Max Leveled Boss is Forced to be Pampered by Others

Chapter 153

Thinking of his daughter\'s excellent mood, Qiao was curious about the man at the beginning of the month.

If you have a chance, I really want to get to know him, learn how to praise people, and praise my daughter in the future!

After the birthday party, the crowd gradually dispersed.

Chi Wei finally got up and prepared to leave. Although it was the relationship between teachers and students, it was not good for lonely men and women to share a room in the middle of the night.

Chi Wei thought like this and was getting up when he was blocked by a man on one side.

Pool not:?

The little girl\'s eyes flashed a little confused and looked at Fu Shiyan inexplicably, as if to say: are you still busy.

"It\'s not safe at night. I\'ll see you off."

Fu Shiyan still calmly explained that his slender fingertips had picked up a string of car keys, and there was a clear sound between the keys.

"No need."

"I have a bodyguard."

Every researcher will be followed by several bodyguards. Those bodyguards have no other task. They simply follow behind them to ensure their safety.

Therefore, the pool does not encounter any danger.

——If you encounter bad people, the dangerous ones should be bad people.

Not only will they be beaten, but they will also be arrested and locked up.

Fu Shiyan: "

His little girl is still so confused.


In the next few days, Chi Wei was busy with the Research Institute.

Although others in the research institute were responsible for the first test, as the owner of the Research Institute, Chi Wei was still responsible for screening after reading the questions.

In order to prevent the leakage of examination questions, these people have to be taken away and isolated.

Live in a small courtyard prepared in advance, without any communication equipment, absolutely ensure fairness, and there is no opportunity for any problems to flow out.

The pool is not empty.

He still lives comfortably at home and eats the breakfast made by Joe at the beginning of the month every day.

The old lady couldn\'t help humming again.

The Chi family has always had the habit of having breakfast together. It used to be so, but it hasn\'t changed now.

The old lady and Chi Wan sat next to each other. Because they were old, their eyes were a little sharp and turbid. When they looked at Chi Wei, they had an undisguised contempt and dislike.

But when his eyes fall back on Chi Wan, he will quickly become gentle and turn his face faster than turning a book.

Today\'s breakfast is sandwiches and milk.

Knowing that his daughter likes ham, Joe specially added double ham to his baby daughter at the beginning of the month, smiling: "no, let\'s eat more!"

"Eat, you know to eat."

It seemed that she had found a place to vent. The old lady muttered angrily and turned her head again. Chi Wan showed an elderly loving smile: "can\'t you learn from our Wan Wan?"

"Wan Wan has passed the first exam and the second exam, and her grades are still very high. She has great hope to enter Professor Chi\'s laboratory. How can you eat like this except eating or eating?"

The more she talked, the more angry she became. She had no feelings for her granddaughter, only endless dislike.

On the contrary, the more you see Chi Wan, the more you feel comfortable.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he jumped up from his chair: "Oh, forget my stewed bird\'s nest!"

While talking, the old lady ran to the kitchen very quickly.