Marvel: We Are Venom

Chapter 103 - 100 - Capturing.

"What are we going to do?" Natasha asked while still in Adrian's arms.

Adrian smiled. "We will use Symbiote's weakness."

Adrian approaches Natasha's ears and tells his plan in a low voice.

Hearing what Adrian wants to do, Natasha smirks and looks in Jessica's direction.

"What ...?"

Jessica looked suspicious, for some reason, she feels a bad feeling about it.


"What did I do to deserve this?"

Jessica wondered as she walked through the dark corridors of the abandoned base.

Currently, she was not wearing the Symbiote costume, she was wearing the clothes of the SHIELD agents that Adrian found in a closet. After all, she cannot walk around n_a_k_e_d, right?

"I think it was a bad idea to work for Adrian ..."

Jessica murmured as she walked. She doesn't like this situation at all, dark corridors that you can't see anything, growling sounds of some kind of animal that scares her a lot, all that was missing was a ghost or something like that.

While Jessica was rethinking her life choices, Adrian and Natasha followed Jessica a little further, using Symbiote's natural camouflage.

Adrian's plan was straightforward. Jessica is the bait that will attract Symbiote. Symbiote appears Adrian will use the device that Natasha used to damage Venom previously.

"Will Carnage fall into such an obvious trap?" Natasha asked.

"Of course, he is not going to fall into this trap, he is not that stupid." Adrian smiled at his mask.

"Huh?" Natasha didn't understand what Adrian was trying to do, she thought Adrian would use Jessica as bait to attract Symbiote.

"Carnage is the fusion of an intelligent madman and a trained spy. Of course, he will not fall into that obvious trap," Adrian explained.

"Can you explain it better?" Natasha asked in a slightly annoyed tone of voice.

Adrian smiled: "Carnage will not attack Jessica. The reason for this is that he knows it is a trap, he will not take that risk, after all, he thinks he has an advantage because we have invaded his 'territory.'"

Adrian remade his mask with Symbiote and looked at Jessica: "Carnage is smart, but he has a pronounced weakness."

Natasha redid her mask and asked: "What is this weakness?"

"When I attacked Carnage and hurt your face sister's, I could see that she was being controlled by Symbiote. She is just a puppet for Carnage. She is not a host like me, who keeps their intelligence and will intact. " Adrian made two scythes with his hand and looked somewhere as if he saw something far away.

'For a moment, I thought I saw the face look like Natasha's, but they are sisters, so their face must look like?' Adrian wondered he felt awkward when he cut a face like Natasha's.

When Natasha saw Adrian making two scythes, Natasha started preparing. She made two knives with Symbiote and was on the alert.

"What I mean is that Carnage is an animal with intelligence, but he is still an animal that is dominated by instinct." Adrian prepared to fight when he felt something approaching. "The intelligent animals ignored this obvious trap and would attack the individual who made that trap, but Carnage is too smart to attack me. After all, he must have realized that I am stronger than him."

* BOOOM! *

Carnage came out of the top wall and attacked Natasha.

"Following this thought, he will attack the individual he considers weakest." Adrian finished his explanation and attacked Carnage with the scythes and thorns that were on his back.

Carnage deflected Adrian's attack, but he didn't deflect without injury. He lost an arm and a leg that was soon restored by the Symbiote. Carnage attacked Natasha, but as soon as Carnage got close to Natasha.

Natasha used the skill that Adrian taught her after confronting Carnage thew first time. She pointed her hands towards a wall far away and used her webs.

Natasha dodged Carnage's attack, but before she dodged, she left a little gift behind.

A small piece of equipment fell to the floor and started to produce a very loud and high-pitched sound, Carnage started to scream furiously as if in great pain.

Natasha stopped at a wall a little far and looked at Carnage without letting down her guard.

"As expected from Black Widow, I didn't have to say too much that she understood her work perfectly."

Adrian quickly undid his suit. After all, he knew that the Symbiote in his body will suffer if they hear that sound. He also knows that in his human form, he is a little more resistant to the Symbiote's weaknesses.

Venom mutters: [Annoying.]

Riot agrees: [Yes.]

"Huh?" Jessica is stunned by the sudden events, she quickly stopped walking and went back to Adrian.

Adrian threw some webs and held Carnage on the ground. Carnage tried to break free, but it is useless, the webs are very resistant.


The red Symbiote started to roar on the ground, seeing no way to escape without abandoning the current host. Slowly, Carnage started to leave Yelena's body.

"Sister!" Natasha approached Yelena and checked the condition of her body.

Adrian approached Symbiote and took it with his hand, "You are not going to run away, I have several plans for you."

Carnage was irritated, he tried to enter Adrian's body, but the Symbiote inside Adrian's body prevented him from entering.

Lasher and Scream said: [No!]

Venom grunted: [It is already very annoying with six Symbiotes here in Adrian's body, if you add someone annoying like you, I think I will die of annoyance.]

Adrian pursed his lips at Venom's comment.

'Thank you.' Adrian thanked the Symbiote. After all, he doesn't want Carnage to learn the skills that are in his genetic code.

Carnage tried to run away from Adrian's hands, but Adrian won't let that happen. He made a tube out of his Web and put Carnage inside. He is not afraid that Carnage can absorb his webs and run away, after all, he is watching.

"Mission accomplished," Adrian said aloud when he managed to contain Symbiote. He looked at Natasha, who was checking Yelena's condition. "What is her current state?" he asked.

"She is fine, she has no injuries on her body, she is just mentally weary," Natasha said in a relieved voice.


Adrian approaches Yelena. When he is going to try to carry her like a princess to get out of this abandoned place. Natasha asked in a threatening voice: "What are you doing?"

"I'm carrying her out of this place," Adrian replied without understanding.

"You don't have to do this, she is very light, with this costume, I can carry her easily," Natasha responded when she took her sister like a princess. Natasha knew her sister very well. She is a very illusory and lonely person. The last thing she wants is for her sister to fall in love with Adrian.

When Natasha saw Jessica, she immediately distrusted her, she thought Jessica liked Adrian. Still, since she doesn't want to be a jealous girlfriend, she was silent.

Natasha is absolutely sure that if her sister woke up and sees Adrian carrying her as a princess, she will fall in love with him. Natasha doesn't know if her sister has m_a_t_u_r_ed or not, after all, they haven't spoken for a long time, but she doesn't want to risk it.

Adrian shrugged his shoulders, seeing Natasha's attitude.


Edited By: WS Blvckrvse

Chapter 135 will be released this week in Pa treon, support me by donating so that I can write more and more.: Pa