Max Leveled Boss is Forced to be Pampered by Others

Chapter 451


As soon as the words came out, there was a moment of silence around.

Qiao yuechu and Chi Yun didn\'t say anything. Anyway, they know that their son is afraid of suffering, but if he is afraid of suffering, he is afraid of suffering. What else can he do? Anyway, the people who take medicine are not them. They don\'t care.

Chi Ying: "

Chi Ying was stunned.

After half a while, I came back and realized what had happened. I waved my hand and completely ignored my image as a brother: "can I not drink traditional Chinese medicine? I\'m afraid of suffering..."

While talking, the man who is the film emperor doesn\'t forget to blink and discharge at his sister, hoping that his sister can be more polite to himself.

But Chi Weimo has no feelings.

The little girl didn\'t hesitate. She just looked at her big brother and immediately refused.


Traditional Chinese medicine is indeed the most appropriate, because its efficacy can reach the peak, which can not be achieved by other methods, and it also saves time and will not waste the time of the family.

Chi Ying: "

Chi Ying began to cry in an instant.

The man\'s expression was a little depressed, but since his sister said it, he couldn\'t refute it. On the contrary, Qiao yuechu and Chi Yun, as parents, couldn\'t help looking at their son, and the dislike in their eyes became stronger: "Why are you so afraid of suffering? Your sister has to make pills for you and bracelets for you. You are also afraid of suffering. What are you afraid of? I tell you, you have to bear it even if you die hard!"

Chi Ying: "

Pool not: \'\'

However, the little girl didn\'t say much about it. Instead, she began to decorate things faintly, prepared to write a prescription, and then filled and decocted the medicine according to the prescription. She could always succeed if she insisted every day.


Today\'s cell phone is ringing again.

And it\'s not her.

Chi Wei. Although there are registered microblogs, microblogs are rarely used and don\'t like logging in, because once logging in, there will be a lot of news jumping out. However, the little girl\'s sleep time is very shallow and she will be awakened when there is a little movement, so she simply set up silence and no wake-up.

And the two parents don\'t like surfing the Internet so much, so there\'s only one left.

Everyone\'s eyes couldn\'t help looking at Chi Ying.

Obviously, everyone is quite curious about this. It\'s like saying what you\'re doing, why your cell phone keeps ringing? Are you doing something bad?

Chi Ying: "

Wronged and pitiful.

Chi Ying soon opened his cell phone, but soon, the man\'s original relaxed expression changed and became completely different. His face was dignified and his eyes were dull. It seemed that he couldn\'t believe it. He rubbed his eyes in the first reaction, and then stared at the cell phone screen carefully. After making sure he didn\'t read it wrong, the whole person was not good.

Chi Yun:?

Qiao yuechu:?

What is this?

Chi Ying still didn\'t speak, but continued to look at the mobile phone for 10 minutes, pulled the corners of her mouth, brewing for a moment, and finally failed to give a reasonable word.

On the contrary, the little girl was a little impatient. She took the mobile phone directly and grabbed it. The action was very fast and simple. Then the little girl was stunned when she saw the screen.

Finally, this light opening.

"What is grass powder?"

Although the voice is simple, it also brings heavy doubts. Obviously, I didn\'t expect to see such a microblog hot search.

Yes, Chi yingcao powder. This matter has been posted on the microblog hot search.

And not the general hot search position is the first. It has reached a hot level. At this time, many netizens have heard the voice and rushed over, and expressed great surprise.




[although it\'s a combination of things, I can\'t understand it for a moment. It must be the state of Wei kidding us!]

Obviously, they were stunned. For a moment and a half, they were still a little reluctant to believe it, because everyone trusted the film emperor with 10 points. In fact, the other party had been making efforts all the time, had never done anything to disappoint everyone, and had a very responsible attitude towards fans.

Who wouldn\'t trust such an actor?

Therefore, we did not choose responsibilities at the first time, and there was no cyber violence. In addition, each of the family was very powerful. They would not act rashly, but expressed doubts about the authenticity of this matter.

[don\'t stand in line easily at this time, otherwise I really feel strange...]

[he has always been my brother\'s little fan. I always think my brother is a very quiet person and never has too close relationship with fans. He always knows how to respond to our love, but he never goes beyond it.]

[yes, besides, he has been making progress since he joined the industry for so many years. Every play and work are very fine things. He has never made any mistakes. I believe he will not ruin his future.]


We all agree on this matter. We never thought that Chi Ying would do anything bad.

Everyone soon united the front in advance. Although it is said that everyone has no team to remain neutral, in fact, to remain neutral in this matter is equivalent to standing on the side of the film emperor.

No one believes in this matter, even if it has been on the top of hot search.

In fact, their hearts have really strengthened a lot. After the violent attacks in recent days, especially when the guiding professor and the film emperor are brothers and sisters, everyone was very excited at the beginning, but later they really calmed down, so now everything is nothing.

On the contrary, the person who stood up to accuse was stunned. He didn\'t expect that his words had been made up so sincerely, but no one on the other side was willing to believe himself, and even had come to pick mistakes from the United Front.

[now that you\'ve said that, please give evidence first, or we\'ll have nothing to say. How can we trust you?]

[that\'s right!]

[anyway, I don\'t believe my husband will do such a thing. If you can, you\'d better give us the evidence. We\'ll have our own judgment. If it\'s true, we\'ll certainly take off the powder!]

More rational fans have been the first to rush to the comment area and directly control the comments.

However, he didn\'t say too much, but just calmly urged the other party. Since you say so, you should show evidence instead of fooling around like this.