Magicraft Meister

15 - 01-02 Pumps

"Good morning, big brother."

"Good morning, Hannah."

The day after Jin decided to stay with Martha. Jin woke up in the morning and went outside to wash his face. Hannah had just woken up.

"Hanna-chan, I need to wash my face.

He said,

"Yes, the well is this way.

Then she grabbed a washbasin and a hand towel and started to walk away. Jin followed her. Jin takes the handbasket, of course.

"Here it is!"

There was a well about 20 meters from Martha\'s house. It was round and bordered with stones, and had a roof to keep out the garbage. The water was drawn from a hanging bottle on a pulley.

"Wait a minute. ......

Hannah said and began to pull hard on the bottle with her small body. Jin panicked,

"Hey, hey, Hannah. Are you doing this every day?"

When Jin asked this, Hanna looked at him as if it was natural,

"Yes, I do.

She answered, "Yes, I do. Hearing this, Jin thought about it. Meanwhile, Hannah finished drawing water and poured it into a bucket,

"You can clean your face first, big brother."

Jin again panicked and let her wash his face for the time being. Then he said, "Thanks,

"Thank you. Then I will fetch water for you to wash your face.

Hannah smiled at him and said, "Yes!


On the way back to the house.

"Hannah, it\'s hard to fetch water, isn\'t it?

"Yes, but everyone is doing it."

Jin hears this and thinks about it. He thought that even if it was impossible to make magic tools now that he did not have enough materials, it would be possible to make ordinary tools.

So, after breakfast, he asks Martha about it.

"Martha, is there a blacksmith in this village?

Martha looked a little sad,

"My husband used to be a blacksmith, but he died long ago. So there are no blacksmiths now. Why is that?

"No, I just wanted some iron and copper."

And he said,

"Oh, I think there\'s a lot of that left at your husband\'s workshop. It\'s probably covered with dust. If you want to use them, do as you please."

"Thank you very much."

Jin thanked her and was taken to her workshop. It was located behind Martha\'s house and was about six tatami mats in size. There was a broken furnace, a dusty anvil, a hammer, and a considerable amount of iron and copper lumps lying in the corner.

"If we have this much, we can make a lot of things.

Jin was relieved to see the copper lumps. He immediately set to work.

Now, let\'s analyze. ...... copper, and tin. Bronze. Just right. I\'ll just have to process it."

Using his newly-learned magic, Jin transforms the bronze block. He makes pipes, levers, pins, cylinders, pistons. In other words, Jin is making a pump for a well.

"Magic is so useful, isn\'t it? In the original world, all this machining, turning, milling, and casting would have been impossible.

When we had finished making the parts, Hannah came in after cleaning up from breakfast.

"What are you doing, big brother?"

"Oh, you\'re Hannah. This is a pump, a tool to make it easier to fetch water.

"It makes it easier to pump water?"

"Yes, come and take a look."

Jin assembled the pump body and headed for the well with the body, pipes, and other parts. Martha and the other wives in the neighborhood had just gathered there for a literal well-well meeting. Since they washed dishes at the well, they naturally met at the same time of the day.

"Oh, Jin, what\'s the matter? What is that in your hand?

"Is this the little Jin that Martha found? Is Hannah with you?

Hannah seems to like you a lot. How old are you?

The wives were asking a lot of questions out of curiosity,

Jin answered in an appropriate manner, "This is a tool called a pump.

He explains to them.

"Okay, so what does it do?"

"It\'s installed here and used to pump water. It\'s much easier than a fishing bottle.

When Jin said that, one of the wives said,

"Are you sure it\'s a magic tool? Were you a magician?

Jin laughed. Jin laughed,

"It\'s not a magic tool. It\'s just a common tool where I come from. Well, I can use simple magic.

With these words, Jin connected the pipe to the pump, fixed the pump to a board with a hole drilled in it, and placed the board on the well. He poured priming water, which had been pumped in advance, into the top of the pump, and when the cylinder of the pump was filled with water, it was ready to go for now.

"Okay, let\'s give it a try.

Jin slowly pushes the lever of the pump. The pump we made this time is a pump for pumping up water, which is used for ordinary wells.

As I jostled the pump, water came out of the pump.

"Oh, wow! That\'s great!"

"Hey, hey, hey, let me try it too!"

But Jin said,

But Hitoshi said, "Wait a minute. I want you to do it first, Hannah. ...... Come on, Hannah, go ahead."

He gave up his place to Hanna.

"Okay. So, I just have to move this stick, right?"

After confirming this, Hannah moved the lever up and down. Then water came out as expected. Jin hurriedly puts the bucket down. Soon the tub was full.

"How\'s it going, Hannah? "How is it, Hannah?

"Yes, it\'s very easy! Thank you, big brother!

Jin was relieved to see Hannah smiling with a big smile on her face. Seeing this, the wives, who had been eagerly waiting for the pump, took it upon themselves to pump it.

"Wow, this is so easy!

"Yes, it\'s going to be a big help from now on!

"Jin-kun is an amazing magician, isn\'t he?

The wives took turns pumping water into the tubs they had brought. Everyone was amazed at how much easier it was than using a fishing bottle.

"Jin, is this what you meant when you said you wanted copper? Thank you very much.

Martha looks happy. A material that had been sitting in the dust for a long time had been transformed into a useful tool.

After this Jin checks the pump to make sure everything is okay. He went home with Martha and Hannah.

It was not long after this that the villagers heard the rumor and came to check the pumps, and they asked him to install pumps in all the wells in the village.

For this reason, Jin was thanked by the whole village and his face was remembered.