Martial Immortal Inheritance System

Chapter 834

The burial star cult leader, the moon star emperor, asked coldly, "seven murders, why contact me with the method of blood sacrifice? What\'s the problem?"

"There\'s really something wrong!"

Seven kill star emperor is a little embarrassed. What should I say? Said we couldn\'t beat each other, and then arranged a blind date for you?

The seven star killing emperor doubted that the sect leader would kill him.

Seeing the look of the seven kill star emperor, Yue inadvertently shouted, "what\'s the problem? Say it!"

"That, Godhead!"

The greedy wolf star emperor came up and said, "when you get married, can you let me marry with you? I don\'t mind being a little girl, and I promise to be good!"


Even the indifferent moon was stunned at this time. Didn\'t something big happen? Why did she suddenly turn to marriage?

Also, you greedy wolf star emperor, what\'s the matter when I\'m married? When was the dowry maid so high?

Not only the moon was unconscious, but also the seven kill star emperor and the broken army star emperor. The seven kill star emperor covered his face with his hands. It\'s really a shame to lose home!

The moon cheered: "what\'s the matter? Is it that the greedy wolf star emperor was beaten silly?"

What else did the greedy wolf star emperor want to say? He was pulled aside by the broken army star emperor. The seven kill star emperor said: "sect leader, this is the thing..."

The seven killing star emperor confessed the matter again without any concealment. Yue was stunned: "you mean, I wish I could defeat you with one thumb, and then he would like to have a blind date with me?"

"Master, it sounds incredible, but it\'s all true!"

The seven kill star emperor nodded. He smiled bitterly and said, "even if we are outrageous, we can\'t make up such a lie!"

The moon didn\'t want to be credible. She asked, "what\'s the matter with the greedy wolf star emperor?"

The seven killing star emperor said awkwardly, "good luck has conquered her. She would rather be your dowry girl than marry each other!"

The month has no intention and is completely speechless: "take a star emperor to marry together. Even the star emperor doesn\'t have such treatment?"

Greedy wolf star emperor shouted: "I don\'t mind!"

"I mind!"

The moon humed unintentionally and said to the three star emperor, "you continue to stay in Morningstar city. I will go there myself. I will come for a while. Good luck!"

After a pause, Yue said coldly, "isn\'t he going to have a blind date? I\'m with him, but it\'s us together, not him alone!"

"Godhead, good luck. Although this man is strange and powerful, he still has a bottom line, otherwise the three of us will not live until now!"

The seven kill star emperor said, "of course, in case, the leader should be prepared!"

Yue unintentionally said, "of course, I will take most of the star emperors together and see them together. Good luck!"

The seven kill star emperor was stunned: "most of the star emperors have brought them here? Leader, there\'s no need for such a big battle?"

"Of course, my mother\'s family should come together for such a big blind date."

Yue Wuxin snorted coldly, "besides, we don\'t have a way to save the world now. Instead of staying at the headquarters and thinking hard, we\'d better come out and change our minds."

The seven killing star emperor nodded and said, "that\'s right! By the way, the leader remembers, we can\'t tell them the strength of good luck."

Yue Wuxin said, "don\'t worry, I won\'t forget!"

The seven kill star emperor hesitated and said, "master, I know you don\'t like good luck, but I have an intuition that good luck can really save our world!"

"Me too!"

The army breaking star emperor should be in harmony. The greedy wolf star emperor nodded again and again: "of course, my greedy wolf star emperor\'s husband will certainly save the world!"

Moon unintentionally said, "are you sure you are not controlled by good luck? Especially the greedy wolf star emperor!"

"It shouldn\'t be!"

The seven kill star emperor shook his head and said, "of course, you have to judge it yourself!"

"Of course I\'ll come in person. Well, I\'ll get there as soon as possible."

Month inadvertently nodded and interrupted contact. The bloody mirror soon faded.

The seven kill star emperor put away the mirror and said, "the leader is going to form a group blind date. I hope the star emperor won\'t be angry!"

The broken star emperor said indifferently, "isn\'t it normal for your mother\'s family to have more people? I\'ve seen a blind date. The woman brought all her relatives!"

The emperor make complaints about it: "are you sure that the woman is going to blind date instead of eating big family?"

"Do you want us to prepare a venue or something?" asked the broken star emperor

"Don\'t you need it? I wish you a big house."

The seven star killing emperor shook his head first, then said silently, "it\'s such a serious thing to save the world. Why did it become a blind date? And we have to help prepare!"

"You ask good luck!"

