Max Level Miscellaneous Character

CH 78

One pirate spoke cautiously.

“Well, we are leaving now.”

The pirates on the east side of the island where the incarnation of the sea god lifted the sea were completely annihilated. The ship was completely destroyed, and there was no trace of it.

However, the opposite side was comparatively less damaged. It wasn’t that it was totally fine, but there were survivors.

The party gathered the pirates who were lucky enough to survive. And, on a boat in good condition, they headed to Gaspin, the largest port city in the western part of the continent.

It wasn’t that there weren’t any rebellious pirates. Still, the battle Ivan’s party showed before was quite impressive, so even the pirates with extraordinary skills were terrified.

It was a mythical battle where the sea rose and the land split. Considering that the victor of the fierce battle was in front of them, it was natural for the pirates to become frightened.


When Delfino’s expression hardened and he let out an uncomfortable moan, the pirates were startled and acted quickly. They seemed to think it was because they moved slowly and became uncomfortable.

Of course, Delfino’s expression hardened not because of that, but because of severe seasickness.

Ivan sat in the corner of the deck, wiping his old metal belt with a cloth. At the same time, Delfino went into the cabin, lying on his back with Ferocious Tooth guarding him.

‘Why is it there?’

Megingjörð, Belt of Strength, mythical equipment famous for Thor.

But no matter how much Ivan thought about it, it couldn’t be the real thing. Even if Thor behaves like a fool, he can’t possibly drop his equipment in a place like this…


In Norse mythology, there was also a lesser-known god who sold his sword to get married. With that in mind, it wouldn’t surprise him at all to say that Thor was drunk and dropped his things in strange places.

Ivan looked up at the sky with a very suspicious look, then shook his head. It couldn’t be either.

‘If it’s a piece of equipment that appears in a real myth, I can’t afford it.’

Just holding on to Mjölnir, whom he had borrowed from Thor for a while, burned his arm black. Even though it was not the body in Asgard, but the incarnation that descended on the earth.

Even considering that it was such an object, it was strange that God’s object was neglected so shabbily. So, this is not the belt of strength that Megingjörð that Thor possesses, but it must be a replica made of it.

Ivan stared intently at the belt.

The group returned to their home. They rode around in an unfamiliar boat, and everyone looked tired. It’s not just about physical strength. It’s about mental exhaustion.

It was quite boring and painful for those unfamiliar with the sea to wander around for several days in a place where there was water all around.

Delfino and Ferocious Tooth who at first liked the sea, also had tired faces now. One of them suffered from severe seasickness, and the other was unable to wash comfortably during their sailing.

“There was so much water, yet I couldn’t bath, so it was hard to bear.”

Ferocious Tooth murmured like that and quickly went into the bathroom. It looks like he wants to wash his dirty body quickly.

Unlike fresh water, the sea was salty. As they continued to face it, Ivan even felt that his whole body was stuffy.

They wash their body using magic or water spirits. They wash their body clean, but they can’t help but feel sorry for Ferocious Tooth, who likes to soak his whole body in water.

It was nice just to jump into the sea and cut the whales in pieces in the middle of a voyage.

“I will go to the temple for a while to tell them about the cult.”

Delfino, who had shoved food into his mouth without speaking for a while, got up and said.

He suffered from seasickness, and as soon as he landed on land, he filled his hungry stomach with a happy smile as if he had found heaven.