Martial: I Started The Technological Revolution In Ancient Times

Chapter 30

Xiao Yun returned home. This time, no one came to influence him. When the servants saw it, they hid far away.

If others see it, they will be depressed.

But for Xiao Yun, it is a good thing!

He waved his arm and said, "Qing\'er, go to the accounting room and get some money back. I have to take a good rest in the yard. I need to exercise here for a long time in the future."

"Oh, ok... But can they give it?"

Xiao Yun sneered and said, "if they give less, they will directly draw their big mouth into their face and kill me."

Shangguan qinger couldn\'t help laughing, but she still asked with some worry: "but if you treat them like this, I\'m afraid they\'re betraying their relatives. How many problems will there be? Should you be gentle?"

Xiao Yun sneered, say: "Do you think all of the Xiao family are from the Xiao family? Besides, at the beginning, a group of servants dared to be rude to the only heir of my family, but turned to a group of outsiders. Either they were crazy and didn\'t regret their death, or they were the spies put here by others. It\'s best to die, so... Anyway, it\'s my duty to let them live now A soft means! "

"Yes... That\'s right."

Shangguan qinger smiled awkwardly and asked for money.

Xiao Yun\'s face sank at the moment she went out.

The body suddenly shook and sat on the bed.

For a moment, he was sweating like water.


He cursed in a low voice, took out the gold needle, divided it into nine ways, and stabbed it near his wound.

His hands tremble violently when they are raised.

One hand was hurt as a whole and the other was stabbed.

All the previous acts were disguises!

With great perseverance, there was no weakness.

Even now, in front of Shangguan qinger, he didn\'t show his pain.

In previous lives, someone said that he was like a lone wolf.

Even if you are black and blue, you will secretly find a place to lick the wound alone.

But he\'s not.

He doesn\'t think he is a wolf, but he looks like a wolf keeper!

Jackals, wolves, tigers and leopards cannot be raised.

But in the process of raising, we must pay attention to one thing and take it as the most important thing.

That is, you can never expose your weakness to them!

Even for a moment.

Just for a moment.

The guy who grinds at your temples with his head one moment will open his mouth and bite at your throat the next! One shot!

Man is like a beast.

The beast is a natural killer.

So everyone is a killer!

Xiao Yun gave only one chance in his previous life.

But died under that soft heart!

He doesn\'t blame each other very much, just himself.

Softhearted, that is, he lost and lost his life together, but he lost completely.

When the golden needle crossed the acupoint, Xiao Yun finally breathed out heavily.

Trembling carefully lying in bed, squinting.

He wants to sleep, but he can\'t sleep yet.

The time of gold needle in the body cannot be too long. If it is too long, it will affect the blood flow. In this world with extremely poor sanitary conditions, it is easy to get infected and then hang up.

There is an old saying in previous lives that "you can\'t drink overnight water".

Some people are curious. The water that has been put into the night in the morning can be drunk at an interval of more than ten hours. When it is put into the day at night, it can\'t be drunk at an interval of several hours? I don\'t understand this ideal.

But in fact, this is a very important life experience! Of course, it is in this environment with poor sanitary conditions.

There are more mosquitoes, rats and ants at night than in the day!

When people fall asleep, naturally, they can\'t see that mosquitoes will lay thousands of eggs in the water. Beetles go in and take a bath, and mice come and drink.

Drink this water into your stomach in the morning... It doesn\'t matter if your stomach is strong.

This is the difference in the environment. There are some completely different customs in two completely different worlds. If you make a mistake and don\'t adapt, you really don\'t know how to die!

Just like now, the previous life is just a small injury, but this time it needs to be taken seriously.

There are also some customs and cultures. Xiao Yun can only do as the Romans do without much resistance.

There were a few clicks in his body, like the sound of bubbles breaking. Xiao Yun pulled out those gold needles, then left the word "eat" on the table, covered his quilt and fell asleep.

Rest, for him who is diligent, is originally a luxury.

After a beautiful sleep, after getting up, it hurts more.

This is a normal phenomenon. There is no need to panic.

It was late, and candles were burning on the table, reflecting a table of meals.

Shangguan qinger fell asleep on the table, snoring slightly.

Xiao Yun quietly got up and walked over.

Even though he ate quietly, he woke up Shangguan qinger.

She gave a muddled response for a long time, and then hurriedly said, "Yunshao, are you awake?"

"Yun Shao, Yun Shao... That\'s what outsiders call. You should call young master!"

"I\'m used to it..."

Shangguan qinger obviously didn\'t want to change, so he continued: "Yunshao is really right. They really gave the money happily. Before Yunshao stole... Cough, forget what he took. The money in this case directly increased by 20 times. In one month alone, there was a ingot of gold!"

