Marvel: We Are Venom

Chapter 115 - 112 - Strange situation.

Gwen somehow managed to make the concrete come out of her hands.

Gwen walked to the bathroom in her room.

* Crack! *

She broke the door handle with just her hands.

Gwen looked at the doorknob in surprise. "What's happening to me!?"

Gwen started to worry about her body, she walks back to her room.

Realizing she was still in her pajamas, she decides to change clothes.

She tried to change clothes slowly, without putting on too much force. But even though she doesn't try to put on too much force, her pajamas still got torn.

"Those were my favorite pajamas ..." Gwen whimpered when she saw the state of her pajamas.

Gwen felt like she is living in a paper world, if she puts a lot of strength in picking up something, it breaks easily.

This situation was bizarre and worrying for Gwen.

"When did I gain so many muscles?" Gwen wondered when she saw her toned belly from the mirror in her bedroom.

Despite being good at school and intelligent, Gwen was a girl who liked to procrastinate a lot, she hardly exercised, was getting worried about her body. After all, she was putting on weight, but she never felt like doing exercises to change that.

In that part, she was very lazy.

Gwen looked at her arms, unlike the thin arms of a normal girl, her arm looked like a healthy woman who lived in the gym.

This situation was very strange! Suddenly Gwen remembered something Adrian said.

"Gwen, if you are feeling strange, contact me, I will help you."

'When I first heard this, I thought he was talking in a s_e_x_u_a_l way but was he talking about it? Can it be that he knew what would happen? ' Gwen wondered.

Deciding that she had to ask Adrian what was going on, Gwen walked over to her wardrobe.

"Please don't tear, don't tear," Gwen repeated these words as if it were a mantra.

Unfortunately, she cannot control her strength.

"Damn, my clothes ..." She almost cried when she saw the state of her clothes.

Every time she tried to pick up an outfit, that outfit couldn't take her strength and tear, she tried several times not to put too much strength, but it was useless.

"At least, I managed to get dressed." Gwen sigh.

Gwen was wearing a skirt and a shirt that was easy to wear, she decided to wear something simple, because every time she tried to dress normally, her clothes would tear.

Gwen was a girl who liked pants and shirts with long sleeves.

She almost cried when she saw her usual clothes being torn.

"Now ... How am I going to Adrian's house?" She wondered.

Gwen does not want her mother to get anything wrong, she also does not want to alert her mother about what is happening to her body. Somehow, Gwen's mother is quite shrewd about what happens to her daughter.

Gwen looked at her bedroom window. "this will do."

Gwen approached the window. "Slowly, slowly, slowly ..." as she repeated that phrase like a mantra.

"I got it!" Gwen jumped excitedly when she managed to open the window without breaking.

Gwen looked out the window and saw a tree branch close to her, she leaned by the window and tried to reach the tree's branch.

"Just a little more, just a little more ..."

Gwen managed to reach the branch of the tree with her hand.

Gwen sighs with relief. "All I have to do now is jump and then get off the tree."

Gwen jumped towards it, but she doesn't take anything into account; Her physical strength is no longer the same.


The moment Gwen jumped, she easily passed the tree branch and hit her face on the tree trunk.

"Damn, why was it easier in the movies?" Gwen felt nothing when she fell to the ground, but somehow she was embarrassed.

Gwen got up and fixed her clothes, she glanced around and sighed in relief when she realized that there was no one on the street.

Gwen walked over to Adrian's residence, initially, she tried to run. But when she remembered what happened when she used her strength, she decided to walk at a fast pace.

Arriving at Adrian's residence, Gwen wondered what she should do now, somehow, she was embarrassed to call on the door and Adrian's mother to appear.

'Will she misunderstand my visit?'

When Gwen took a deep breath and decided to ring the bell, she was able to hear Adrian's voice with her hearing.

"Am I doing something wrong?"


She also heard a woman's voice.

Gwen decides to walk following Adrian's voice, she walked around the house and followed Adrian's voice.

"What's happening?" Gwen asked aloud when she saw Adrian floating just above the ground.

Adrian quickly turns his face towards Gwen. 'Shit, how did I miss it?'

[You were very focused on yourself and didn't pay attention to your surroundings.] Venom answers you.

When Gwen and Adrian's eyes meet, the two teenagers are paralyzed.

Minutes pass, and the two are still paralyzed as they look at each other.

Finding this strange situation, Jessica decides to call Adrian. "Hey, Adrian. Are you alright?"

Suddenly Adrian and Gwen started to breathe heavily.

Jessica looked at Gwen and saw the girl's breathless face with a red glow. Somehow, Gwen, at that moment, was exuding a very e_r_o_t_i_c air.

Jessica looks at Adrian and sees the boy panting and looking at Gwen with predatory eyes.

"Adrian? Are you alright?" Jessica approached Adrian and tried to get his attention, but it was useless. It was like Adrian's attention was focused only on Gwen.


Edited By: WS Blvckrvse