Chapter 1005

"What are you doing?"

She pushed the man next to her, and Nanfeng blushed. He just saw the man asleep, but he couldn't help it.

Fortunately, at this time, he had already got home. He pulled the man up and could hear the barking of the dog in the room. Maomao should know that they are back.

As soon as he opened the door, Maomao came running at the speed of light, rubbing excitedly at Fu xueya's feet, barking excitedly, and the excited dog's face was twisted.

Nanfeng consciously went into the kitchen and prepared dinner for them. After dinner, he lifted up his sleeve and began to clean up. Until everything was finished, he sat beside Fu xueya, took out his mobile phone and began to play games.

"Have you read all the pictures?"

Next to Fu xueya, she suddenly said this sentence. Nanfeng's body was shocked. He knew that Fu xueya didn't play games. How could she know the whole picture.

"Last time I caught someone playing games in the office, he said the whole picture book."

Seems to see his doubts, Fu xueya holding the remote control slowly said, eyes have been staring at the TV screen, did not look at him.

Nanfeng's fingers are stiff. When he's free, he likes to play games and relax. It's a good way to rest. But now when he hears people nearby say that, he feels naive.

"It's still a mountain breeze."

He suddenly had a very strange feeling, like the distance between two people, was "Shua" a drop away.

Yes, Fu xueya never plays games, but he likes to play tricks when he's free. She's 31 years old. He doesn't necessarily like what she's interested in. This is the so-called generation gap. He suddenly feels a little scared and puts his mobile phone aside.

"Director, I want to be with you. I don't care about age, worldliness and other people's eyes. As long as you can give me an accurate answer, I have the courage to take countless steps in the future."

He said, suddenly holding each other's hand.

Fu xueya didn't speak. Her eyes were bright, but the light suddenly went out again. She didn't know what she was thinking.

"You said to Mr. Sun last time that you would be separated from me in two years. Are you serious?"

Nanfeng said again that the past two years were like a thorn in his heart. Every time he saw each other's face, the feeling that he was about to lose before he got it came out.

"Nanfeng, what are you talking about?"

Fu xueya takes away his hand and touches his head with a smile on his face. But Nanfeng's whole body is stiff. He finds that he is actually the other party's little pet, because this person likes to go to the cat when he has nothing to do. That's what she looks like when she teases the cats.

"I said that I want to accompany you forever. As long as you agree, I will bear all the obstacles in the future with you."

He was afraid that the man would suddenly turn back. This kind of fear, like thousands of insects, gnawed at his heart.

"South wind Have you ever thought about your parents? "

For a long time, Fu xueya just choked out such a sentence. Her face was a little lost. At last, she put her head on his shoulder and spoke softly.

"Nanfeng is still young. Although I hypnotize myself countless times and let myself accept you, every time reality slaps me hard..."

"Will you be sad if I leave? Don't you like me at all? "

Nanfeng suppresses the roar of the exit. He is very angry. He is always in a good temper. This person always gives him hope and crush his fantasy. Why


After Fu xueya spat out such a word, she couldn't say anything else. She suddenly found that she was really bad. It was not long ago that she said she wanted to give this person a chance, but at this time, she regretted it again.

"Sorry, I suddenly feel that there are too few common topics between the two people. I don't like what Nanfeng likes at all."

"Do you like yourself?"

As soon as her words were finished, Nanfeng asked. Her face was full of loss. She suddenly got up and left a kiss on her forehead.

"Director, you can't do this. You seem to forget what you promised. Why do you care so much? As long as you like me, we can be together, or do you not know if you like me?"

Fu xueya nodded. She just didn't know this, so she didn't dare to make a promise to the other party. She was afraid that her only dependence would be unfair to Nanfeng.

"It's OK, director. Let's experiment."

Nanfeng said this slowly.

Fu xueya's heart trembled. When she looked up, she had already walked to the door.

"Where are you going?"

Nanfeng didn't answer and just disappeared.

Fu xueya reaches out her finger and rubs her temple. She looks at the time. It's already past ten o'clock in the evening. She wants to call the other party, but after taking it out, she regrets it again. She just sits on the sofa and waits. But after waiting all night, the other party doesn't come back.She blinked sour eyes, asked for leave for the company, and then went upstairs to lie on the bed, so sleep, even directly to the afternoon.

Nanfeng still didn't come back. If it wasn't for the breath left by the other party in the villa, she really thought that the long-term relationship was just a dream for her.

After getting up, she simply ate instant noodles and fed Maomao dog food. Then she went out in her coat and went to the last stadium. I don't know why. She has an intuition that the south wind should be there.

Only when I got there, I found that Mu Ling was the only one. This is a favorite place for young people. The stands around are full of cheering girls. It's rare for people like Fu xueya to wear professional clothes.

Mu Ling also saw her, and made a pause gesture towards everyone. Then she came out.

"Do you know where the south wind is?"

Fu xueya asked in a low voice. Seeing some strange things on Mu Ling's face, she knew that this person knew the whereabouts of the other party.

"Nanfeng, he He went to the place where men like to go. I don't know what happened to him. He hasn't even come here recently. "

The place that men like to go is Hualiu street, the place with the most young ladies, and the golden cave for the rich.

Nanfeng, how can he go there

Fu xueya's in the heart mercilessly drew for a while, suddenly think of the words of the South breeze last night, eyes a flash, is the other party this is to test her? But this kind of exploration is not too low-level.

She was a little angry, angry that the other side was so abusive.

"I see."

With these words, she went back to her car. Holding the steering wheel, she didn't know what she was thinking. At last, she drove home.