The broken star emperor rolled his eyes and said, "preparation is still something to do. This time, it\'s not only a cooperative negotiation, but also a real blind date! Hey, maybe this time can really achieve a good thing!"

"That\'s true!"

The seven killing star emperor nodded and said, "then get ready. By the way, monitor the third prince. The star emperor supported by the imperial court should be coming soon!"

Once again, the emperor of the wolf again Tucao: "it\'s useless to make complaints about it. Our mother\'s family is coming out."

"That is, no matter who comes, I guess he will regret it!"

The seven kill star emperor laughed and finally had a pleasant thing!

When a person is unlucky, as long as someone is more unlucky than him, he can be happy!


Zhang Yunhao didn\'t stay in place to spy on the three star emperor who killed and destroyed the wolf, because it was not necessary. After leaving the broken temple, he went directly to the beggars\' sect headquarters!

When Zhang Luoying saw the sudden appearance of Zhang Yunhao, she was surprised and asked, "Grandpa, why are you here? Aren\'t you going to have a blind date?"

Zhang Yunhao asked, "just find a substitute. How many beggars\' sect elites have you summoned?"

"The elite of the beggars\' sect in the nearby city have arrived. There are more than 100!"

Zhang Luoying said, "Grandpa, do you want to see them?"

"See you, now raise their strength to the star king!"

Zhang Yunhao nodded and said, "when the stars fall, it\'s impossible to improve! By the way, Tianying star, Wuqu star and Tianzhan star have fallen. Don\'t call anyone who has these stars."

Although Zhang Yunhao still has a way to collect the star power of these three stars, it is too troublesome to use for ordinary people, and he already has these three star powers.

"Grandpa, Wuqu star and Tianzhan star have fallen?"

Zhang Luoying exclaimed, she doesn\'t know about it!

When the stars fall, the stars in the sky will dim down, but not all stars are as bright and special as Yang stars. The light of most stars is very dim. Er, similar to the phenomenon of bright moon and few stars, many stars even need the help of special instruments to observe, such as Tianying star and Tianzhan star.

In addition, there are 360 stars in the sky. No one will count them every day. One or two less will not be found immediately.

Therefore, at present, only those star kings whose lives are Wuqu star and Tianzhan star know about the fall of Wuqu star and Tianzhan star. As for the star kings below, they feel weak. Although they will detect something wrong, they are not sure that it is the fall of stars.

Of course, except for Star City, the people there must know everything!

"Falling, or falling in the direction of the imperial city!"

Zhang Yunhao said, "you don\'t have to worry. There are no casualties in the imperial city. After all, most star emperors are concentrated in the imperial city!"

"That\'s OK."

Zhang Luoying nodded first, then asked in shock, "wait, Grandpa, do you mean that the two stars fell together?"

"Yes, the two fell together!"

Zhang Yunhao nodded without saying that it was his own pot. How can his niece and granddaughter know about this? What a bad image!

Zhang Luoying said anxiously, "stars have fallen one after another, and they are more and more powerful. The end is really coming!"

Zhang Yunhao put on his mask and said, "that\'s what I should consider. Now take me to meet the elite of the beggars\' sect!"

Zhang Luoying asked, "Grandpa, why do you wear a mask?"

"I don\'t want them to know my identity for the time being!"

Zhang Yunhao said, "you remember, don\'t let them go out for the time being. Let them come out when we officially save the world!"

Zhang Luoying nodded: "well, the elite of the beggars\' sect are very disciplined. This is not a problem!"

Then they went to the secret room of the beggars\' sect. On the way, Zhang Yunhao thought of one thing and asked Zhang Luoying, "niece and granddaughter, what\'s the reputation of the burial star cult?"

"What do you say?"

Zhang Luoying replied: "the imperial court has been publicizing that they do all kinds of evil and their crimes are unforgivable, but I have met several star kings of the burial star cult. I found that they are OK and have a bottom line. Although they resist the imperial court, they are not like villains!"

"It seems that the three star emperors of the burial star sect did not lie!"

Zhang Yunhao nodded and believed in his niece\'s judgment.

Zhang Luoying was stunned: "Grandpa Bo, have you met the star emperor of the burial star cult?"

Zhang Yunhao said, "well, they\'re going to introduce their leader to me. I\'m going to kiss her!"

"Blind date?"

Zhang Luoying seriously suspected that she had heard wrong. Why did she suddenly become a blind date? This sudden change in painting style!

Zhang Yunhao said, "yes, on a blind date, you don\'t mind having a man in his twenties... Er, what\'s the name of this generation? It has suddenly become such a high generation, I really don\'t know!"

