Male God Is Always Targeted

Chapter 307: Open, we are professional 8.9, the fastest update, Kuai Chuan Tiao Xin: Male God is always the latest chapter!

The dub and background sounded suddenly.

Suddenly, a man in black appeared on the stage.

He stabbed the woman with his sword.

The woman bends over, her back is on the ground.

When dodging a sword and getting up, the clothes just slipped.

The round and white shoulders were exposed.

The person who wanted to kill her just a moment ago immediately showed a wretched smile.

Before he could continue to shoot, his body froze and a sword was inserted into his chest.

Look in disbelief.

The person on the opposite side is holding up his clothes with his slender hands.

She didn\'t seem to see the miserable condition of that person.

It also seems that the one who just shot was not himself.

Then he paced to the person who fell on the ground, and Yun Danfeng lightly drew his sword.

It was her.

The index finger dipped a drop of the red liquid on it.

slowly approaching his lips.

The red tongue sticks out.

Lightly lick.

Shallow arcs are evoked.

I don\'t know if she is satisfied with the taste of blood.

Still happy that another person died in her hands.

The people watching from the audience opened their eyes one after another.

Covering his chest, his face turned red.

That picture is too beautiful and too bewitching.


After watching the entire performance in a daze, a group of people kept their minds on [Frozen Blue Immortal].

"Magic Battle"

That is the game that Luo Mio played.

It is the previous copy of their cos [Shuiyue Yaoji].

[Ice Lanxian] This character is the master of the enchantress inside.

After only playing for a few seconds, he was stunned to make a group of male players howl to marry.

Unparalleled appearance, Gao Hua temperament.

Indifferent demeanor, elegant atmosphere.

A well-deserved goddess, a fairy in dreams.

Even after Luo Mio stepped down, he could still feel that fiery gaze.


Run quickly to the lounge.

No matter how beautiful the dress is, he doesn\'t want to wear it.

Hmm... a little hungry.

Just take it out.

The fat white mantou that had been bitten was sent into Luo Mio\'s mouth again.

"It\'s a little cold, if only there was hot water."

After muttering, a cup appeared in front of him.

There is still heat coming out of the cup.

Eyes lit up.

He reached out and grabbed it, took a sip.



After taking another bite of the steamed bun, he turned his head and spoke casually.

"Thank you, bro...?"


He blinked suspiciously.

Puzzled: "Why are you staring at my hand all the time?"

Inexplicably, he took another bite of the bun.

Then stopped suddenly.

A quick look down.

Beneath the bulging buns are.... sunken clothes.


Quietly glanced at the other side.

Well, it\'s still bulging.


Without caring at all, he stretched out his hand again, took out the other side, and handed it to the person in front of him.

"Well, eat it, it\'s delicious."

Si Yan, who was handed a \'chest\' for the second time, asked if he would eat it.

His expression was a little stiff.

It\'s all complicated.

Didn\'t he find something wrong?

Luo Mio frowned when she saw the delay in answering.

"I said what\'s the matter with you, I\'m going to be stared out of a flower by you."

Biting the steamed bun angrily, he hummed twice.

Decided to ignore him.

Continue walking towards the room.

Fang Zi, who stepped down one step late, came over.

What I saw was this familiar scene again.

The whole person is not well.

With his waist stuck, he began to roar: "Why did you eat your \'chest\' again."


All eyes from the backstage fell on Luo Mio.

The action of biting the buns stopped.

After a stalemate for two seconds.

He decisively shoved the steamed buns into the hands of the person beside him, pointed at him, and retorted shamelessly.

"He ate it."

Si Yan: "..."

Looking at the bun in his hand.

Don\'t know what to say.

Luo Mio raised her chin proudly, ready to add another sentence.

"Look, he loves it all..."

Before the hand could even come out, he felt a heat on his lips.