Magi's Grandson

Vol 3 Chapter 58

Chapter 58

It was the worst possible outcome.

Everyone is eating barbecue for dinner on the first day at Rittenheim Resort.

If I put on a very nervous face, I would only make the others uneasy, so I returned with Gus and joined everyone for dinner acting like nothing was wrong.

When we were about to eat our dinner, Uncle Dis made an announcement. (Kaelpie: Original text*: Uncle President)

“Before I forget, Ultimate Magicians, are you guys alright?”(Dis)

“What’s the matter, Uncle Dis?”(s.h.i.+n)

“What is it, Father?”(August)

“You guys saved two countries from the devils so far, and I heard that you have defeated quite a few devils while you were fighting.”(Dis)

“That’s right!”(s.h.i.+n)

“Then it is decided. That’s an achievement big enough for a medal, so we decided to create a new medal and award you with it.”(Dis)

Now that I think about it, there was a rumour about that.

But that wasn’t what was worried about. I was more concerned with the gossip about the devils.

“Our child will be decorated with a medal!?”

“That’s amazing!”

“Really… becoming respected … when he began saying he wanted to go to the Advanced Magic Academy, I was wondering how to rehabilitate him…”(Mommy Freed)

Among the parents who are rejoicing, Tony’s mother had different thoughts.

Rehabilitate… Physically…?

“Now that you mention it… Aren’t you forgetting to address something important?”(August)

“What is it?”(Dis)

“When will it be, Father?”(August)

“Oh, that’s right! It will be held about a week after we go back to the capital. Oh, by the way, you don’t have to buy new and fancy clothes. Please attend the ceremony in the battle uniforms you’ve worn during the subjugation. I want to honour your achievements as a team.”(Dis)

With that notice from Uncle Dis, everyone started getting excited again…

Although this was the first time they heard about it, my grandparents seem particularly happy about the medal.

This time it won’t just be me but everyone else will also get decorated, so grandpa and grandma didn’t say anything in opposition.

But… if there is such a decoration, won’t that trend grow Gus and I are worrying about get a lot stronger?

It seems Gus is thinking same thing as I am. He nodded when our eyes met, and we walked toward Uncle Dis.

“Father, may I have a word?”(August)

“You could be a bit friendlier towards me, couldn’t you?”(Dis)

“There are more important things than that right now.”(August)

“For such a thing…”(Dis)

Uncle Dis seems to be slightly lonely, but I can’t help him this time because of the pressing matter at hand.

While making sure others couldn’t hear our conversation, Gus told Uncle Dis about our concerns.

“I see… I heard that such misunderstandings are spreading among the citizens as you guys overwhelmed…”(Dis)

“Even the weakest of devils are strong. The Swedes Kingdom was fighting a totally disadvantageous battle until we arrived is proof in and of itself. If a devil is misunderstood as being weak and someone tries to carelessly slay it…”(s.h.i.+n)

“They will receive a painful backlash?”(Dis)

It seems that the street gossip has not reached the higher ups of the country yet.

However, if that rumour that has been floating around the kingdom reaches the ears of the soldiers in lower positions who usually go out to tow


If that mindset spreads throughout the military, there may be someone who will try to subjugate a devil by themselves if they appear.

This belief may be further strengthened with this decoration.

I would like Uncle Dis to warn the military, so people don’t try to subjugate a devil for merit since it is very dangerous.

“I understand, I will tell the military this: “This time there was an extraordinary being named s.h.i.+n Walford who could slay the devils. Do not misunderstand that as the devils being weak.””(Dis)

“There are parts that worry me a bit, but… that is the gist of it.”(s.h.i.+n)

Will this be okay? I think the Swedes kingdom soldiers, who actually opposed the devils, have realized their strength. But what about Earlshyde Kingdom’s soldiers?

I heard that Stromm was seen at the site where the Empire’s army was annihilated.

However, he wasn’t seen during the devil attacks.

I hope Uncle Dis will listen to our advice.

Also, I don’t know how Els and Ys will react.

If the devils are not perceived as a big deal, they may say that they don’t need the alliance.

If that happens, the small countries in the vicinity of Earlshyde and the former empire will be in big trouble.

There is also a possibility that the other side will grasp the initiative.

…We might have no choice but to rely on Gus’ wickedness…

Really… we knock down the devils, and it just creates another problem that we’ll have to deal with… I guess we are already dealing with it to some extent. (Kaelpie: If you think regular politics are complicated, try reading google translated fictional j.a.panese swords and magic world politics.)

“s.h.i.+n, what happened?”(Sicily)

After finis.h.i.+ng the meal and returning to the cottage, Sicily asked me that while giving me a cup of tea.

“…Was I making a strange face?”(s.h.i.+n)

“Rather than a strange face… It was more like a troubled face?”(Sicily)

She put the tea down on the table and sat next to me.

“If you have any worries, would you please share them with me? I want to help s.h.i.+n even if it is just a little.”(Sicily)

She told me while gently holding my hand.

