May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 105 - Chapter 105: The love of the sweethearts

Chapter 105: Chapter 105: The love of the sweethearts

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

It wasn't until Ye Wei touched a few small particles in a plastic bag that her heart finally relaxed. With this thing, she would be able to test whether or not Sikong Jue was His Highness Yu!

Qin Sheng's little face sank as she took a bite of the papaya. Seeing Ye Wei sitting beside Gong Mochen, she felt awkward!

Gong mochen stared at the little girl beside him who seemed to have a grudge against the papaya. He stroked her head with his big hand.

"I like eating small ones. They can be held with one hand."

Qin Sheng spat out a mouthful of papaya. Her little face was red and it was unknown if she was choking or embarrassed.

How did Uncle know what she was feeling embarrassed?

Ye Wei stood up and handed a tissue to Qin Sheng. "You have to chew slowly when you eat. You won't be able to digest it if you eat like this."

Qin Sheng didn't take the tissue from Ye Wei. She didn't want to be friendly with Ye Wei. She skillfully took out a handkerchief from Gong Mochen's pocket and wiped her mouth smugly.

Ye Wei stood awkwardly on the spot. She didn't know what to do with the tissue in her hand. Qin Sheng was obviously giving her a hard time. The people beside her were all looking at her too...

Gong Mochen took the tissue. "Thank you."

Ye Wei pursed her lips and looked at the man gratefully. "It's okay."

Qin Sheng felt uncomfortable. Her man actually gave Ye Wei a way out!

She raised her hand, pushed away Gong Mochen's hand, and moved closer to his ear. "Uncle, why aren't you giving me all your attention? Why do you dote on the doctor?"

Qin Sheng's frustration bubbled up. Who asked him to help out Ye Wei!

Gong Mochen's brows sank. He hugged the girl tightly like a pair of pliers. "What are you like, little girl? Qin Sheng, don't change for anyone. The person who loves you won't hurt you, because he only loves you."

The man's deep voice knocked on Qin Sheng's heart. It was even more charming and alluring than a piano D major.

She threw the papaya onto the coffee table. She only wanted him. He was enough.

Ye Wei couldn't hear what Gong Mochen and Qin Sheng were saying. She only saw the two of them whispering. She sat beside the man sadly. The man's doting gaze couldn't be ignored...

As the auction bell rang, the auction began.

It had to be said that every piece of jewelry auctioned was tempting.

Qin Sheng looked at Yan Fei and Qin Yunting, who were raising their paddles frequently. The two of them had bought quite a few pieces of jewelry that night. They were so extravagant that it made her speechless.

Of course, Qin Zixian was also speechless. It seemed that her niece was even more glamorous than her after she'd left the Qin family!

"Yunting, you have to pay for the items you bid on," she couldn't help but blurt out.

"Auntie, I know." Qin Yunting rolled her eyes at her auntie.

Qin Zixian was choked by Qin Yunting. "Yunting, where do you live now?"

"I live in a nightclub," Qin Yunting said indifferently. She raised her hand and bid on a pair of cufflinks.

Qin Zixian was taken aback, shocked. Qin Sheng was more popular than her, but Qin Sheng wouldn't even live in a nightclub!

Qin Yunting looked at the people around her who envied her with disdain. As she was kicked out of the Qin family, she would treat whoever mocked her to a good show today.

The waiter handed the ruby cufflinks to Qin Yunting. Qin Yunting whispered, and the waiter immediately walked to Li Ang.

"Congratulations, Duke Li Ang. This is a gift from Miss Qin Yunting," the waiter said respectfully.

The whole place was filled with warm applause. Everyone was congratulating Li Ang. This was a sign of love from a girl!

Sikong Jue smiled. "Duke, why don't you take it? Those peach blossoms are really flourishing tonight. You just have to sit there and someone will send you gifts!"

Li Ang raised his eyebrows. "Has anyone worn these cufflinks before?"

"Duke, these cufflinks are an antique. The most famous owner of them was the Duke Frank from a hundred years ago," the waiter replied.

"Tsk, tsk, Sir, I'm a germophobe. I don't like second-hand things. Not to mention this kind of thing, which I don't know how many hands have touched."

Li Ang's frivolous words made everyone speechless. Was he talking about the cufflinks or a person?

Qin Yunting's face instantly paled. Li Ang was simply scolding her! She turned her head and saw a contemptuous smile on Qin Zixian's lips.

She stood up. "Sir, the things you own have gone through countless hands from production to sales. How do you know how many people have touched your clothes?"

Li Ang sat lazily. "I can disinfect them, but some things are dirty even after being disinfected." He waved a hand dismissively. "What else is there? Are we still going to auction or not?"

The auctioneer heard this and quickly said, "Auction, continue the auction. Let's start the auction for the last piece of jewelry, Sweetheart's Love! The starting price is 100 million."

A waiter put a pink diamond necklace on the display shelf.

The girls below the stage were instantly shocked.

While everyone was looking at the necklace, Qin Yunting took the opportunity to run out of the banquet hall. She was extremely embarrassed.

Gong Mochen raised his hand to bid. "110 million."

Li Ang quickly followed. "Add 10 million."

Gong Mochen raised the sign in his hand again. "150 million."

"200 million." Li Ang made another bid. Last time, he didn't manage to get Qin Sheng's kiss. This time, he would not give in to Gong Mochen.

Qin Sheng pulled her uncle's arm. She had already said that she didn't want it. Why did he still bid for her?

Gong Mochen's lips curled. "300 million!"

The entire venue was in an uproar. This price had already exceeded the market value of the pink diamond itself!

"500 million!" Li Ang made a bid without hesitation.

"800 million!" Gong Mochen pushed away the girl's hand and continued to bid.

"One billion!" Li Ang continued to bid too.

The entire Banquet Hall was silent. Everyone felt that these two men had gone crazy.

"No, we don't want it!" Qin Sheng pulled Gong Mochen's arm and firmly refused to let him raise his hand again.

Gong Mochen's doting gaze landed on the little woman who was about to crack with panic. She was really good. She only knew how to save money and didn't know how to spend it.

"1.5 billion!" he exclaimed, the word escaping from the corner of his lips, completely ignoring Qin Sheng, whose expression had changed drastically.

"1.8 billion!" Li Ang was furious, completely unwilling to admit defeat. "Gong Mochen, if you dare, call for 2 billion!"

F*ck... If he found the same diamond to make a new one, he wouldn't need to spend so much money!

However, in Gong Mochen's heart, what he liked most was the name of the necklace and its meaning. The love of a sweetheart, symbolizing Qin Sheng's first love, innocent, tender, and sweet.

He wanted to give her the best things in life!

"2 billion!" Regardless of the little woman's anxious face, he called out the number.

The corner of Li Ang's lips twitched. "Two billion and a half!"

Everyone looked at Gong Mochen. Gong Mochen's sexy thin lips opened slightly. Before he could say anything, a pair of soft lips covered his mouth.

Qin Sheng, who was anxious, sealed her lips with a kiss to stop the man from bidding anymore.

The girl's bold move shocked the entire audience. Everyone knew that Qin Sheng was Gong Mochen's niece. The excitement of this news was far more shocking than a necklace selling for two and a half billion. All eyes were on the uncle and niece.

Now, no one was competing with Li Ang anymore. Just as the auctioneer was about to slam the hammer and announce that the necklace was to be auctioned to Li Ang, a waiter rushed onto the stage.

"The owner of the necklace has called. He said that his necklace is not being auctioned and has already been sold! The person who bought the necklace said that he wanted to give it to his sweetheart. He will compensate us in full for our losses."

Everyone was stunned. Who had the necklace been sold to?