Martial Immortal Inheritance System

Chapter 386

"Never be trapped by fire!"

As soon as Zhang Yunhao\'s face changed, he got up and continued to fly towards Yongwu emperor at a high speed.

"It\'s useless, Long Yun. You can\'t escape!"

Emperor Yongwu laughed and clenched the dragon magic gun. The golden flame on the ground suddenly rose and swept towards Zhang Yunhao like a volcanic eruption.


Zhang Yunhao immediately conjured up nine figures in the air, and then the nine figures conjured up new figures respectively. In the blink of an eye, there were 81 figures, attacking Yongwu emperor from different directions.

"What ability does this boy have? Hum, no matter what ability, he can\'t compare with the Dragon flame!"

Emperor Yongwu was quite stunned. Then he stamped with his big foot. The earth shook. Countless golden flames were fired into the sky like shells. It was just a reverse fire rain.

In such a terrible fire rain, Zhang Yunhao\'s phantom quickly disappeared. One by one, they were tired and hard to protect themselves, let alone close to Emperor Yongwu.

"The Dragon flame is really terrible. Even a large army will be destroyed here."

The people sighed again and again. A prince sneered, "Long Yun really doesn\'t know how to live or die. He dares to challenge his majesty. When he returns to the Empire, he will be imprisoned in the Imperial Palace forever."

"Yes, this son is so rebellious and must be punished."

Many princes nodded. The angry King snorted and said, "there\'s no point in the victory or defeat. What\'s your arrogance?"

"The Dragon flame is invincible in the world. The dragon cloud can\'t stop it. He will be defeated soon."

The prince who spoke before looked at the king of anger and sneered, "king of anger, you bet the wrong treasure this time."

"Let\'s see."

The angry King\'s mouth is hard, but he has no bottom in his heart. It\'s not that he can\'t trust Zhang Yunhao, but that the divine dragon flame is too terrible.

In fact, even empress Guo Xin and empress Mingxin are quite worried. After all, the divine dragon flame is too powerful.

"The strongest attack also means the weakest defense! Emperor Yongwu, take my move, uncontrollable fire meteor."

In the face of Yongwu emperor\'s terrorist attack, Zhang Yunhao was not surprised but happy. He took a deep breath and the power of the sealed flame suddenly burst on his feet!

This is the power of fire all over the body. The explosion is really terrible, like a sky avalanche. At the same time, air and fire rush out with violent impact, and even onlookers thousands of miles away are forced to retreat.

Such a terrible explosion naturally formed an amazing driving force. Zhang Yunhao immediately collided with emperor Yongwu like a violent fire meteor. The air in the place passed by diffused fiercely outward circle by circle, and there was a harsh roar to the extreme one after another. It was appalling!

It\'s just an ordinary move to form a driving force by the explosion of fire, but if you release all the flames in the whole body in an instant, this ordinary move will become a killer mace!

Quantitative change produces qualitative change!

Emperor Yongwu didn\'t even react. He was hit by Zhang Yunhao and released the Dragon God gun. He slid fiercely on the ground and didn\'t stop until he slid for thousands of kilometers.

Because the momentum was too strong, when they stopped, they had fallen into the ground for tens of meters. At the same time, a long tunnel appeared behind them, full of soil and fire.

Emperor Yongwu felt that his bones were broken and he couldn\'t move at all. In fact, if he hadn\'t been determined, he would have fainted.

Zhang Yunhao is also uncomfortable. He is dizzy. This move is strong, but he can\'t control it at all, so he is called an uncontrollable fire meteor.

In fact, if Zhang Yunhao was not strong and protected his body with vigorous Qi in time, he might be more seriously injured than emperor Yongwu.

"How could this happen?"

The people who have just resisted the flame whirlwind are stunned. What is Zhang Yunhao\'s move? Is it terrible? Is emperor Yongwu going to lose?

"The seventh Prince is good!"

The angry King laughed proudly. The seventh Prince did not disappoint him. Dingshan king and others nodded repeatedly. Long Yun was really powerful. Even Yongwu emperor, who owned the holy thing, was defeated by him. No wonder he dared to compete for the throne!

Princess Li\'s eyes flashed and quietly greeted several princes, who nodded one after another.

"In the future, this move is still used less. It\'s terrible. In addition, you should practice iron head skill when you go back."

In the tunnel, Zhang Yunhao shook his head, got up and gave directions to Emperor Yongwu, trying to control him completely.

"Dragon magic gun!"

Emperor Yongwu reacted for the first time and called the dragon magic gun with his mind. The fire of the dragon magic gun flashed in front of him and resisted Zhang Yunhao\'s fingers with the gun!

Fire dragon blood has no blinking ability, but dragon magic gun has!

"I still want to turn over and dream at this time!"

