Marked Girl By Hidden CEO

Chapter 264

Everything is the same as Mu Chengfeng expected.

Heifeng takes people to enter from the rooftop. Qi ran here tells the inside scene of exclusive enjoyment through the Morse code.

——Yanhui is ready to run away. You try to save the banquet boat by the driver.

After receiving the instructions, lielie hurried downstairs and happened to see the two guards dragging the banquet boat out of the room.

"Come on, your highness can\'t wait any longer. I heard that Mu Chengfeng has brought a lot of people to attack and come in, and there are people downstairs. Shit, listen to the gunshot, brothers, we won\'t die here? Mu Chengfeng obviously doesn\'t intend to take care of the hostages and die with our highness."

One person was a little scared: "I heard that marshal Mu is a man who kills his own mother. Will he care about the hostages? Shit, I won\'t run with Yanhui until I\'m out of my mind."

"Hurry up, don\'t procrastinate. Watch the banquet boat. It\'s a hostage."

"Give me a fart." The two men were familiar. They looked at each other and pushed the banquet boat onto the list: "brother, take this man down quickly and we\'ll cut you off."

It was said that after the break, the two grandsons ran like being chased by ghosts.

Rowlie pulled up the banquet boat and ran, saying, "our people have come down from the roof. Run up, and they will protect you."

The banquet boat\'s face changed: "what about you?"

"I\'m going to protect marshal. Marshal can\'t have an accident." Then he pushed the banquet boat up the stairs: "hurry up, don\'t come down."

Knowing that she was a burden, the banquet boat dared not hesitate any more and ran upstairs.

The list here rushed down quickly. Yanhui\'s people had fought with the night owl, and Mu Chengfeng became the safest and most leisurely.

At this time, Yanhui and Carl can\'t bear to let him die. Now it\'s hot. If Mu Chengfeng dies, there\'s no way to save the body. If the body breaks down, it\'s really useless.

So mu Chengfeng and Xiao Jiu stood aside and watched the two groups of people play quite lively.

Soon Su Ming came down with a box in his hand and said anxiously, "the banquet boat is gone."

Now that Yanbei is gone, the banquet boat will disappear. It\'s Mu Chengfeng\'s rival. It\'s useless to threaten Mu Chengfeng.

Yanhui and Carl looked at each other, and they said at the same time, "withdraw, withdraw!"

Yan Hui was cruel, "Mu Chengfeng, since you don\'t care about the lives of those people, I\'m not polite."

With that, he took out a remote control and pressed a key.

After a bang, a building not far from Zunxiang suddenly began to explode one after another.

Yanhui laughed when he heard the explosion. He was about to press another key. One foot kicked him sideways and kicked the remote control away.

The skill of listing is quite good. He rolled on the spot and directly rolled in front of Mu Chengfeng, protecting his Marshal behind him.

Mu Chengfeng looked at the fool in front of him coldly and kicked him out with one kick at ordinary times.

"Get back there!"

"No, marshal, I protect you!"

Xiao Jiu really couldn\'t see it anymore. He pulled the list and hid behind Mu Chengfeng. The goods just reacted at this time.

"What are you doing here? Stupid!" Xiao Jiu is really too lazy to turn his eyes.

At this time, lielie also reflected that he was really stupid. Yanhui\'s people had surrounded them. He rushed in like this to drag his Marshal back.

"Marshal, I\'m in a hurry... I forgot to bring my brain..."

It can make people cry.

Yanhui waved his hand, several machine gunners came over, pointed their guns at Mu Chengfeng, and took them out.

Finally, just as Mu Chengfeng expected, Yanhui kidnapped them to leave, but they were arrested as originally planned, and finally listed the fool.

As soon as Yanhui\'s car left, yufeiran chased up with people.

The night owl here did not hesitate, but also followed suit. All the falcons left and left the mess of Fengshi to Mayor Chen and the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Fortunately, Yanhui blew up an office building. There was no one in the building, so there were no casualties.

In addition to the unfortunate man who was shot dead at the beginning, several other police and special combat personnel were injured and killed.

Wake up to the south, the building is empty.

The police asked her why she was here. She hesitated for a long time. Finally, she cried and said that she was caught by Yanhui. The police had no doubt and kindly comforted her.

As soon as the battle here ended, Qi ran received the news from Yanchi.

It turned out that Yanhui also had arrangements in the imperial capital to assassinate Yanchi. Fortunately, Mu Chengfeng explained in advance that Yanchi was protected without any loss.

But Nangong Yu was injured.

Someone broke into the research institute to catch Nangong Yu. Who knows Nangong Yu\'s nerd doesn\'t stay at all this time. He knows that his situation will be in danger at any time after the success of plan W, so he has asked Mu Chengfeng to help him repair a special laboratory for a long time.

After he was injured, he was protected by his assistant and hid in the laboratory. No matter how people outside bombed with bombs, the door didn\'t open.

Knowing that Yanchi and Nangong Yu are safe, the night owl and Qi are relieved.

Here, the night owl and others chased Yanhui all the way. On the other side, the banquet boat saw the south.

The front of the banquet boat was closed, so he didn\'t see the south. At this time, he was surprised to see the south in Zunxiang.

He cried even more to the south, and was not wronged: "brother Qingzhou, I, I was caught by Yanhui. He, he is not human, brother Qingzhou, I\'m so afraid..."

Tears are real. I didn\'t expect that Yanhui bastard didn\'t take her seriously at all. He didn\'t take her seriously. He also wanted to kill her. He was so angry that he was going to vomit blood.

Unfortunately, the banquet boat has always had a bad impression on the South and can\'t even pretend.

There was a touch of doubt in Yan Qingzhou\'s eyes: "Yan Hui caught you? So clever? Why did he catch you?"

"He, he thinks I\'m beautiful. He... Brother Qingzhou, Yanhui is a pervert. He bullies me. I\'ll sue him!"

At this time, the banquet boat was in no mood to pay attention to whether what he said to the South was true or false. He thought about the north and the north in his heart, so he didn\'t even bother to be perfunctory.

"Go home by yourself. I have something else to do."

The police sent a car and personally sent the banquet boat back.

Looking south at the police car leaving quickly, he broke his white teeth.

"Why? Why are they so good to Yanbei, but they don\'t even want to look at me more? Why?"

South is not reconciled, obviously grew up together, why Yanbei\'s life is so good, protected and spoiled by so many men.

And what about her?

It was not easy to hold Yanhui\'s thigh, but I didn\'t expect that the bastard was really ruthless. After sleeping with her for so long, she almost fell dead!

Thinking of the collision just now, I felt my bones ache all over me.

Yanbei, I hate you!