“…That’s right, it’s pointless if I worry about it by myself.”(s.h.i.+n)

“Is it horrible enough for s.h.i.+n to be troubled?”(Sicily)

“No… it’s better to say that it is troublesome rather than horrible.”(s.h.i.+n)

Despite the fact that Grandma and Grandpa were watching us, I told her the same concerns I told Gus and Uncle Dis.

“Well … I guess the problem is to what extent will it go.”(Merlin)

“It’s also difficult to resolve.”(Melinda)

When I explained the situation, Grandpa and Grandma held a serious face.

“Did… did we do something unnecessary?”(Sicily)

“It is very foolish of you to think that way. If you didn’t defeat the devils then, several countries would’ve probably been destroyed.”(Melinda)

“Well, it isn’t good to worry about it too much.”(s.h.i.+n)

“I’ve also heard that rumour frequently in the short time we were shopping, so we should a.s.sume that it’s considerably widespread.”(Merlin)

“By the way, wasn’t grandma listening when we went out shopping?”(s.h.i.+n)

“I wasn’t listening to other people’s conversations since my head was filled with swimsuits. I was buying swimsuits for the first time in quite a while, so I got too excited.”(Melinda)


I heard something very unnecessary.

“Still… Something like that shouldn’t influence the talks between the three powers.”(Merlin)

“The alliance won’t form if one of the powers is very vain.”(Melinda)

So there a problem after all.

The devils have already attacked neighbouring countries twice. It is quite obvious they plan to invade other countries.

If possible, I want to strike before they do such a thing.

For that to happen, alliance between the three powers is essential, but… aside from Earlshyde, Els and Ys will have to gain something out of it.

This goes especially for Els: a country of merchants. If they judge that there is no advantage for them, they may not establish an alliance.

…I’d like to believe that they won’t do something as avaricious as that during a world crisis…

“Wow…” (Sicily)

“It’s becoming quite a serious situation…” (Merlin)

In the end, although I confessed my troubles, no one could not arrive at any particular solution. It seems I have no choice but to bet on Gus’ wickedness.

Why is it like this?

“I have to rely on Gus again…”(s.h.i.+n)

“Do you have to carry the burden all by yourself?”(Sicily)

Coincidentally, it seems Sicily also came to the cottage’s balcony to cool down after that unsuccessful discussion.

“What do you mean?”(s.h.i.+n)

“I mean everyone has their own role. Wasn’t Grandma saying something along those lines as well? s.h.i.+n’s magic tools will be sold through the work of my older brother and Glenn-san, so s.h.i.+n will make money and doesn’t have to think too much about it.”(Sicily)

“Oh… You mean having the right person in the right place?”(s.h.i.+n)

“To be honest, I believe the only one who could match Stromm is s.h.i.+n, so s.h.i.+n should just think about defeating the enemy in front of him. I think that it would be smart to leave the rest of the problems to someone who’s good at handling it.”(Sicily)

“I don’t want to trouble the others…”(s.h.i.+n)

“Negotiations with other countries are a specialty of His Highness. If s.h.i.+n tried to get involved in the discussion, His Highness will likely get angry.”(Sicily)

“Yeah, it certainly seems like he’s telling me not to mess around in his territory.” (s.h.i.+n)

It feels like Gus really wants to send that message.

“We aren’t very reliable yet… but we are all trying our best to let s.h.i.+n depend on us.”(Sicily)

“Is that so?”(s.h.i.+n)

I had no idea that they felt that way…

“I also want you to depend on me for healing someday.”(Sicily)

“Yeah… I hope that I will have to rely on you for that someday.”(s.h.i.+n)

“Yes, so please teach me how.”(Sicily)

Sicily is wearing a dazzling smile as she said so… I’m so glad that I don’t have to shoulder this alone…


By the time I noticed what I was doing, I had embraced Sicily.

“Thank you Sicily… “(s.h.i.+n)

“Don’t mention it. It is better now that the burden on s.h.i.+n’s heart was reduced.”(Sicily)

“Didn’t you heal my heart?”(s.h.i.+n)

“Huh, it’s my responsibility to cure s.h.i.+n’s heart so don’t give it to anyone else ok?”(Sicily)

“Yeah… please.”(s.h.i.+n)

“Yes, It’s been entrusted to me.”(Sicily)

I stare at Sicily up close.




My grandmother told us we should come back to the living room.

“…The bedrooms are different.”(Sicily)

“… I see?”(s.h.i.+n)


I was getting really excited, but my grandmother poured cold water on me with that comment.

After that, we slept in our own bedrooms.

“Ha… I don’t want to go home…”(Sylvia)

“It seems like it…”(s.h.i.+n)

Because I played with the research society members yesterday, so today, I’m hanging out with the Claude family.

Speaking of the others, they seem to love beach volleyball so much that they taught it to their family members and are now playing it with them.

It looks like they’re holding a tournament or something…

Meanwhile, Cecilia and Sylvia are relaxing on deck chairs in their swimsuits because they are tired after running around the Kingdom working for the magic division. They have been suppressing the increasing number of demons and now that they are enjoying the vacation to the point that they don’t even want to move.

They really do give off a “Nee-san on vacation” vibe.