With a cold hum, Zhang Yunhao burst out a powerful force at his fingertips to blow up the uncontrollable Dragon God gun, and then his fingers continued to point to Yongwu emperor!

"Blood of fire dragon!"

The delay just made emperor Yongwu recover a little strength. He opened his mouth and sprayed all the blood just poured out because of the impact on Zhang Yunhao.

These are the blood of fire dragons. As soon as they appear in the air, they immediately turn into golden flames, filled with terrible high temperatures.

"Dragon subduing golden body!"

Zhang Yunhao was surprised. At such a close distance, he had no time to avoid or destroy. He could only protect his body with a golden body.

The golden flame immediately burned on the gold body. Zhang Yunhao was trapped there by the golden flame and couldn\'t move.

Emperor Yongwu tried his best to shout, "Princess Li!"

"Your Majesty, please accept our strength!"

Imperial concubine Li immediately used her ability to condense the power of several princes into a fire dragon and quickly sent them to Emperor Yongwu - those princes were already ready!

"You cheat!"

The anger king and others were furious, but they couldn\'t stop Princess Li. Even empress Guo Xin and Mingxin had no time.

A prince laughed: "hahaha, what about cheating? Long Yun is doomed!"

"Yes, rebel, you are doomed!"

Emperor Yongwu looked at the approaching fire dragon with joy. With the power of others, he could definitely defeat Long Yun!

Zhang Yunhao sighed and was disappointed: "Princess Li, it seems that you still chose emperor Yongwu."

In fact, this is normal.

Zhang Yunhao is really kind to concubine Li, but the future of concubine Li lies in emperor Yongwu!

When Emperor Yongwu wins, she is the queen and has power over the world. Conversely, if Zhang Yunhao wins, what can she get? Great, a powerless princess!

In this case, Princess Li naturally chose emperor Yongwu!

As for the kindness, I will repay it slowly in the future. It\'s a big deal to take care of Zhang Yunhao\'s life!

"Just, how can I not do anything on you?"

Zhang Yunhao pulled a touch of ridicule from the corner of his mouth and sent a message to imperial concubine Li: "Guan Yu!"

Concubine Li\'s eyes suddenly became confused. Then, her fingers deviated, and the fire dragon instantly changed direction and fell on Zhang Yunhao.

"Wow, I feel like I can tear it apart."

Zhang Yunhao felt that his whole body was full of strength. He gave a loud roar, and the golden flame outside exploded and sputtered everywhere!

Then, Zhang Yunhao pointed Yongwu emperor\'s acupoints a little apart.

The smile on emperor Yongwu\'s face froze for a moment. After a moment, he shouted with endless anger, "how can this happen? Princess Li, you betrayed me?"

Princess Li suddenly woke up. She was frightened and angry and shouted, "no, I didn\'t... Long Yun, what did you do to me?"

"No hands and feet, just let you go the right way, all for the fire dragon empire!"

Zhang Yunhao said faintly. Just then, the Dragon God gun in the sky came to Zhang Yunhao with a golden flame, but emperor Yongwu was dying.

"Come here!"

Zhang Yunhao grabbed the Dragon gun in his hand like an electric light, and then his right hand shook at an amazing speed. The flame on the Dragon gun went out quickly, and even the struggle became powerless.

When the dragon magic gun has no resistance, Zhang Yunhao takes it into the storage space and solves it later.

So far, the battle is over!

"Long Yun, you\'ll never want to be the emperor of the fire dragon empire. Princess Li, take someone to kill Long Yun!"

Emperor Yongwu shouted with a ferocious face. He would never give up the throne. It was the throne above everyone!

"Protect your majesty!"

Imperial concubine Li had made a mistake and had to take a black road to the end. She immediately rushed to Zhang Yunhao with several princes.

"You have cheated once and want to do it again?"

Dingshan king, Guo Xin and empress Mingxin immediately came forward with disdain.

When the two women moved, the lightning golden horse immediately followed - he didn\'t know what had happened, but he was very loyal and wanted to protect people!

"Emperor Yongwu, you are so ugly! Eh?"

The king of anger also intercepted. At this time, he was shocked, and the evil spirit in his eyes disappeared in an instant, replaced by confusion.

A moment later, the angry King regained consciousness. He immediately glared at Zhang Yunhao: "Long Yun, you control me?"

Zhang Yunhao smiled while sending the shadow of all evil into Yongwu Emperor: "Uncle Huang, welcome back to the fire dragon empire. I will help you restore your identity as Prince of the fire dragon empire!"


The angry king was suddenly stunned, and countless thoughts flashed in his mind. A moment later, he stamped his feet and continued to intercept lifeI and others.

Does the anger King hate Zhang Yunhao? Hate, but he hates Yongwu emperor more. Moreover, he wants to restore his previous identity and be aboveboard!

