Make France Great Again

Chapter 200: family split

For James Rothschild, it was not the president\'s successive blows that broke him, but the betrayal of his own nephew, Leonel Rothschild.

James Rothschild, who has always regarded the European Rothschild Bank as a whole, has experienced the betrayal of his peers, the betrayal of agents, and the betrayal of employees, but he has never experienced betrayal within the Rothschild family.

James Rothschild, who still has the family business banking concept in his mind, thinks that no matter how serious the struggle for power and profit within the Roche family is, there will not be a drama of family members and outsiders fighting for power.

Even if one day his team really loses power and is forced to leave the Rothschild Bank, at least the meat is still rotten in the pot.

Now it seems that not everyone can understand his good intentions.

Who would have thought that the nephew Leonel Rothschild, whom he had high hopes for, would openly collude with outsiders to rebel against James Rothschild.

Even more chilling is the fact that the Rothschild branch in Frankfurt and the Rothschild branch in Naples also ignored their requests for help.

The Rothschild Empire, once all over Europe, turned into independent kingdoms in a blink of an eye!

Don\'t they know that only the combined Rothschild banks are the real Big Macs?

No, they know they just want to be their own boss!

After signing the "bail bond" with the Count of Argoux, James Rothschild had to say goodbye to this group of **** prisons. The police chief Carlier personally brought James Rothschild to the custody of Alphonse Rothschild. \'s prison.

The prison was transformed from a four-story castle, with two to three people held in rooms on each floor.

"Mr. Baron, most of these people are imprisoned for fraud, theft and other crimes!" Carlier "enthusiastically" introduced the prison situation to James Rothschild with a heavy heart: "The prison is divided into four floors, and each floor is divided into four floors. There are about 10 rooms with about three to four people living in each room."

"Injustice! I really didn\'t steal!"

"I really didn\'t lie!"

Every time they passed a room, the prisoner ran to the heavy iron door, stretched out his fingers and shouted "unjustly wronged".

Carlier showed an intoxicated look and a smile on the corner of his mouth. He said to himself: "You know what? All the prisoners in the prison shouted that they were innocent, but none of them were innocent! We The laws are made, we control the rules!"

James Rothschild didn\'t seem to hear Carlier\'s intoxicating performance, and still walked with Carlier on his own.

Carlier, who received no feedback from James Rothschild, had to "beat the drum".

Under the leadership of Director Carlier, James Rothschild soon came to an iron ticket on the third floor.

"Open it!" Carlier ordered the guards guarding the iron gate.


One of the guards took out the key of the iron door and unlocked it, then gently pushed Alphonse de Rothschild inside the iron door to appear.

At this time, he was resting on a hard wooden bed, and the sound of the order outside the iron door and the sound of the door lock being opened awakened Alfon Sdrosschild.

Alphonse Rothschild quickly sat up from the hard bed, and he saw James Rothschild standing outside the door.

"Father!" Alphonse Rothschild showed a long-lost smile and shouted to James Rothschild.

"Mr. Alphonse, you can leave here now!" Carlier interrupted the "warm" father-son relationship of the James Rothschild family with a smile.

Alphonse de Rothschild glanced at Carlier, then turned to James Rothschild, only then did he realize that his father seemed to be much older than he was before he was imprisoned. It\'s not that he is old in age, and he is old in spirit. It seems that his father has been hit by someone.

Alphonse de Rothschild once again looked at Carlier with a resentment in his eyes. In his opinion, it must be the work of the president.

Carlier, who had a keen sixth sense, noticed the resentment in Alphonse\'s eyes. He spread out his hands and made an innocent expression: "Don\'t look at me like that, Mr. Alphonse! I don\'t know what happened to the count. what!"

"Let\'s go!" James Rothschild didn\'t want to explain anything here, he called Alphonse Rothschild in a calm tone.

"Yes!" Alphonse de Rothschild also did not ask what happened, he believed that his father would explain the situation to him.

Alphonse Rothschild walked in front of James Rothschild, looking at James Rothschild\'s slightly hunched body, Alphonse hurriedly supported James Rothschild with his hands.

James Rothschild, as if he was stimulated by something, threw off Alphonse Rothschild\'s hand and said coldly, "I\'m not old enough to walk!"

