Martial Immortal Inheritance System

Chapter 129

"Flower, flower, I don\'t know if I can come back alive when I go to encircle and suppress the demon gate this time."

On the snowy mountain, in the fire sword villa, the rose female Xia is sighing in a low voice among the roses. Killing the demon gate is not as beautiful as the Jianghu thinks. Every time she is killed and injured.

Just then, a low voice suddenly sounded behind her: "younger martial sister, you are still so sentimental!"

The female Xia rose turned in amazement, looked at the visitor, that is, the great Xia of wind sword, and asked, "elder martial brother, why are you here? Eh, it smells so heavy, elder martial brother, have you been drinking again?"

"I missed you, so I came."

The great Xia of wind sword came over full of wine and said affectionately. The female Xia of rose blushed for a while, and then said, "senior brother, I already have a husband. Please leave quickly. If my husband finds out, it\'s not good."

"How about being found and being found? I\'ve had enough of it after so many years. How could you marry that guy if he wasn\'t so mean?"

The wind sword great Xia looked angry. The rose female Xia was about to explain something. Suddenly, the wind sword great Xia hit her acupoints like electricity and made her unable to move.

The rose nvxia asked in amazement, "elder martial brother, what are you doing..."

"What I want to do, of course, is what I always want to do."

The wind sword great Xia smiled strangely, and her fingers were a little. The rose female Xia fell down in a daze and was held in her arms by the wind sword great Xia.

"Sure enough, she is a beautiful woman. Now she can do whatever she wants."

A strange light flashed in the eyes of the wind sword great Xia. There is no doubt that he is not the wind sword great Xia at all, but Zhang Yunhao!

"The thousand face Magic face is really easy to use. Speaking of it, the purpose of the thousand face Wuxian is to play with women."

Zhang Yunhao tut tut praised that this time he came here disguised as great Xia Fengjian to defile the rose nvxia and plant a frame.

What\'s more wonderful is that the real wind sword warrior is just drunk. In this way, it will become a luoshengmen, and the seven sword sect will fight for it.

Just when Zhang Yunhao was about to act, an embarrassing thing happened - he found that he couldn\'t do it, although he did have some ideas about the rose nvxia.

"Can\'t you do such a thing even if the evil is magnified? This is me?"

Zhang Yunhao tasted his heart carefully and thought about it. A sword pierced the rose nvxia - the plan is always to be completed. Since it can\'t be tarnished, it will become a manslaughter.

"You can\'t do anything dirty, but you can kill an innocent person so easily. Zhang Yunhao, Zhang Yunhao, what kind of person are you?"

Zhang Yunhao asked himself, pretended to be at the scene, and then escaped from Huojian villa in a panic.

"Eh, isn\'t that the great Xia of wind sword? Why did he run away in such a panic in our fire sword villa?"

Two patrolling disciples saw Zhang Yunhao and looked stunned. One of them frowned and said, "it seems that the wind sword great Xia came out of his wife\'s yard. Terrible. There may be an accident. Let\'s go and have a look."

The two disciples hurried over. As soon as they entered the yard, they saw the rose nvxia lying among the flowers, and her blood dyed the roses nearby red.

"Ah, wind sword, I\'ll kill you!"

When the fire sword great Xia saw his wife\'s body, he was extremely sad and angry. He roared up to the sky without any nonsense. He immediately led his disciples to the wind sword villa to find the wind sword great Xia.

The drunken wind sword great Xia was soon awakened. When he heard that the rose female Xia died and was killed by himself, he was very stunned. He quickly explained: "I didn\'t kill it. I didn\'t kill it. I\'ve been drinking here all the time!"

The great Xia of fire sword roared with red eyes, "my disciple saw you escape from the yard full of wine. Who are you?"

"I said I didn\'t! You\'re a waste. You can\'t even protect younger martial sister. Younger martial sister, why are you dead?"

The great Xia of wind sword shouted angrily and sadly. This sentence was like lighting a fuse, which made the great Xia of fire sword go wild in an instant. Then he came out of the sword directly.

The wind sword warrior fought back without hesitation. The two sides fought, and soon their disciples also fought.

People from other villa naturally heard such a big noise and rushed over one after another. They wanted to persuade each other, but when they knew what had happened, someone immediately changed his mind.

"Wind sword, you killed younger martial Sister Rosa. I won\'t let you go."

The ice sword female Xia who made friends with the rose female Xia directly attacked angrily. Another great Xia quickly stopped her. The remaining two great Xia were very anxious to stop, but they were unable to do so. They could only watch the battle grow bigger and more chaotic.

Finally, the sect leader of the seven swords sect, great Xia Longjian, came back from the seven swords city. When he saw the chaos of the sect, he was angry and said angrily, "enough, stop!"

If it\'s normal, everyone must listen to the Dragon Sword great Xia, but now people are killing red eyes. They are still fighting to the death. There are many bodies on the ground.

The Dragon Sword great Xia became more and more angry. Holding the dragon sword, he came forward to separate the wind sword great Xia and the fire sword great Xia. The two sensed the attack, subconsciously returned to the sword to fight back, and the three fought together.

The Dragon Sword great Xia is one of the nine experts in the world. He is still defeated by one enemy and two. According to normal conditions, he can certainly stop the two great Xia, control the situation and solve the great chaos this time.

However, under normal circumstances, some people don\'t want to end like this!

"Although there is a contradiction between the fire sword great Xia and the wind sword great Xia, it doesn\'t affect your extermination of the demon gate. Therefore, you have to make more trouble."

Zhang Yunhao, disguised as an ordinary disciple, pushed his palm across the air, and the wind sword great Xia directly hit the Dragon Sword of the Dragon Sword great Xia involuntarily.

The Dragon Sword great Xia was shocked and changed his moves quickly, but the wind sword great Xia came so fast that even with his ability, he could barely deflect the blade, and the long sword still stabbed into the wind sword great Xia\'s shoulder.

"Good, good!"

Seeing the opportunity, great Xia Huojian immediately made up a sword from behind and completely killed great Xia Fengjian. Then he laughed: "madam, my husband has avenged you!"

At first, he still laughed, but soon the great Xia Huojian burst into tears, while the others of the seven swords sect were stunned. Did the great Xia wind sword die, or did he die together with the great Xia dragon sword and the great Xia fire sword?

"Sword master!"

The people of wind sword villa were full of grief and anger. They roared and rushed up to avenge fire sword and dragon sword. The battle was more intense than before.

"I, this..."

Great Xia Longjian noticed something wrong. There was an obvious problem just now, but now no one listens to his explanation. Even several other great Xia have some complaints. Is this too cruel?

"Now, do you have time to encircle and suppress my demon gate?"

Zhang Yunhao sneered, and then left silently. It\'s enough to be here. He doesn\'t care what happens next. Anyway, the seven sword sect can\'t encircle and suppress the evil cult again.

"I always thought I wasn\'t a bad person, but I didn\'t feel guilty for killing so many people. Is this really just the influence of evil?"

This is what Zhang Yunhao cares about most!