Marked Girl By Hidden CEO

Chapter 22

A major event happened on that day. The blue and white bottles, which cost 500 million yuan, disappeared. It is said that they disappeared from layers of bodyguards and various electronic monitoring.

The financial section blew up again.

Five hundred million yuan hasn\'t been sent to the mysterious person, so it\'s gone. The police immediately intervened and soon blocked the sea, land and air. All vehicles, ships, planes and pedestrians entering and leaving the city will be closely examined. The whole city is under full martial law. Police cars are hurrying and bustling.

North nest in the apartment can hear the movement outside, and a little gloating, "if you have money, you deserve it!"

The banquet boat said, "the bottle wasn\'t lost in his hand. It won\'t hurt him at all."

He patted his forehead to the North: "Oh, yes, unfortunately for the auctioneer, the bottle was missing from their safe. Poor thing."

The banquet boat didn\'t want to pay too much attention to the mysterious man, and immediately changed the topic: "by the way, Beibei, are you interested in setting up a gallery?"

Pointing North at his nose, he couldn\'t believe it. "Me? You said I run a gallery?"

The sight of the banquet boat still falls on the computer, "well, do you have time to do it? I asked song Miao to help you. You just draw and don\'t care about anything else."

North was naturally defeated by his face, "please, it\'s not whether I have time, but whether I have the qualification. OK? I\'ll hold an art exhibition? You can\'t lose yourself."

The banquet boat just raised its head, "why not qualified? I say there is, so it\'s settled."

What\'s the deal? There is a God in the north.

Then someone rang the doorbell.

To the sea.

It\'s hard to say what it feels like to see the banquet boat here to the north and to the sea.

"Beibei, Dad spoke a little more seriously today. Look at you... Yo, the boat is also there."

The banquet boat gentleman nodded: "hello to uncle."

He was smiling, but his scalp was numb when he looked at the sea.

"I came to pick up Beibei home. The child was so angry after I said two words. He was so angry..."

The banquet boat gently interrupted him: "aunt Lin often said that Beibei was not used to me. In fact, I think it\'s OK. She\'s so good and not bad."

"..." what else can you say to the sea? "Hehe, what Qingzhou said is, Beibei, Beibei is very good. She\'s so big that I don\'t worry about it."

Playing with the patterns on the cloth sofa to the north, I said secretly, don\'t you worry? Your heart is on the mother and daughter.

Turning north to the sea, the old face was a little red. "Beibei, Dad came to pick you up."

Look north at her father and hit himself in the face. Is it fun? In the final analysis, this daughter is not as important as the project of the banquet boat.

Then he said to the sea, "next Saturday is Nannan\'s 18th birthday. You see, your sisters haven\'t had a birthday for so many years. She has to have a party to celebrate this time. I just think your birthday is close. Why don\'t you do it together?"

Look north and don\'t talk to the sea.

What do you mean "the sisters haven\'t had a birthday for so many years"?

I haven\'t had it myself, because she felt that her birth had killed her mother since she was a child, and her birthday was also her mother\'s death day. How did she spend it?

As for the south, she won\'t let her celebrate her birthday?

Who can I show my grievance to now?

"OK, let\'s do it." To the north, it doesn\'t matter.