Make France Great Again

Chapter 521: Lost in the first battle

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The Duke of Cambridge and Fatima, who heard the sound of gunshots in the distance, hurried over in the direction of the gunshots.

Just as the two British and Turkish cavalry regiments rushed to the scene of the incident to support them, a group of cavalry with hundreds of people rushed towards them, and the leader was Sir Lugan.

At this time, he no longer had the appearance of scolding Fang Qiu when chasing the Cossack cavalry, but rather like a bereaved dog being chased.

Behind the light cavalry led by Sir Lugan was a Cossack cavalry of nearly a hundred people.

The group of saber-wielding Cossacks chased Ser Lugan\'s group and sneered eerily at Ser Lugan\'s troops ahead.

The laughter made every hussar behind the Duke of Cambridge feel resentful. The commander of the 4th Hussar Regiment, which was supported by the Duke of Cambridge, couldn\'t help but ask the Duke of Cambridge to fight. Destroyed by a handful of nobles who did not understand cavalry fighting.

"Go!" The Duke of Cambridge, who had a slightly gloomy expression, interrupted the commander of the cavalry regiment who asked for the battle, while staring at Sir Lugan who was fleeing in embarrassment.

There was a moment when the Earl of Cambridge hoped that Sir Lugan would die on the battlefield like a knight, instead of being chased by a guy who was several times smaller than them. It was too embarrassing.

"Yes!" The commander of the fourth-level corps who received the order immediately led his cavalry. He rushed in the direction of Sir Lugan.

On the other hand, Sir Lugan, who was being chased by the Cossack cavalry, had a happy smile on his face after seeing the Duke of Cambridge and Fatima.

Ser Lugan knew that he had been saved... whatever punishment he might face when he returned to the barracks, but now he had managed to escape. Now all he has to do is...

In the sight of the Duke of Cambridge, Sir Lugan\'s speed gradually decreased.

"Stop!" shouted Ser Lugan angrily.

After hearing Sir Lugan\'s order, the frightened light cavalry regiment subconsciously carried out Sir Lugan\'s order, and the light cavalry regiment of several hundred people stopped immediately.

Then Sir Lugan drew out the long sword pinned to his waist and ordered his cavalry unit to turn back, and the cavalry unit immediately turned around.

When the hussars turned around, they saw that the Cossacks that had pursued them were now being attacked by the 4th Hussars.

The brave and fearless 4th Light Cavalry Regiment, led by their commander, Lieutenant Colonel John Douglas, fought with a long sword and a saber-wielding Cossack. Due to the large gap in equipment between the two sides, and their morale and will to fight were roughly the same, this The Cossack cavalry, which supported nearly 100 people, was eliminated by the Fourth Cavalry Regiment.

Looking at the Cossack cavalry fleeing south, Sir Lugan and the surviving members of the cavalry regiment felt very ashamed.

"Lieutenant Colonel Lugan!" A call full of anger came to Sir Lugan\'s ears, and it didn\'t take long to know that the owner of the voice was the Duke of Cambridge.

Sir Lugan followed the source of the sound and turned his head to look over, and the angry Duke of Cambridge was riding his horse towards him.

"Your Excellency Deputy Commander!" Sir Lugan addressed the Duke of Cambridge\'s army with a wry smile.

"What the **** is going on with you! How could you make such a low-level mistake... You are still an experienced commander... Don\'t you see that this is a low-level trap that cannot be used in low-level?" scolded Sir Lugan.

Sir Lugan accepted the rebuke of the Duke of Cambridge without saying a word. The Duke of Cambridge was right. This low-level mistake is really not a mistake that an officer of his rank can make. He is willing to accept all the criticism from the Duke of Cambridge, even if the Duke of Cambridge Send him directly to the military court, and he has no complaints at all.

On the other hand, the Duke of Cambridge\'s rebuke also protects his meaning.

If the Duke of Cambridge did not say a word, Lugan was bound to be rebuked even more when he returned to the barracks.

Now that the Duke of Cambridge has scolded Duke Lugan in front of everyone, the Duke of Cambridge has reason to say a few words of praise to Commander Raglan.

After scolding Sir Lugan, the Duke of Cambridge, after seeing Lieutenant Colonel John Douglas of the 4th Hussars returning, beckoned Lieutenant Colonel John Douglas to come to him, pointing at John Douglas and Fatima To Ser Lugan: "If it weren\'t for them, you and your men would have died! Thank them soon!"

Sir Lugan hurriedly expressed his gratitude to John Douglas and Fatima, and at the same time apologized for the words he had just used against Fatima.

Fatima forgave Sir Lugan in the Duke of Cambridge\'s favor.

The Duke of Cambridge then asked Lugan whether his light cavalry regiment had encountered the infantry of the Russian Empire.

