Marriage By Fire: All Hands On Deck

Chapter 39 - You Said That This Is What Grandfather Wanted? Is That So?

"I made some arrangements to have the rest of your belongings shipped to Ki mansion, where you will be living with Director Ki and his family. The late President Ki Guchang would have wanted you to stay there."

Hearing the mention of her grandfather\'s name brought tears to the eyes of Ki Mirabelle, the two had secretly met and went on outings together when she was growing up as a little girl. No matter how hard she tried to hold her tears back, they fell unrestrained.

Red eyed and nose running, Ki Mirabelle made up her mind right there to fulfill her grandfather\'s wish.

"You said that this is what grandfather wanted? Is that so?"

"Yes, Miss Ki Mirabelle. The late President Ki Guchang wanted you to become his successor."

Grief stricken, Ki Mirabelle silently continued to cry as she gave her full consent to Han Yi.

"Secretary Han! I will meet you at Nanyuan airport at 7pm EST! That should be 7am your time zone. I don\'t like being made to wait, if I don\'t see you, I\'ll stay at my mom\'s place!"

Already cranky from waking up so early in the morning to jet out of the country, Ki Mirabelle\'s testy response was not lost on Han Yi. Rather than rising up to the challenge, he decided to end the call on a professional note.

"Rest ȧssured, Miss Ki Mirabelle. I will be on the lookout for when your plane lands. Have a nice flight."