Marked Girl By Hidden CEO

Chapter 252

Yufeiran\'s hotel was controlled by him, so yufeiran received the news when the night owl got off at the door of the hotel.

"Let him go!" Yufeiran didn\'t sleep all night and was in a bad mood.

Heifeng hesitated: "childe, we\'ve been looking for Yanhui for so long and he\'s always playing around. I mean, boss ye may be able to help me sort out my ideas."

"No need." Jade feiran drank the wine in the glass, "let him go and I\'ll sleep for a while."

Heifeng quickly took the glass, "then you have a rest."

The owl downstairs was stopped by yufeiran and refused to enter.

"Lord Xiao, our childe said that you are not allowed to enter."

Will the night owl pay attention to the words of these minions? With a big hand, the owl entered the hotel.

Heifeng received the news and came out of yufeiran\'s room to see the owl in a black suit coming with Yunchen.

"Night boss, our childe has just slept."

The owl frowned: "just slept?"

"Just slept."

"He\'s been like this lately?"

"Almost always." After all, Heifeng didn\'t dare to drive the owl away. He opened the room next to yufeiran to give him a rest and said, "Yanhui is really too cunning. Our childe is anxious for revenge, so it\'s inevitable to be impatient. He was almost in danger several times, and he didn\'t allow us to say it."

The night owl took off his coat and said, "is feiran hurt?"

"Fortunately, they are all minor injuries, but..."

"Just what?"

Heifeng sighed, "you\'ll know when you see him."

The owl\'s heart suddenly tightened.

At this moment, the owl is not sleepy at all. Just let the black wind tell them their whereabouts during this period of time.

After hearing Heifeng\'s words, the night owl immediately felt that Yanhui was really a talent. The main reason why he failed was that he was narrow-minded, headstrong and lost the support of the people.

Yu feiran has been led by his nose for so long that he can\'t catch his tail.

Heifeng: "our childe said Yanhui should be in China, but he hid too deep."

The owl said, "I\'ll discuss it with feiran tomorrow."

The black wind was about to stop talking, "night boss, our childe..."

"I know he doesn\'t want to see me. It doesn\'t matter. Leave it to me."

Heifeng and Yunchen went out.

Today\'s first ray of dawn has appeared in the East. The owl lit a cigar, and there was no emotion on his bronze face.

He was originally an extremely introverted man. He would only keep his thoughts and thoughts in his heart and would not tell anyone.

Yu feiran lives next door, and the owl feels a little excited.

Yunchen means that maybe yufeiran will give him another shot when he wakes up, but the night owl firmly believes that feiran won\'t.

After smoking a cigar, it was daybreak and the owl went to sleep.

Yufeiran didn\'t sleep well. Maybe he dreamed of the owl when he heard that the owl came before he went to sleep, which made him as upset as he didn\'t sleep.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt someone in the room.

He turned his head and saw the owl sitting on the sofa opposite the bed looking at him.

"What\'s the matter with your face?"

"Open the door and come in." Said the owl.

Yu feiran looks at the owl like a monster. Ha, this man can tell jokes. Unfortunately, it\'s not funny at all.

"Get out."

The owl sat motionless: "I want to talk to you."

Jade feiran was thrown out of bed: "there is nothing to talk about between us except business."

He went to the window and opened the curtain with a Shua.

The sun outside suddenly came in, and the owl saw the black snake on yufeiran\'s neck and a black snake spitting a fishy red snake letter.

The night owl\'s eyes were cold. In that position, the damn abnormal Yanhui had left bite marks there.

Feeling the owl\'s eyes, Yu feiran turned around. He sneered and pulled the collar of his bathrobe, so the owl saw the whole snake.

The black snake climbed over his collarbone, then wound up his neck and spit out snake letters under his earlobes.

Snakes are black, especially with shiny black eyes. The snake letter is red, with a cold smell on one\'s back.

Yufeiran was originally a demon. It was beautiful and exquisite from head to toe.

Now, there is a dark black snake on his neck, which makes his whole temperament look evil.

"Do you think..." Yu feiran looked at the owl and said, "do I look good with a black snake or the bite mark of that beast?"

The owl clenched his fist. "Feiran, brother will avenge you."

"No!" Yu feiran\'s face was cold. "I will avenge yu\'er and me. Go away. I don\'t want to see you."

With that, Yu feiran went into the bathroom to wash. When he came out, regardless of the owl, he took off his nightgown and began to dress.

The night owl found that Yu feiran was thin again, and there was only a thin layer of abdominal muscle left.

"Feiran, you are thin." The owl couldn\'t help saying.

Jade feiran didn\'t seem to hear. She dressed in an orderly way and then went downstairs to have dinner.

The owl came uninvited and followed.


Hearing that Yanhui is planning to return to the imperial capital, he can\'t restrain his excitement to the south.

"I only want three things," Yanhui said coldly. "First, Yanchi\'s life; second, the backup of plan W; third, Nangong Yu."

All three things are difficult.

Su Ming said: "Your Highness, if plan w really has a backup, Mu Chengfeng will certainly put it in an absolutely safe place. But that kind of thing is hard to find. A small chip can be placed anywhere. Dig a hole in the ground and bury it casually. We can\'t dig the soil inch by inch."

Yan Hui said coldly, "I don\'t care. I have to get a backup so that I can take back everything with the help of Prince Carl."

Su Ming hesitated: "Your Highness, that Carl is not a good thing. They have been coveting plan W. I think it\'s unsettling and kind."

"Hum, it\'s who dares to compete with the tiger for skin." Yanhui told Su Ming: "at present, the most important thing is to find a backup quickly."

They were talking when the door was suddenly pushed open.

Yan Hui\'s eyes were like eating people in an instant, "bitch, are you eavesdropping again?"

He hurriedly said to the south, "Your Highness, I know where you said the backup is."

Yan Hui looked shocked: "where is it?"

After selling to the south, Jiao smiled and said, "Your Highness, if I\'m right, do you have any reward?"

Su Ming closed his eyes. This Nanfang is really a fool. Does she think Yanhui is one of those stupid people?

Yanhui strode over and directly grabbed his neck to the south. There was only a cold word: "say!"

To the south, Yanhui didn\'t expect to play cards according to the routine. He was scared to death. He quickly cried, "don\'t kill me, I said, the backup is on Yanbei..."