Max Leveled Boss is Forced to be Pampered by Others

Chapter 92

So who is this pool.

We still know that if you are really mediocre and have no background, you can\'t get to this point in your life.

Chi Wan and Song Ci have always been on the front line of eating melons. After all, they are also in the storm of this matter.

The two frowned at the same time. I didn\'t expect such a scene.

In their imagination: at this time, Chi Wei should have been scolded completely. Even now, tell netizens that she is not playing with the snake, and it is estimated that netizens\' anger is still difficult to calm down.

As a result, who knows, the big men went out in an instant.

What is the relationship between Chi Wei and these big guys?

Why are the big guys willing to rush out to help?

After all, there is a reason why big guys are called big guys. They are not only knowledgeable in knowledge, but also have no small temper. It is difficult to invite them out. They must be very familiar before they can be pulled out.

Here, [elite gathering group] is still in full swing.

[these young people with bad eyes actually think I\'m pretending to be myself. It\'s disgusting, but it\'s still clarified!]

[none of you should think about Weiwei! Since Weiwei has come to my school, she will certainly choose talents here. Your school will stand aside for me first!]


Several grandparents and ladies chatted while pushing their eyes. At the same time, they didn\'t even drop the microblog interaction. It can be seen that their hands and feet are really busy.

[more and more people will attack others because of something taken out of context. This is a very bad thing. I hope you can take this as a warning.]

We are the best girls in the world. No one is better than us. We didn\'t go backstage and didn\'t throw money. I hope you know


Although I don\'t know how excellent it is, others have said so. Naturally, there is no way to continue to doubt. After all, how can the people above be wrong?

Maybe this girl is really talented in some way.

Netizens have not forgotten the transcripts and answers of the examination papers disclosed by the students at the beginning. They scribble on big Chinese questions and arbitrarily modify the answers of other professors. Such a thing can never happen.

And as we all know, these leaders and these schools like to recruit talents, but they are not only learning talents, but also other aspects. As long as they are good seedlings, they will not miss them.

So it must be: there is an emergency in Chi Wei, but because it will be a talent and can not be solved, it is worthy to let this group of people out.

Chi Wan and Song Ci were silent for a long time. They didn\'t know what to do. At the same time, Song Ci finally began to be curious about Chi Wei.

"What has your sister experienced over the years?" the boy squinted and looked at the sky with a clear voice. He couldn\'t hear what his attitude was for the time being, but he still pulled Chi Wan\'s heart up in an instant.

She just used Fu Nuan to let Fu Nuan get a little snake. How can so many troublesome things be extended in the future?

If I had known this would happen, I might as well not do it.

"I don\'t know." unconsciously squeezed her skirt, Chi Wan\'s eyes were full of confusion: "when we found her sister, she was in a remote mountain village."