Max Level Miscellaneous Character

CH 22

“Is it there?”

“That’s right”


Ivan broke the neck of the bandit that guided him this far and tilted his head.

‘Is that really their wild plants?”

Coming here, he took a look at the surrounding mountains and geography. There seems to be a better place, but is this really their hideout? Isn’t it too open to be called a hiding place for bandits?

Ivan hid his presence as much as he could and approached the place little by little.

There’s a guy on guard, but it wasn’t hard to hide as he did not seem to be motivated at all.


Ivan frowned as he went inside after breaking the neck of an unlucky guy he met in the middle.

The size of the brazier, the amount of ashes left by the firewood, and other small traces of the surrounding area.

There were many shortcomings to say that it was a place where about 50 people lived. Won’t it be enough if only there are at most ten people staying?

‘Isn’t there more than one hiding place? Is there any other place where you usually live?’

Ivan, who was so worried, suddenly hardened his expression.

All of a sudden, I could feel the somethings surrounding me.

It was clearly a movement that realized his intrusion.

‘Have I been caught already? This fast?’

Ivan quickly raised his mana and spread it everywhere. Then he felt something like a thin thread.

When Ivan’s magical power touched it, it disappeared with the sensation of glass breaking.

“Wizard! He was watching me with magic!”

Ivan sprinted out of his place and smashed the guy he could see in the head.

A hard ax cuts through the fragile human head and scatters blood and brain fluid. With that, Ivan started running rampant.

Cutting arms, legs and neck. As soon as the seven of them fell, they froze and began to look at one place. Possibly their leader, or a chief. That kind of guy.

“What are you doing here, making a fuss?”

“That’s why you should have eyes to pick people if you want to rob someone.”

“What? Damn it! Those guys messed it up. Even after I said to move while looking at your opponent…”