"Father!" Alphonse Rothschild looked at James Rothschild suspiciously.

After several failures of support, Alphonse also gave up the plan to support.

Carlier sends James Rothschild and his son out of prison.

A splendid carriage was parked outside the prison, driven by Baron James Rothschild\'s butler.

The appearance of Baron James Rothschild and his son made the butler overjoyed, and he hurriedly drove to the presence of Baron James Rothschild and his son.

"Mr. Baron, I\'ll send you here!" Carlier said to Baron James Rothschild, and then responded "kindly": "Welcome to the prison next time!"

"You..." Alphonse de Rothschild couldn\'t help but want to reprimand Carlier for his rude behavior.

James Rothschild grabbed Alphonse Rothschild\'s arm and shook his head in Alphonse\'s puzzled eyes.

Father\'s restraint made Alphonse snort coldly.

"Director Carlier!" James Rothschild whispered to Carlier: "I hope you can stay here next time I see you!"

James Rothschild\'s voice was not loud, but it was like a muffled thunder in Carlier\'s ear.

Carlier showed a reluctant smile, "Don\'t worry about it!"

"That\'s good!" James Rothschild nodded slightly to Carlier and left in the carriage.

"Father, what happened when I was in prison?" Alphonse Rothschild asked James Rothschild.

James Rothschild didn\'t respond to Alphonse Rothschild, he closed his eyes and calmly responded: "Let\'s talk when we get home!"

Alphonse de Rothschild could only suppress the desire to explore the truth in his heart, and Alphonse, who was sitting in the carriage, turned his eyes to the window.

The carriage arrived at the James Rothschild mansion with great speed.

Alphonse de Rothschild, who entered the mansion, looked at the "empty" mansion for a while in disbelief. The porcelain, medieval armor, and celebrity portraits displayed in the mansion all disappeared. The whole mansion seemed to be looted by someone. .

"What happened?" Alphonse Rothschild could no longer hold back the doubts in his heart, and he asked James Rothschild in a trembling tone.

"While you were in prison, the president shot at us!" James Rothschild\'s tone was still calm, as if the victim in the story was not himself.

"What about the shareholders of the bank (Bank of France)? What about the board of directors? What about the parliamentarians who are holding our money? Are they just sitting on the sidelines like this?" Alphonse de Rothschild raised his voice a little.

James Rothschild did not speak, he gestured to the housekeeper with his eyes to answer her.

"Master, they..." The baron\'s butler responded humbly: "They are not the president\'s opponents? The president has used the army! Our bank is forcibly controlled by government personnel, and our company is forcibly frozen!"


The addition of the military, a violent machine, made Alphonse de Rothschild understand that they could not have won the presidency.

In previous dynasties (referring to the Orleans Dynasty), the king never used the army once to take action against the bankers.

The army seeks benefits as an arbiter, how can they win this time when the army goes off in Come with me! \' James Rothschild said to Alphonse.

Alphonse followed James Rothschild upstairs, and the butler downstairs smiled.

Now that the master and the young master are back, it is time for him to go in.

The baron\'s butler returned to his hut, and after slowly taking off his tuxedo, he folded the tuxedo flat with tears in his eyes and put on a black flack cashmere coat.

At this moment, a knock came from outside the door, and the housekeeper hurriedly opened the door.

A young man with a 7-point resemblance to the baron appeared in front of the butler, with tears in his eyes, unable to say a word.

"Don\'t cry! During my absence, they will take care of you!" The housekeeper patted the young man on the shoulder and said with relief: "In the blink of an eye, more than 20 years have passed! You have become an adult too! , you will take me to continue serving the Rothschild family!"

"Yes, father!"

Tears poured out of the eyes of the young man\'s brain, and he knew that the housekeeper\'s departure was likely to be farewell.

"Don\'t cry! I\'m honored to serve Rothschilds for most of my life! If it weren\'t for them, I\'d be frozen to death by now!"

The old man remembered that winter more than forty years ago, when he shivered and curled up in the corner.

Just as he was dying, a pair of hands stretched out to him, which were as white as jade.

"Would you like to serve the Rothschild family!"

The voice was like the cry of an angel, pulling him out of the brink of death, and he also stretched out his hand.

"I do!"