"Oh? Gold? How much?"

"Of course it\'s one or two."

"Ah? So little."

"Already a lot!"

Shangguan qinger rolled her eyes and said, "the master\'s salary is more than 40 Liang a year. Apart from the food and drink expenses of dozens of people in the whole family, most of it has been spent on your regular money. Are you not satisfied?"

Xiao Yun was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "it seems that the old man has some measures."

The two didn\'t communicate. Xiao Yun did the big thing, so he turned and left directly.

Things at home are naturally arranged by the old man himself.

This case of money should be a disguised statement.

He sighed helplessly, hoping that the relationship between the master and the grandson would not deteriorate.

After all, family... What a wonderful word!

He really doesn\'t want to lose.

After dinner, Xiao Yun did not exercise again, but continued to go to bed.

Shangguan qinger was not allowed to warm his bed this time.

So she looked at the little bed by the door that would fall to the ground as soon as she turned over, and then looked at the big bed. It was not in her mind.

After hesitating for a long time, he even took the initiative to get close to Xiao Yun\'s bed. Seeing that the other party didn\'t mean to drive himself out, he directly lay next to Yi and soon fell asleep.

I\'m afraid Xiao Yun\'s injury will take some time, so for most people, evaluation is a big event!

They looked at each other and were silent, waiting to skip this link and take a direct look at their children\'s future.

"I have a play!"

An old minister emerged from the crowd.

They turned their heads and couldn\'t help but feel sick in their hearts.

This person is Qiu Renyi, the great scholar of Wenhua hall, and Qiu Ge, the elder.

Originally, the cabinet only assisted Your Majesty in dealing with some important affairs. To put it bluntly, it was your Majesty\'s staff who gave him advice, but could not directly manage the practical affairs of government affairs.

But in recent years, the hand of the cabinet has obviously stretched too long!

Sure enough, Old Qiu Ge said in a deep voice: "According to the report of Huang Nan Taoist official, since the beginning of spring this year, millet like insect eggs have been seen on the branches and turf, and there are a large number. According to the records of Tiangang lunar calendar, if such insect eggs appear, locusts are likely to occur in late spring and early summer. The old minister remembers that this situation also occurred 17 years ago. The disaster of that year... Your Majesty must also remember that locusts are like clouds and churn like the sea There was no grass left. The disaster that year began from Huangbei Road, passed through Huangnan road and all the way to Jianghuai road. The territory of the whole state of Qin was affected. The southern region was the most serious, with people displaced, starving people everywhere, and even the tragedy of changing children to eat. The next year, the moon wheel country took advantage of the weakness and broke down... "

"All right!"

Before Qiu Ge finished, his majesty stopped him in a deep voice.

"I know what happened after that."

Hearing the news, his Majesty\'s original good mood disappeared in an instant, his face was livid and his palm trembled.

The officials below were also stunned.

At this time, a minister came out from the crowd and said in a loud voice: "Your Majesty, the insect disaster was the worst disaster in a hundred years 17 years ago. Now it has only been more than ten years. How can the insect disaster come again? I feel that Qiu Ge is always a little worried. I\'m afraid it\'s a shadow of a bow and a snake. I\'m frightened by the disaster in 17 years."

Qiu Ge frowned and turned his head.

But it\'s master Zhao Wuji!

When they both stood up at the same time, the atmosphere on the scene was different.

Nervous, depressed.

In recent years, with the strengthening of the cabinet, the Court seems to have been divided into three forces.

The orthodox school headed by Sangong once had the greatest power and power. To some extent, it can be said that it was divided with the imperial power.

Second, the royalists, led by the three orphans and six departments, cover all government affairs, but they mostly act in the golden mean, giving people a philosophical and self-protection attitude, and rarely get involved in the struggle for rights.

After all, in today\'s Qin state, the imperial power is the most important. One word is life and one word is death.

The third is the cabinet.

The number of people is the least, but their power is becoming stronger and stronger. Their biggest feature is that they seem to have countless eyes.

It is rumored that they are in charge of the red guards!

In recent years, the red guards have brought down many officials, including the chaotang Da Yuan.

Three forces, one neutral.

So today\'s court is more like a battlefield between orthodox and emerging factions.

Whenever one of them puts forward an opinion, the other will immediately raise an objection.

Sometimes even just to oppose.

For example, Zhao Wuji\'s words today are somewhat inhumane.

Locust plague is a big event!

Even if it is groundless, it is worth spending a lot of energy to prove it.

You can even spend a lot of money to protect!

It is impossible to say, and there is no strong argument. Naturally, everyone knows that this is nonsense.