Max Leveled Boss is Forced to be Pampered by Others

Chapter 453


You\'re right. I\'m speechless.

Chi Ying\'s face also flashed a trace of mistake. He didn\'t expect the other party to say such heartbreaking words. Although the trust was, his heart still felt hurt.

He is so empty

On the contrary, Chi Wei stayed in place quietly. When he heard their dialogue, he couldn\'t help but tilt his head. His eyes flashed a bit of hesitation and confusion: "you haven\'t said what grass powder is."

The little girl\'s tone is particularly sincere, because reading the comments on the microblog, everyone is saying that the big brother cheated many girls\' hearts. This is an act of stepping on several boats, but what does it have to do with powder?

Chi Ying: "

Qiao yuechu: "

For a moment, they couldn\'t help looking at each other again. For a moment, they didn\'t know how to answer. How to explain this? In particular, my sister has been concentrating on scientific research. How can they pollute my sister\'s pure heart without being hampered by such things?

Both of them didn\'t speak. Instead, the robot, who had been squatting beside and keeping silent, heard the master\'s order and soon took the initiative. Automatically enter the search mode, and then immediately read out the standard answers.

"Fans and artists always belong to the relationship of mutual achievement. Fans regard one person as their own light. In order to pursue light, they can become better, fearless and invincible. Idols are born by fans. With the help of fans, they are accompanied by each other in the next step of growth."

"But there are many idols who sometimes have abnormal brains and think crooked, and then they will have some indescribable things with their fans, which can be called..."

Chi Ying: "...!"

Although he dared to promise that he had never done such a thing, how could he feel so ashamed when he was read out in a cold voice by the robot?

For a moment, the man couldn\'t help being speechless, but he soon had to explain to himself: "I didn\'t."

Instead, as an old mother, Qiao yuechu\'s first reaction was not whether his son had any, but immediately covered his baby daughter\'s ears, and then he relaxed a little bit. When the robot finished reading everything, he finally let go.

Pool not: \'\'

But it\'s too late.

Although Chi Wei has almost never had an emotional experience, it doesn\'t mean that he knows nothing about it, especially those who do research. In fact, he will be involved in every field. Naturally, he won\'t know everything about biology. Therefore, from the biological point of view, the little girl has no taboo about this matter.

"There\'s nothing to be shy about. It\'s human nature. It\'s normal for humans to breed offspring."

Chi Ying: "

Listening to my sister, it seems that it is really such a truth.

But soon, my sister\'s still faint voice immediately pulled people back to reality: "so you really grass powder?"

The little girl blinked her eyes. Her eyes were not generally serious. It was obvious that she asked questions sincerely, stunned the man, and then shook her head again and again: "I didn\'t, I swear, I\'ve never done such a thing. After all, I\'m also a person with a girlfriend..."

When he said this, the man was a little guilty and shrunk his neck.

But it\'s no use.

Besides, he was a man with a girlfriend. In an instant, he was heard by his old mother Qiao yuechu. Qiao yuechu was stunned. The next second, he immediately widened his eyes. His eyes were full of disbelief: "when did you have a girlfriend, why didn\'t you tell your mother?"

My son didn\'t tell her that he had a girlfriend!!!

Chi Ying: "

Chi Ying had expected such a reaction. She couldn\'t help blinking again. She didn\'t say much, but responded with silence.

At the beginning of the month, Qiao immediately put the online disputes aside and turned to thinking about other things.

Woo woo.

I don\'t know what my son\'s girlfriend looks like and what kind of mother-in-law she likes. She can make preparations in advance. People\'s girlfriend will not get used to or feel uncomfortable when she comes home for the first time.

"Do you have any photos? Especially your group photos. Show your mother and let her see what your girlfriend looks like!"

"You child actually secretly made a girlfriend and didn\'t tell us, did you? If it wasn\'t for this, you\'d be hiding it all the time!"

Chi Ying: "

The man pulled the corners of his mouth again, and his eyes flashed a little helpless. However, after seeing his mother\'s excited appearance, he knew that he would be misunderstood if he didn\'t explain, so he had to speak quickly.

"I can\'t tell you."

I haven\'t had any contact with my family in recent years. I can\'t make a girlfriend. Suddenly, I ran to report to my family for inexplicable reasons?

Most people can\'t do such a thing.

Chi Ying hung her eyes and looked light, but the words spoken in such a plain tone pierced her heart. For a moment, Qiao yuechu was speechless.


They have been quarrelling in recent years. Even if their son has made a girlfriend, he has no reason to take it home. He has neglected this.

He was a little happier: "well, in the face that you can\'t bring your girlfriend back, my mother will forgive you for the time being, but you have to tell my mother what your girlfriend looks like. Now you must give me a picture, and then you can make arrangements quickly in two days. Come home and have a look, and my mother will show me my good cooking!"

Chi Ying: "

Not to mention the mother\'s craft, will it make people sick.

He doesn\'t have a girlfriend now.


After Chi Ying pulled the corners of her mouth again, she still spoke very hard: "just broke up."

Or if you want to be precise, it\'s just breaking up a few days ago.

"So I don\'t have a chance to take you home. I\'d better stop."

The man\'s voice was faint, but it broke all his mother\'s fantasies.

Joe was stunned at the beginning of the month.

break up?

His son is so excellent that he broke up. How excellent is that girl?!

For a moment, Joe became more curious at the beginning of the month.

However, she soon realized something. The average middle-aged woman covered her mouth again, lowered her voice and carefully said, "is it because your girlfriend was unhappy after reading the news, so she just broke up with you?"