Therefore, the king of anger chose to really take refuge in Zhang Yunhao, because Zhang Yunhao is about to become the emperor of the fire dragon empire!

Seeing that concubine Li and the king of anger were fighting, several neutral princes looked at each other and didn\'t know what to do. At this time, Emperor Yongwu, who was helped up by Zhang Yunhao, suddenly drank: "well, let\'s stop!"

"Your Majesty?"

LifeI and others looked at Yongwu emperor in amazement. Didn\'t he let everyone do it just now?

"I lost. According to Zu Xun, I officially passed the throne to Long Yun."

Emperor Yongwu said in a deep voice, "from now on, Longyun is the emperor of our fire dragon empire!"

"Your Majesty?"

Imperial concubine Li and others were shocked. Emperor Yongwu actually surrendered? It\'s impossible. With his character, it\'s better to be broken than complete!

Not only concubine Li was shocked, but Guo Xin and other neutral princes were stunned. What\'s going on?

"It\'s another means. It\'s really powerful. Even the emperor can control it."

Empress Mingxin was amazed, and the king of anger snorted. Of course, he knew what ability Zhang Yunhao used - an ability that made him afraid.

Emperor Yongwu shouted, "what are you waiting for? Don\'t you see your majesty soon?"

"See your majesty!"

The king of Dingshan immediately saluted with fists - they are all royal families. There is no need to kneel.

"See your majesty!" the angry King hesitated and saluted the same.

Others were still hesitating, especially Princess Li. She clenched her fist and shouted, "Your Majesty, are you threatened by Long Yun?"

"I\'m not coerced!"

Emperor Yongwu shouted angrily, "are you going to betray the fire dragon Empire? See your majesty soon?"

What else does Princess Li want to say? Just then, Zhang Yunhao\'s voice suddenly sounded in her ear: "Princess Li, the overall situation has been decided. Don\'t force me to deal with you. Surrender. I won\'t treat you and Princess 13 badly."

"The overall situation has been determined. Yes, the overall situation has been determined. I lost my bet!"

Princess Li smiled miserably, loosened her fist and saluted Zhang Yunhao with regret: "see your majesty!"

"See your majesty!"

Seeing that concubine Li had fallen, other princes saluted Zhang Yunhao one after another. Since then, Zhang Yunhao has officially become the emperor of the fire dragon empire!

"Good, good."

Zhang Yunhao nodded with satisfaction. He waved and said, "let\'s get up!"

"Thank you, your majesty!"

All the people thanked together. Guo Xin and empress Mingxin were overjoyed. Now, their strength was stronger!

"Father, these crystals of vitality can help you recover."

Zhang Yunhao took out some vitality crystals and gave them to Yongwu emperor. Then he said to the people, "let\'s not say more about others. At present, the most important thing is to get the treasure of God!"

The king of Dingshan nodded and said, "that\'s right, your majesty. What shall we do next? Give orders!"

Zhang Yunhao said, "if you want to open the treasure of the gods, you must collect the blood of the five families, and the two descendants of the Shuilong family are mine, so we don\'t have to worry. We can take our time!"

"The two descendants of the water dragon clan are in your Majesty\'s hands?"

When they heard the speech, they were happy. In this way, they changed from passive to active.

The king of anger asked, "Your Majesty, Xue Hu probably has a strong army of terracotta warriors. How should we deal with him?"

"He has an army, so do I!"

Zhang Yunhao smiled and said, "now go and join my army. When I finish dealing with some things, I\'ll take you to destroy Xue Hu. Anyway, the treasure of God must belong to our fire dragon empire."

"Your Majesty also has an army?"

The people were extremely shocked. The seven princes really exceeded everyone\'s imagination, even the army!

After the shock, everyone was excited. The stronger Zhang Yunhao was, the greater their chance of obtaining the treasure of God.

The king of Dingshan asked, "Your Majesty, won\'t you come with us?"

"I have something to deal with. My father will take you out."

Zhang Yunhao handed a branch to Emperor Yongwu and said, "father, please take this branch and the army will obey your orders."

Emperor Yongwu nodded, "don\'t worry, I won\'t let you down."

Everyone was shocked to see this scene. One second they were still killing each other, and the next they were filial to their father and son. What\'s the matter?

Of course, this is good for the fire dragon empire.

Then, the two sides parted ways. It is worth mentioning that before they left, Zhang Yunhao took back the shadow of all evil on Dingshan king.

Dingshan king was very angry after waking up, but he didn\'t do anything in the end. He acquiesced to everything. After all, the overall situation has been decided. Zhang Yunhao is the Fire Dragon Emperor!

For the sake of the fire dragon Empire, Dingshan king can only bear this tone!