banquet hall was empty.

"reporting to His Majesty, there's no one in the banquet hall, " The guard said.

GAIA's face sank to the extreme. He had not seen Lian Lian since he came out of the bathroom. He had brought people everywhere to look for the little woman, all the way until he found this place.

If there wasn't even this place, where would she go?

His nose smelled something ambiguous, and his brows furrowed into a knot.

"Go look for Willam's residence, " he ordered his guards.


Lian Lian was carried by Willam and ran back to GAIA's bedroom. Naturally, she could not enter through the main door. Willam brought her through the window and ran into the room.

Only then did Lian Lian manage to catch her breath. She slapped the man's face.

"BASTARD! You're taking advantage of me again! "

"taking what you need from each other. Are you uncomfortable? HMM? " Willam deliberately pressed his face down, his lips almost touching the little woman's lips.

"UNCOMFORTABLE! " Lian Lian choked. She would never admit that she was comfortable even if she was beaten to death.

"Then are you hinting to me that you want to be more comfortable? " Willam teased the little woman.

"No! " Lian Lian hurriedly denied, "you should leave quickly! GAIA will be here in a while. "

Willam's fingers pinched the little woman's Chin, "after feeding you, you are not allowed to eat recklessly. If you dare to let him touch you, let me see if I can kill you. "

Lian Lian raised her hand and waved the man's hand away, "it's none of your business who I want to touch. If you don't get lost, I will call someone! "

"everyone here has been taken away by GAIA. Go and take a bath. " Willam turned around and walked towards the window. He turned around and threw the little flower in his pocket to the little woman.

Lian Lian caught the little flower and looked at the back of the man who had run away. She did not understand how this man knew that all the guards here had been taken away by GAIA. She did not understand how he could take the little flower so easily. He did not feel afraid of being bitten at all.

She touched the little flower with her finger and was surprised. The little flower lay weakly in her palm as if it had been poisoned. "..."

She felt dizzy. It didn't look like littleflower had bitten Willam. It looked like Willam had bitten littleflower.

She didn't care about Willam who had run away. She took littleflower to take a bath. Her body was sticky and had to be washed clean.

Littleflower drank quite a lot of steam in the bathroom before she slowly recovered.

GAIA's men rushed to the small building where Willam lived and were blocked by Willam's guards.

"Stop! No one is allowed to disturb the residence of His Majesty! " Willam's guards said.

The corner of GAIA's lips twitched. "The entire palace is mine, including this place! "

"Your Majesty Gaia, we know that this is your palace, but this place has been given to my king to live in. King Gaia should not enter and leave as he pleases. This has always been our rule. Your Majesty Gaia will not forget, right? " William's guard said.

"Of course I will not forget. " GAIA's voice became colder and colder. How could he forget such a shameful matter.

"That's good. I would like to trouble Your Majesty Gaia to return. Our King has already gone to bed. If you have any matters, please meet with His Majesty tomorrow. " Willam's guard said.

"I have something important, I want to meet with Willam now. You go in and inform him. " GAIA instructed.

"His majesty is going to bed. He is not allowed to be disturbed. His Majesty, Gaia, please do not make things difficult for us. " Willam's guard said.

GAIA's eyes narrowed, "just informing him, and you are already pushing him from left to right. If he does not meet with me, can you make decisions for Willam? I have something important to discuss with Willam. He knows that I am coming. You go and inform him. "

Willam's guards all looked at each other. They knew that their majesty was not in his room. Furthermore, Willam had instructed them not to let anyone know that he was not in his room.

"This, this day is too late. His Majesty is asleep, we can't disturb him. Please don't make things difficult for us, His Majesty GAIA. "

"You know that Willam is asleep just by standing here? Or are you afraid of letting me see Willam? He is not in his room at all, right? " GAIA questioned, "men, charge in and find Willam! "