“It seems like the most important thing for you is to relax.”(s.h.i.+n)

“Because we rarely get to come to the Rittenheim Resort, if you don’t fully enjoy it, it’s your loss.”(Cecilia)

“Really? You rarely come even if you’re a daughter of n.o.bility?”(s.h.i.+n)

“Our parent’s house is certainly a part of the n.o.bility, but we are already independent. To put it simply, if we want to go on vacation we have to pay for it ourselves.”(Sylvia)

“The magic division certainly gives higher wages than an ordinary business but being able to afford to go the Rittenheim Resort is a different matter entirely.”(Cecilia)

“I’ll never forget the envy in everyone’s eyes when I told them about my vacation.”(Sylvia)

Sylvia trembled a bit after saying that.

…In polite terms… An S? (Kaelpie: If you don’t know what S means I’m not gonna tell ya)

“Yeah… I don’t want to go home!”(Cecilia)

“What are you talking about, Cecilia?”(Irene)


Irene suddenly appeared wearing a black bikini, and Cecilia began to sweat furiously.

“I think I just heard something… Inexcusable…”(Irene)

“It must’ve been your imagination!”(Cecilia)

“That’s right!”(Sylvia)

“Is that so?”(Irene)

“”Yes! Yes!””(S,C)

“It’s good to relax while on vacation, but it’s not okay to relax too much and neglect one’s duties.”(Irene)

“Yes! We understand!”(Cecilia)

They’re perfectly synchronized.

“In that aspect, s.h.i.+n-kun sure is amazing already getting his second decoration at such a young age.”(Irene)

“I don’t remember doing anything so exaggerated by myself.”(s.h.i.+n)

“It is also wonderful that you don’t get arrogant because of your achievements. I’m truly happy to be able to marry Sicily off to such a wonderful man.”(Irene)

“We aren’t married yet…”(s.h.i.+n)

“About that. I consulted with her father and when this turmoil is over, we’ll hold the ceremony.”(Irene)


Did I just hear something very amazing? Wasn’t it supposed to be held after graduation?

“By resolving this disturbance, s.h.i.+n-kun will be this country’s… No. This world’s hero.”(Irene)

“Even now, s.h.i.+n’s popularity in the magic division is astounding.”(Sylvia)

“The scale will be completely different. Since such a person is her partner, you can hold the ceremony even sooner and your income will also be increasing from now on.”(Irene)

“Oh, so sharing the carriage and cottage was so we would get accustomed to it?”(s.h.i.+n)

“Yes! I talked to Melinda-sama and we arranged Sicily to sleep in the same cottage as you, so she can get used to the Walford family.”(Irene)

Grandma approved it as well?

What about Grandpa… Oops, let’s not go there.

“What about the Higher Magic Academy? We’re still students…”(s.h.i.+n)

“That doesn’t matter because at the time you enroll you legally become an adult. There are many cases of people getting married while attending.”(Irene)


I forgot about that. We were treated as children during this trip because we had our parents accompany us.

“The main reason for marrying after graduating the academy is because of the financial burden on students. However, with the patent on formal communication equipment for the kingdom and s.h.i.+n’s company, s.h.i.+n-kun’s income will be quite stable won’t it?”(Irene)

“Yes, well…(s.h.i.+n)

“An unbelievable sum of money…”(Cecilia)

“I wonder just how much…?”(Sylvia)

“So, there is no reason not to hold an honest ceremony.”(Irene)

“Ha, I understand.”(s.h.i.+n)

Speaking of, Sicily has been quiet for a while now.

As I pondered that, I looked at Sicily…


Something happened to her.

“The wife of a wealthy hero…”(Sylvia)

“How enviable…”(Cecilia)

My sisters-in-law were envious. (Kaelpie: Gold digger much?)

They are the ones who said I will marry Sicily!

I guess that’s the final seal of approval?

“You two should find a suitable husband soon as well.”(Irene)

“I want to as well… but …”(Sylvia)

“No one can compare to this superior suitor… “(Cecilia)

“s.h.i.+n-kun is a special individual rather than a superior individual. He is the grandson of a hero, and he is a hero himself. At the same time, he is not arrogant and he is a genius talent at inventing magic tools. That sort of existence is not superior… It’s more like a joke.”(Irene)

My existence was designated as a joke…

“A person who can compete with someone like that… There might only be Prince Augusto?”(Sylvia) (Kaelpie: A HA HA HA HA HA HA HA…)

“…That’s right.”(Cecilia)

“Indeed, however, you have to be realistic.”(Irene)


I would like for my sisters-in-law to find a nice person to be their husband.

Because I don’t know how Sicily and I would respond if they became envious of our relations.h.i.+p…

“By the way, s.h.i.+n-kun, this may be sudden but have you decided on a church? If not, you should decide on one as soon as possible.”(Irene)

“As a matter of fact, there is already a place I asked Gus to reserve.”(s.h.i.+n)

“Oh, so you have already deciding on a church. So? Which church did you ask to reserve?”(Irene)

“The Earlshyde Cathedral.”(s.h.i.+n)

“……Huh?” (Irene)

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“I asked Gus and he said it was ok.”(s.h.i.+n)

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