May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 117 - Chapter 117, name your price

Chapter 117: Chapter 117, name your price

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng looked gloomily at Nie Feng, who was taking her to school. Her little mouth was pursed. If she were to throw a tantrum with him, he wouldn't send her to school. If a stinky man dared to be angry with her, where would his tolerance for her be?

Ye Wei's appearance flashed through her mind again. It seemed that ever since Ye Wei appeared, she and Gong Mochen were different... She got into Nie Feng's car angrily and went to school.


Gong mochen strode into a luxurious private clubhouse.

"I'm sorry, Sir. This is a private clubhouse. You can't enter if you're not a member." The bodyguard at the door stopped Gong Mochen.

Gong Mochen's brows sank. The so-called private clubhouse was actually a clubhouse for high-class socialites. He naturally wouldn't be a member of such a place.

"I'm not a member. Go and tell your boss that Gong Mochen wants to come in," he said coldly.

"We don't dare to alarm the boss. Why don't you apply for a membership card now? The annual fee is only five million yuan. You can come anytime. The girls inside are free to eat and drink with. You have to pay for the night alone." The bodyguard hurriedly introduced his family's business.

Gong Mochen raised his hand slightly, and the bodyguard behind him immediately rushed over and pressed the bodyguard who'd stopped him against the wall.

He strode into the small building, and behind him were the sounds of several bodyguards fighting.

A pair of bodyguards ran down from upstairs. There were several surveillance cameras scattered around. If someone stirred up trouble, they would easily be stopped.

"Stand there. Do you dare to barge in?" a bodyguard who'd ran down the stairs shouted.

"What are you making trouble for? The guests are all sleeping. Are you courting death?" A woman's voice echoed from upstairs.

"Boss, someone broke into our club!" one of the bodyguards explained.

The boss walked downstairs and saw the man standing in the middle of the hall.

She slapped her bodyguard's face. "B*stard, what are you thinking? You didn't even recognize CEO Gong!"

The female boss used all her strength and hit the bodyguard so hard that he turned around twice.

Before he could speak again, the female boss grabbed his collar and knelt him at Gong Mochen's feet.

"CEO Gong, please forgive him for being blind and offending you!" She slapped the back of the bodyguard's head and knocked him to the ground.

Gong Mochen snorted, "Yu Fan, your rules are getting stricter. Even I can't enter anymore."

Yu Fan smiled. "It's all because of you. You look down on a place like ours. These servants didn't recognize you because they haven't seen your face in awhile! I gave you a few supreme membership cards, but you threw them all away! I guarantee that the next time you come, they will bring your car in."

Gong Mochen chuckled. "I'm looking for Sikong Jue. which room is he in?"

Yu Fan paused for a moment and then said, "He's in the Constellation Room. I'll get someone to take you there."

The Constellation Room was the main suite that they had renovated. The entire room was blue. The projector was on the semi-circular dome, projecting specks of starlight. It made the person who was staying in the room feel like they were in the wild.

Gong Mochen snorted coldly. This Sikong Jue was quite good at enjoying himself. He followed the bodyguard who led the way up the stairs.

"Sister Yu Fan, if we reveal the information of our guests, they will come to us for compensation!"

A woman's delicate voice was heard. She had a cigar between her fingers, and a long purple dress clung to her slender figure. She was a previous Miss World, and because her family was in debt, she had no choice but to come here and become the top princess. Therefore, to her, she had the right to question the guests.

"Qi Qi, what do you know? He is someone we can't afford to offend. Moreover, he saved me one year. Even if I accompany Mr. Sikong for any amount of money, I will compensate him," Yu Fan said.

Qi Qi seemed to have discovered a new treasure. "So, you and CEO Gong are still having an affair? Tell me, how is he? Is he strong?"

Yu Fan laughed self-deprecatingly. "That year, my modeling company lost money. I was pinned down in an alley by a few hooligans. Coincidentally, Gong Mochen saw it and sent someone to save me. It's as simple as that. He isn't someone who will get involved casually. People like us aren't even fit to carry his shoes."

Qi Qi's eyes flickered. "Wow. That's hard to believe. But if it's true, then what can I say?"

"He is a dragon. So, we can only look up to him. I advise you not to have any designs on him, or else I guarantee that your death will be very ugly," Yu Fan warned her subordinate princess.

The Constellation Room upstairs was opened by the bodyguard with a spare key. Gong Mochen walked into the dark and smoky room. The room was as dark as the night. The projector kept changing the appearance of the starry sky. There was an ambiguous atmosphere in the room, and there was also the aroma of passion.

The floor and the bed were in a mess. The two of them were entangled in each other's arms and were still sleeping on the bed.

Gong Mochen turned on the light of the crystal lamp, and the room suddenly lit up.

The person in the silk quilt was awakened by the sudden light.

The woman screamed and quickly wrapped herself up in the quilt.

"F*CK! Who dares to break into my room?" Sikong Jue cursed and blinked his eyes to try to adapt to the light.

"I dare to break into your room. Should we talk about it here or outside?" Gong Mochen asked.

Sikong Jue put his hand on his head. If there were two people in this world who dared to break into his room, one of them would be Li Ang, and the other would be Gong Mochen...

"For God sake! Get Out. I want to get up without prying eyes on me," he said coldly.

He remembered that his identity had been exposed. Gong Mochen had come to look for him, but he didn't expect the commotion to be so big.

"I'll give you three minutes," Gong Mochen said coldly.

"F*ck, you try taking a shower in three minutes!" Sikong Jue shouted.

"That is my limit. I will only wait for three minutes. You've just got to try and get ready in that time. If you don't come out in three minutes, what will be the consequences?"

Gong Mochen's voice drifted to the bed.

Sikong Jue was so angry that his temples hurt. Was there such an unreasonable person in this world? However, he knew that Gong Mochen's words were never a joke.

He rushed into the bathroom and used his fastest speed to get ready in three minutes.

His hands were fastening the buttons of his shirt, and his head was dripping with water. He had never been in such a sorry state before.

A bodyguard informed him to go to the small living room to find Gong Mochen.

Sikong Jue was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. Had he ever been treated with such contempt before?

"Did your master tell you what to do if I didn't make it out in three minutes?"

"The president said that if you didn't make it out in three minutes, I should drag you out directly, whether you're wearing clothes or not."

"Damn it!" Sikong Jue only wanted to curse. So, if he hadn't made it out, would he have been dragged out naked and paraded on the streets?

He followed the bodyguard into the small living room. Yu Fan was busy making tea for the man in the room.

Sikong Jue walked in and sat on the sofa opposite Gong Mochen.

"I'm here, speak!" There was obvious anger in his tone.

Gong Mochen gestured for Yu Fan to leave. "I don't like to beat around the bush. Name your price for what I want."