Martial Immortal Inheritance System

Chapter 127

Seven days later, at noon, on a building ship riding the wind and waves, a man and a woman stood side by side in the bow. The man was dignified. Unfortunately, he had a hooked nose and looked a little sinister. This man was Fang Jun, the owner of the Fang family!

The woman was Fang Jun\'s wife Du Juan. At the moment, she was dissatisfied and said, "what\'s the matter with the holy church? We\'re so anxious to go back and say we won\'t deal with it as apostasy. Don\'t you know how busy we are after occupying Linhai City? We\'re still apostasy, afraid they won\'t succeed..."

"All right."

Fang Jun interrupted Du Juan. He said, "the emperor must have his idea. I guess it may have something to do with the Tiandao sect and the seven sects planning to siege the Holy Church."

"Besiege the holy church?"

Du Juan heard about it for the first time and immediately exclaimed, "don\'t we also suffer?"

Fang Jun said confidently, "don\'t worry, this is overseas, not the Central Plains. As long as we work together with the saints, even the seven sects can\'t get well."

"That\'s true."

Du Juan breathed a sigh of relief. Only then did she understand why her husband had to come and dared to come to the yin-yang sect.

Fang Jun stopped and said nothing more, but sneered in his heart: "duren? Hum, he just has a good father. He has great ambition and talent. He must be flustered this time?"

At this time, one of Fang Jun\'s men suddenly came over and whispered, "Lord, this is not the direction to yin-yang magic island."


Fang Jun was surprised. Just when she wanted to ask, Princess LAN came out of the cabin with a smile. She said, "elder martial brother Fang, don\'t worry. Shengjun specially asked me to take you to a good play."

Fang Jun said with a smile, "Oh, younger martial brother, are you afraid of my boredom?"

"Shengjun is very concerned about each other\'s senior brother."

Princess Lan said mysteriously, "most people are not qualified to see it. This is the biggest secret in our island."

"Oh? That really needs a good look."

Fang Jun is a little interested. In the past month, the holy church seems to have changed a lot. He even covets the wine and sugar, which is one of the reasons why he came.

Soon, the building ship came to an island, on which two armies were fighting.

One army has only about 2000 people, most of whom wear leather armor, but their skills are really good. It\'s more than enough to fight five of them - the whole army is the same.

Although the other army has nearly 10000 people, it is poorly equipped and its formation is very scattered. At the moment, it has been beaten by a team of 2000 people, and it is estimated that it will be defeated soon.

Fang Jun and others looked at it carefully for a while. They all looked incredible. Du Juan couldn\'t help asking, "where is this army? Unexpectedly, each one has the strength of a centurion!"

In the state of Liang, if you want to be a centurion, you must at least have the strength of the true Qi realm, and each of the 2000 people has such strength. What an amazing thing!

Even if Fang Jun is surrounded by two thousand people, no, five hundred people, he will die!

Fang Jun couldn\'t help asking, "Mrs. LAN, where is this army?"

Princess LAN smiled and said proudly, "of course, this is our army. The leather armor on them is still transported by your Fang family."

"Our army? Leather Armor?"

Fang Jun quickly stared at the leather armor when he heard the speech. Yes, it is indeed the leather armor produced by their Fang family. In other words, is this really the holy army? But how could the Holy Church have such a terrible army?

"PIGA? It seems that the emperor is making trouble for that. Damn it, I knew I shouldn\'t have been so greedy."

Fang Jun\'s face was ugly. There was no doubt that this was the emperor\'s downfall. He couldn\'t help regretting what he had done and was uneasy about this holy religious trip.

Not only Fang Jun, but also Du Juan and the senior management of the Fang family. Obviously, Zhang Yunhao\'s downfall has a good effect.

At this time, Princess LAN smiled and said, "elder martial brother Fang, the emperor is determined to rule the world. We should help him well!"

"The emperor has such a strong army, and it is just around the corner to dominate the world."

Fang Jun laughed on the surface, but his heart was very gloomy. He had never taken Du Lun, let alone wanted to help him!

"That\'s natural. Unfortunately, these natives lost too fast and didn\'t look good. Elder martial brother Fang, let\'s go back to the island now."

Princess LAN smiled even more and commanded the sailors to turn. Fang Jun couldn\'t help asking, "Mrs. LAN, why did Saint Jun attack these natives?"

"For the sake of slaves, there are not enough slaves now. Many workshops on the island need hands."

Princess Lan said that Fang Jun was more and more stunned, but the emperor was more and more unexpected.

Soon, the people came to the yin-yang magic island. Fang Jun saw many liang people hurried around in rough and clean clothes. He was surprised and asked, "Mrs. LAN, when did the slaves on the island become so free?"

Princess LAN explained, "they are not slaves, but civilians. They can\'t be killed at will. The holy monarch wants to rule the world. The previous slavery was not suitable."

"The emperor is really far sighted."

Fang Jun smiled and wondered more and more. Was this still the saint he knew? It\'s totally different!

The more he went inside, Fang Jun was more and more surprised, because the island was in full swing. Some were dredging water conservancy, some were building roads, and various workshops were full of vitality.

"The yin-yang magic island is completely different. Is it really all written by the emperor?"

With such doubts, Fang Jun came to the Yin Yang palace and saw that Zhang Yunhao didn\'t pick them up. The Fang family were a little dissatisfied.

Fang Jun was also dissatisfied, but he still told everyone to be calm. Princess LAN sneered and took them to the hall. There was a tall figure waiting for them. It was Zhang Yunhao.


Fang Jun was about to salute. Suddenly, he felt that the saint in front of him had become a giant elephant full of infinite power. It was ferocious and unparalleled. As long as he moved a little, he could easily crush him.

Fang Jun was shocked and tried his best to run Zhenqi to fight, but because his heart was full of fear, he couldn\'t even adjust the original 50% Zhenqi, so he could only stand up straight.

In fact, Fang Jun is good. Compared with him, other senior members of the Fang family are even more unbearable. Some even collapsed directly to the ground with a trembling face of fear.

Fortunately, the vision soon disappeared. Then Zhang Yunhao smiled, strode over and said, "elder martial brother Fang, long time no see."

"Saint Jun, long time no see, really long time no see."

Fang Jun took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. He was about to continue saluting. Suddenly, he thought of something. He was shocked all over and said with an incredible face: "Saint Jun, you have achieved the extreme state?"