Lugan nodded and said to the Duke of Cambridge: "Your Excellency Deputy Commander, the Russian Empire has about a division\'s strength hidden in the jungle! My troops and I were accidentally caught in their trap."

"Accidental? I think you are taking it lightly!" The Earl of Cambridge bluntly criticized Sir Lugan.

"Yes! I did take it lightly! I am willing to accept any punishment from the coalition forces!" Sir Lugan continued to criticize himself.

"Forget it! Forget it for now, you lead the way!" The Earl of Cambridge said to Sir Lugan, "I must bury the corpses of those warriors who fought for freedom!"

"Your Excellency Deputy Commander, do we have to go back?" Sir Lugan said to the Duke of Cambridge with a slightly trembling voice.

"What? You\'re afraid! Aren\'t you bold!" replied the Duke of Cambridge to Sir Lugan in a sarcastic tone.

"If they\'re still there, I\'m afraid..." Sir Lugan expressed his concerns.

"They won\'t be there anymore!" the Duke of Cambridge replied firmly to Sir Lugan: "The reason why they\'re lying in ambush is to catch us off guard! Now that their purpose has been accomplished, stay there again. You\'re just putting yourself in danger."

The words of the Duke of Cambridge made Sir Lugan reluctantly relieved.

Under the leadership of Sir Lugan, the Duke of Cambridge and others came to the site where Sir Lugan was ambushed.

In fact, just as the Duke of Cambridge expected, the 17th Division led by Menshkov did not move with any nostalgia after a successful strike.

All the corpses on the ground were the corpses of the British Hussars. After a careful count, it was found that there were 267 corpses in the dense forest, which was equivalent to half of the number of people who followed Sir Lugan to break through the siege. 1,000 people, which means that 199 people are still missing.

In this single battle, Menshkov eliminated nearly two British companies (one British company with 250 men) of cavalry.

"Buy it!" Looking at the body of the British soldier in the sunset, the Duke of Cambridge sighed slightly and responded to Lieutenant Colonel John Douglas beside him.

Lieutenant Colonel John Douglas immediately organized his people to bury the dead British cavalry on the spot. Sir Lugan and Fatima also ordered their men to bury them together.

It took nearly an hour for everyone to bury all the bodies. On the way, a few British cavalrymen coughed, and the Duke of Cambridge and everyone present didn\'t care about it.

"Go back!" After all the bodies were buried, the Duke of Cambridge gave the order to return to everyone present.

The Duke of Cambridge, who had returned to Britain\'s camp, immediately went with Sir Lugan to Commander Raglan, and reported to him the error of Sir Lugan\'s.

"You! You! How did you think I promised me!" Commander Raglan pointed at Ser Lugan, who bowed his head.

Sir Lugan likewise accepted all of Commander Raglan\'s criticism without a word.

Looking at Sir Lugan who was humbly accepting criticism, Commander Raglan sighed and asked Sir Lugan, "Tell me! How do you want me to punish you!"

"Your Excellency, Commander, you know that you have made a serious mistake! You can punish me as you please!" Ser Lugan pleaded earnestly to Commander Raglan: "I only ask that my ancestors not be allowed to What\'s been done is rubbish!"

"You still know shame!" Commander Raglan also sneered: "If your ancestors knew what you are like now, they would be afraid..."

Commander Raglan hesitated for a moment, then sighed again, and after pacing back and forth for two laps, he said, "Forget it! Now you will be relieved of the position of commander of the Thirteenth Hussars, and you will give me to follow the Duke of Cambridge. Study hard by your side!"

"Yes!" Commander Raglan\'s light-hearted move allowed Lugan to stay in the barracks, and he hurriedly thanked Commander Raglan.

"Be honest with me in the future! Use your brain when you encounter things!" Commander Raglan warned Sir Lugan once again, and it could be seen that Commander Raglan still had plans to restore Officer Lugan to his post.

"Yes!" Ser Lugan responded with a sonorous voice to Commander Raglan.

Early the next morning, the Anglo-French Allied Forces continued to advance on the pontoon built by the engineers overnight. After crossing the Burganac River, they walked quickly towards the Alma River. After falling ill, Commander Raglan was tacitly assumed to be the commander-in-chief to succeed Marshal St. Arnault) determined that he must reach the north bank of the Alma River before dark, and then spend another week driving Russia to the south bank of the Alma River. The imperial army was wiped out, a humiliation committed by the British army before the snow.

Therefore, in this battle of Alma, the Kingdom of Britain has to fight for the main position.

Thinking of this, Commander Raglan couldn\'t help but look to the right, the French Empire in two pairs advancing in an orderly manner.

At this time, Perlisier, the new acting commander-in-chief of France, who was riding on a horse, was staring at the Alma River in the distance.