Marvel: The Second Element is Fierce

Chapter 28

American high schools are different from Chinese high schools. Chinese high schools have fixed classrooms where students don\'t move and teachers don\'t move, while American high schools have mobile classrooms where teachers don\'t move and students don\'t move. Moreover, the courses are not the same for everyone. They need to choose courses.

According to the difficulty, it is divided into regular courses for mass students; Prepare "honors" courses for students with strong ability; For excellent students, there is also the "college preparatory" course (AP). At the end of each semester, they will select courses for the next semester. Tutors will give specific guiding opinions according to students\' individual conditions and graduation requirements. On the first day of the school year, students will go to the school to get their own curriculum.

Wang Kai chose ordinary courses. After all, Wang Kai didn\'t have any special expertise before. Even now, he doesn\'t have any expertise. Wang Kai\'s goal is an ordinary university. As for Ivy League university, it\'s not Wang Kai\'s consideration. Unless he draws some special abilities, I\'m afraid it\'s impossible.

Jimmy\'s courses are the same as Wang Kai\'s. except for those hacker technologies, Jimmy\'s other courses are also sloppy, so he won\'t choose other more difficult courses.

After getting their own curriculum, most of the courses of Wang Kai and Jimmy overlap, that is, they can have classes together. Very few of the remaining courses have separate classes. Wang Kai and Jimmy take their schoolbags to the classroom where they need to have classes.

When he came to the classroom, Wang Kai saw Gwen sitting in the middle of the classroom. Wang Kai and Jimmy chose to sit in the corner. It\'s better not to deal with Gwen too much. After all, they have no sense.

After a while, Peter also came to the classroom and secretly sat behind Gwen. Maybe others didn\'t pay attention, but Wang Kai noticed that this loser is really obscene. He only dared to peep behind his back. What kind of flower protector would he play? If you don\'t have spider man\'s ability, I\'m afraid you don\'t dare to get close to others and lick your face to support Gwen\'s Non Violence theory, You are the most violent.

At the end of the day\'s course, Wang Kai and Jimmy drove home. They didn\'t participate in any community activities. They left school early in the afternoon. Unlike Chinese high school, they studied by themselves early and late, so that the students didn\'t seem to have enough sleep every day. The third year of hell is not empty talk.

"Kay, how are you today?"

After driving Jimmy home, Wang Kai also went home. Like his wife waiting for her husband to go home, Skye came and asked.

"It\'s still like that. There\'s nothing new. What about you? If you\'re bored at home, you can find something to do."

Wang Kai takes off his coat and goes to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Skye can\'t cook any food, and Skye likes to eat the food made by Wang Kai very much. Every time Wang Kai cooks, she goes to the kitchen and steals it there. When the dishes are ready and brought to the table, the first dishes are eaten. They are like children. In fact, they are children, But Wang Kai\'s psychological age is a little older.

"I\'m still learning something. I find that I can\'t get into many places in the network. Recently, I tracked down a company called the strategic homeland intervention, enforcement and logistics division Oh, it\'s a tongue twister department. My life experience seems to have something to do with them, but I can\'t invade their system at all. They almost found me. I still need to continue to enhance my ability. "

Skye said that he didn\'t expect Skye to stare at the Divine Shield Bureau so early. No wonder he would join the rising tide organization against the Divine Shield Bureau and keep staring at the Divine Shield Bureau. He felt how heinous the Divine Shield bureau is.

"S.h.i.e.l.d of s.h.i.e.l.d? I\'ve given it a simplified name. I\'ve heard of this organization."

Wang Kai said that the simplified version of the s.h.i.e.l.l.e.l.d. will appear in the future. Now they have been using a very tongue twister name "land strategic defense attack and logistics support bureau". Maybe they think such a tongue twister name will make people feel formal.

"Only know this organization? Tell me about it."

Skye only heard one name now. Unexpectedly, his girlfriend knew it.

"Well, actually, the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. is not too mysterious. It is an international organization. All countries have inspectors. The s.h.e.l.d. was established after World War II. In fact, it took shape in World War II. At that time, it was called the strategic science corps, which only deals with the Hydra organization of * *. After the war, it was renamed the strategic risk intervention and intelligence Logistics Department, and now it is called the homeland strategic defense attack and post war organization "Logistics support Bureau."

Wang Kai said that the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. changed its name too much, and it was so tongue twister every time. The s.h.i.e.l.d. still sounded pleasant to the ear, and the symbol was also good. After you have the opportunity to meet their people in the future, you must mention it.

"What do they do? Is it a secret service? FBI? CIA?"

Skye felt that according to Wang Kai, the s.h.i.e.l.d. bureau should not be a bad person.

"No, they don\'t belong. They don\'t manage ordinary crimes. They only manage some unknown things, such as aliens, alien objects and super power criminals. They don\'t belong to any country. Although they are in the United States, they receive the supervision of the United Nations."

Wang Kai said that this was also a problem that he became more and more upset when watching TV dramas, because after the s.h.i.e.l.d. Bureau was reorganized by Hydra, the status of s.h.l.d. Bureau seemed to decline sharply, and then basically obeyed the orders of the U.S. government. Later, it was basically subordinate to the U.S. government, without the previous neutral position.

"Are you also within their jurisdiction?"

Skye was a little nervous. In her heart, jurisdiction was to be arrested and imprisoned.

"It\'s within the scope that they should pay attention to, but they don\'t have any ability to manage me. Don\'t look at them too much. They are trained agents. They just gather better talents, monitor the world more, use better weapons, and nothing else."

Wang Kai disdained to say that the s.h.i.e.l.d. has nothing to care about except high-tech equipment and monitoring. Otherwise, why did Nick Fury set up an avenger alliance and let their agents stand on the Manhattan building and fight with the chitari army with guns? It will not further highlight the role of the s.h.d. in the end, it is not because the s.h.d. has little power, So Wang Kai doesn\'t care about the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. it\'s only these super villains who are considered dangerous by Wang Kai.

"Do you think my parents could be agents of the s.h.i.e.l.d.? Maybe they had an accident because of their mission."

After listening to Wang Kai\'s words, Skye at least has no aversion to the s.h.i.e.l.l.d. the Americans hate the black organs most and feel that the black organs hinder human rights and freedom.