"I don\'t know."

Zhang Luoying couldn\'t respond. She couldn\'t help asking, "Grandpa, do you really want to find a wife in our world? Or the leader of the burial star cult? Grandpa, once you have a relationship with them, you\'ll betray the court!"

"I\'m not going to find a wife. I\'m here to save the world. However, if there is fate, I won\'t refuse!"

Zhang Yunhao shook his head and said, "you may not believe it. The family of the leader of the burial star cult is a queen\'s professional family. I think it matches me very well."

"Queen\'s professional household?"

Zhang Luoying looked confused. She was so young. Of course she didn\'t know about Yue\'s family!

Zhang Yunhao simply told the story of Yue\'s family. Zhang Luoying was stunned: "the emperor of starlight did such a despicable thing?"

"It\'s the Xingguang emperor 600 years ago. Of course, the royal family comes down in one continuous line, and there\'s no difference!"

Zhang Yunhao shook his head and said, "in short, the royal family can\'t believe it."

"Grandpa, are you going to betray the court?"

Zhang Luoying is a little tangled. Although she knows the evil deeds of the royal family, she still doesn\'t intend to betray the imperial court, because she is used to being a member of the Empire!

Moreover, the people of the beggars\' sect are famous all over the world for their heart of protecting the country!

"Look, my purpose is to save the world. Who dares to stop in front of me, I will destroy who."

Zhang Yunhao glanced at Zhang Luoying and didn\'t stimulate her. In fact, he and the royal family can\'t get together, because the royal family is from the wusheng side of Tianji!

This is why Zhang Yunhao did not hesitate to attack the star emperor of Wuqu!

Zhang Luoying advised: "if you can\'t turn your face, you\'d better not turn your face. If you want to save the starlight world, you can\'t do without the starlight empire!"

Zhang Yunhao said with a smile, "wait until my blind date is over!"

"After kissing?"

Zhang Luoying thought for a moment and said, "Grandpa, why didn\'t I go and have a look at it at that time? I\'m also your relative!"

Zhang Yunhao didn\'t know what Zhang Luoying thought. He smiled and said, "do you think your uncle is the kind of person who forgets his righteousness at the sight of color?"

Zhang Luoying blinked: "isn\'t it?"

"No big or small!"

Zhang Yunhao knocked Zhang Luoying on the head and said, "you\'re the leader of the beggars\' sect. You shouldn\'t come forward. If you really want to see it, you\'ll hide in the dark."

"OK, grandpa!"

Zhang Luoying breathed a sigh of relief. Grandpa Bo\'s attitude should not be a problem!

Zhang Yunhao lost his smile. His niece and granddaughter has a much stronger sense of responsibility than himself. It\'s good. She can rest assured that she will be handed over to Zhangjia in the future.

Soon, they came to the secret room. Hundreds of beggars\' sect elites saw Zhang Luoying coming in and saluted together: "see sect leader!"

"You\'re welcome. You must be curious about what I called you for?"

Zhang Luoying raised her hand and said, "the answer is very simple. I want to promote you to the star king!"

"What, ascend to the star king?"

The beggars\' sect disciples were shocked. A female disciple couldn\'t help asking, "sect leader, aren\'t you kidding?"

Zhang Luoying didn\'t talk nonsense. She raised her hand to Zhang Yunhao and said, "I won\'t make fun of such a thing, sir, please!"

Zhang Yunhao nodded and said, "give me your hand and come one by one."

The disciples looked at Zhang Yunhao suspiciously, but in the trust of Zhang Luoying, the female disciple gave her hand to Zhang Yunhao!

"Natural danger star, yes, it didn\'t exist!"

Zhang Yunhao nodded with satisfaction. While imitating each other\'s star power, he helped her expand her meridians and Dantian. After the expansion, he directly led tianxianxing\'s star power into the female disciple\'s body!

Before long, the female disciple was officially promoted to the star king. With a dull face, she withdrew her hand and asked foolishly, "this is the star king. Am I dreaming?"

A disciple said, "if you lift up your left hand and pinch your face hard, you will know if you are dreaming!"

The female disciple was so shocked that she subconsciously did it, and then naturally gave a scream!

"Zhao Xiaosan, you want to die!"

The female disciple turned her head and glared at the disciple who had spoken before. At the same time, a star king\'s momentum rose from her and pressed on everyone like a mountain!

"It\'s really the star king!"

The disciples were stunned. Is that too simple? When did it become so easy to be promoted to star king?