May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 110 - Chapter 110: Negative News

Chapter 110: Chapter 110: Negative News

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Little uncle, will the photos be exposed?" Qin Sheng thought of this crucial question.

Gong Mochen pinched Qin Sheng's chin. "You're afraid that people will know, and you still dare to kiss me in public?"

Qin Sheng's little face was red with embarrassment. "It's not that I don't want people to know, I'm just afraid that it will affect you badly."

She wasn't afraid of her reputation. As long as she could be with her uncle, she would do whatever it took. However, she did not want Gong Mochen to receive any negative effects from this.

Gong Mochen's long arms pulled the girl into his embrace. "Don't worry, no news media will dare to publish our news."

Qin Sheng looked up at her uncle. How imposing was he? Even the media didn't dare to publish bad news about him...

She didn't know if the internet police were on full alert. If someone uploaded photos of them kissing to the internet, whether it was QQ, Wechat, or other websites, they would be deleted and their accounts would be blocked.

That was why Gong Mochen didn't bother to search their phones and force them to delete the photos.

Because even if there were photos, they couldn't be sent out. Moreover, he had someone add a virus. If someone sent such photos, the virus would invade the phone and destroy all the memory in the system.

At that moment, a group of reporters stormed into the banquet hall and rushed into the lounge.

The door of the lounge opened and a woman's scream rushed out.

The lights of cameras kept flashing, the reporters taking pictures of the scene inside.

Everyone in the banquet hall ran over to watch the show.

In an instant, cries of shock ruptured from the crowd.

"Oh my God!"

"Damn! This is too scandalous!"

"Look, it's that group of young girls! They actually did such a thing!"

The sounds of discussion bubbled around the hall. Qin Sheng pulled Gong Mochen to the crowd, too curious about what was going on inside the lounge.

When the crowd saw Gong Mochen walking over, they automatically made way for him. Qin Sheng easily walked to the front, and Chu Xia followed.

The girls in the room all used their hands to cover their faces. They were simply tarnished in everyone's eyes!

The men in the lounge were fine. They were still chatting and laughing. They were all single, and were also small CEOs.

"Have you filmed enough? What's there to film with us men?" one of the CEOs said.

The women were squeezed onto the sofa, hugging each other and crying loudly.

Their careers as celebrities had been ruined. They no longer walked the path as innocent young girls.

Gong Mochen gave a look to a reporter. The reporter immediately went in with his camera.

Gong Mochen lowered his head and looked at the little woman beside him. "Have you seen enough? Let's go."

He covered Qin Sheng's eyes with his hand and led her out of the crowd.

Qin Sheng pried the man's hand away. "Let me see what the girls are afraid of. Uncle, did you call the reporters here?"

"Remember, in the future, whoever bullies you, you have to take revenge like this! Don't let anyone bully you in the slightest!" Gong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng nodded her little head. The man was like a haven for her to shelter in from the wind. He would protect her from everything.

She got up on her tiptoes and kissed the man on the cheek. "I'll remember this. In the future, I won't let anyone bully me! If someone bullies me, I'll make sure to take revenge!"

She gestured in the air.

Chu Xia, who was following behind, shouted, "Qin Sheng, quick, look at your phone. The news has been synchronized and the names of those small celebrities have been posted. There are even videos of them! Now they'll have to quit the entertainment industry!"

She pulled Qin Sheng over. "Quick, tell me, what did they do to provoke you?"

Qin Sheng turned her head to look at Chu Xia, then she looked at her phone and told her everything.

She mumbled softly, "Is the punishment too ruthless? They didn't do anything other than push me down and scold me."

Chu Xia glared at Qin Sheng. "Look at how soft-hearted you are. If they weren't punished like this, they would dare to bully you again! Useless! Can you be more magnanimous?"

Qin Sheng forced a smile. She knew she could be soft-hearted. She never held a grudge and wouldn't do things to the extreme.

"Err... I suppose..."

"Alright, alright, stop talking. Next thing you'll be putting on a long robe and becoming a nun. You'll put on a halo and ascend to the heavens! Bad people won't change because good people like you are too tolerant. If it were me, I would never forgive them. If you hurt me once, I will remember it for the rest of my life!"

Qin Sheng pursed her lips. Chu Xia had such a clear-cut temper. She believed that Chu Xia would definitely do what she said. Just then, she spotted Sikong Jue who was watching the commotion in the crowd.

She was certain that if one day, Sikong Jue regretted trying to push Chu Xia away, he would definitely die a miserable death.

She mourned for him for a minute.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about me anymore. How are things with you and Tao Bin? Are you really going to accept him?"

"Accept what? I wanted to slander him and scare him away. I don't know what he was thinking. Maybe he didn't take his medicine? The more I slander him, the more he seems to like me. He even tried to court me."

Tao Bin had said he'd never seen such a straightforward girl like Chu Xia and insisted on wooing her!

Qin Sheng's heart shot into her stomach when she remembered her uncle's words. "I wanted to remind you that his character and reputation aren't that good. If you accept his rose, how are you going to deal with that?"

"Tao Bin is an expert at flirting. He's used to using shameless tactics. If I don't agree to his proposal and ignore his words, everyone will only talk about me. How can I not accept? But I didn't say that if I accept, I can't break up with him. Tomorrow, I'll kick him to the curb when no one is around." Chu Xia said.

She was pregnant, broke, and had to deal with the college entrance examination. She was also misunderstood by others, who thought she was trying to extort money from men. She was already in a mess, and this Tao Bin still wanted to stir things up! He really deserved to be taught a lesson...

Gong Mochen looked at the little woman sitting beside him, whispering to her best friend. His lips curled into a warm smile. He liked to watch her like this.

The small CEOs who'd played with the women walked out and nodded at Gong Mochen. Then, they left respectfully, holding contracts in their hands.

What they'd done had been worth it, because they'd been able to exchange project contracts between their company and the Gong Group. A price gladly paid!

Just then, he saw Qin Yunting and Yan Fei chatting with a few bosses. His brows creased into a frown. Those bosses were the Qin Group's biggest customers...

He raised his hand and called Nie Feng over. Just as he was about to give his orders, he heard a woman's scream.

"Ah! Help! Qin Zixian is going to die!"