May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1077 - Chapter 1077: Who planted the baby

Chapter 1077: Chapter 1077: Who planted the baby

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"What did you say? ''Thee word escaped from the gap betweenAllii's teeth.Herr hands were clenched into fists.Iff there were not so many people here, she would have torn man man apart!

"I'm not the one WHO said it! Listen carefully, this is what Zhuo Nan said! He said that his child and I have the right to inherit! In other words, it's not certain who the crown prince and the future king will be! " Chuxia said with a cold smile!

A ball of anger was entrenched in Alli's chest. She was so angry that she almost suffered internal injuries. She could tolerate other women sharing a man with her, but her son must be the future King!

God knows how many years she had sacrificed for Zhuo Nan. She had brought the child in this palace and was careful with her words and actions, afraid that her child's identity would be exposed!

As long as people knew that GAIA was not the child of the previous king, both mother and son would die!

And all her hard work and effort had been exchanged for a man to become the king, for her to become the queen, and for Gaia to become the crown prince. She thought that her good days were coming, but who knew that Zhuo Nan only treated her as a tool to be used.. As a springboard, he had promised that the children of other women would also have the right to inherit the throne!

"This is what men say to cheer you up! You don't have any power here, and your children can not be the king! " Alli said.

Her family was also da Qing. Although her position was not very high, she still had power. Now that she was the queen, her father and brothers soon became the high and powerful da Qing.

Man Man did not have any power here, and could not be compared to her in this aspect!

Chu Xia laughed softly. "You're wrong. Zhuo Nan is more satisfied with a queen who does not have any power. Don't forget, the late king hated the exclusive power of his relatives!

The late king always wanted to weaken the power of the Queen, but he failed. Do you think Zhuo Nan will make the same mistake and promote your relatives?

Of course, he won't promote them. He won't make them strong. More importantly, I have no influence. He can rest assured that his royal power will not be divided by me Who Do you think is safer for him between the two of us?"

Alli's chest heaved up and down. Every word of the woman seemed to pierce her lungs!

Even she herself had to believe that Zhuo Nan would make Chu Xia's child the heir!

Her eyes were filled with desolation. She would not allow such a thing to happen!

Chu Xia looked at the pale-faced Alli and rolled her eyes. She thought that Alli would make a scene with Zhuo Nan after hearing Zhuo Nan's words. Then, Zhuo Nan had no choice but to deny her the position of Queen.

It seemed that she was thinking too much. Alli's resistance to pressure was too good. She was already like this, yet she was still not angry!

The method to anger Alli had completely failed. She stood up and saw that there was no one else around Qin Sheng. She could walk over to Qin Sheng and explain her identity to Qin Sheng!

She looked in Qin Sheng's direction and walked past Alli.

Mou Ran, just as she walked past, Alli suddenly fell to the ground and moaned in pain.

The maids around cried out in fear.

Chuxia turned to look at Alli and was stunned. She did not understand why Alli fell to the ground.

Zhuo Nan strode over. "What happened? "

Alli got up from the ground. "Your Majesty, it was man man who pushed me. "

CHUXIA's face twitched. She was sure that Alli hated her more than she thought. Alli did not look for Zhuo Nan to cause trouble, but came for her!

"I didn't push you! You're spouting nonsense! " She roared angrily.

"I'm not spouting nonsense. Otherwise, why would I fall down when I was perfectly fine? Your Majesty, You have to make a decision for me! " Alli wailed.

Because of Alli's words, Chu Xia became the vicious woman who pushed Alli!

At this moment, all the da Qing were looking at Chu Xia with disdain. They thought that Chu Xia was too jealous and that was why she was so angry that she hurt Alli's woman!

Chu Xia's eyes narrowed. "You said that I pushed you, but you must have evidence too! Which one of you saw me push her? "

She questioned everyone around her!

Someone must have seen Alli fall on her own, right?

"Your Majesty, we all saw that it was miss man man who pushed the Queen! "

"Yes! We are willing to testify for the Queen! "

"We are willing to bet our lives that miss man man was jealous of the Queen's opening dance with you, that's why she pushed the Queen! "

A few maids knelt down to testify for Alli.

Chu Xia had seen these maids before. They were Alli's maids. They would definitely testify for Alli!

She could tolerate anything but anger!

Her lips pursed into a straight line. Without waiting for Zhuo Nan to speak, she roared angrily, "Do I have to be f * Cking Jealous of her? Whoever wants to be this F * Cking Queen, who wants to be! I WON'T DO IT ANYMORE!

Zhuo Nan, if you can't settle your Harem, then don't come and see me!"

She did not stand on ceremony and made a fuss at Zhuo Nan. She turned around and walked towards the main door of the banquet hall.

Everyone was dumbfounded. There had never been a woman who dared to be so bold as to challenge the King!

Zhuo Nan's face was livid with anger. The wretched girl did not give him any face at all!

"Men! Arrest Chuxia for me! "

As he gave the order, his guards quickly arrested Chuxia and brought her to Zhuo Nan's side!

"Your Majesty, we've arrested her! " The guard said.

Zhuo Nan's eyes twisted the woman's small face. "SPEAK! Are you wrong? "

CHUXIA's arm was grabbed by the guard. She could not break free at all. "I've never learned how to apologize since I was young! Can't I not be your queen? Let me go! "

"It seems that you still don't know your mistake! Take her to the Dungeon to reflect on your mistakes! " Zhuo Nan said coldly.

"Yes! " The guards took the order and dragged Chu Xia out of the banquet hall.

Zhuo Nan's eyes were filled with a sense of reversal, as if he wanted to destroy the world. Meanwhile, Alli's eyes were filled with excitement. She had decisively set up man man. No one who was taken to the dungeon would be able to come out alive Her enemy had been dealt with just like that!

Qin Sheng's face was tense and her sternness gave Gong Mochen a fright.

"What's wrong? Are you not feeling well? " Gong Mochen asked hurriedly. He was afraid that something had happened to his precious son.

"No, I just feel strange. " Qin Sheng stopped mid-sentence.

She saw man man and Zhuo Nan clamoring, but logically, man man would not clamor about this with Zhuo Nan, nor would she mind how many women Zhuo Nan had. From man man's point of view, it was normal for Zhuo Nan to have as many women as man man. Man Man just wanted to be one of them!

And Man man in front of her, this bad temper was definitely not what man man should have She was exactly like Chu Xia!

Only Chu Xia had such a fearless momentum!

"What's strange? " Gong Mochen asked.

"strange man man! No matter how jealous man man is, she will only play tricks with Alli. She won't offend Zhuo Nan, and she won't say that she doesn't want to be Queen! " Qin Sheng said.

That was the position of Queen that man man had been working hard for. How could man man say no?

"A woman's heart is like a needle in the ocean. Who knows what a woman is thinking! " Gong Mochen was moved. He felt that he knew Qin Sheng well enough, but in the end, he still could not appease his little woman.

Qin Sheng rolled her eyes at man man man. "I want to see man man. Arrange for me to be put in the Dungeon! "

Gong Mochen's lips twitched. "You're ordering me around like this? What do you take me for? "