Magic Swordsman's Wise Dimension Shop

Book 2 Chapter - 7 Magician's Wise Dimension Store- Vol. 2 Episode 7 Episode 32



"Everyone, get ready!"

The Golem finally began to move.

When I straightened out my bent knee, it was bigger than I thought.

The pressure itself is different from what was learned only by numbers through textbooks.A fist that is 60 years tall and looks similar to the size of a light car.

I'm sure that punch will crush bones all over your body.

No matter how physical it is, it seems difficult to prevent an attack.

I heard it's your first game, but I didn't expect you to find me from the beginning.

"I told you, I'm not going to save points in this fight."

After all, this is my last Academy life.If you graduate from the academy after the competition, you can officially target the gate.

That way, pointy dungeons will be available for supply and demand.

So I had no intention of saving points in the lead.


[Quest 'God of Hunter School']

- Record your best performance in the Academy!

- Compensation; 500,000601 o'clock [quest "Super Rookie"]

- Record your best performance in the Academy.

-Compensation: 1,000,0002014

I'll do my best to complete that quest idol.

It is much lower to receive the prize money and benefits of the No. 1 competition with points.

[The power of dimensional stone is in the body] [Frank Gary - Pritzker Prize winner, architectural master]

-Winner of the Pritzker Prize in 1989.Master architect who represents dissolutionist architecture.

After much consideration, I chose the dimensional seats.

It was a dimensional stone with the power of an "architect."

Combat capabilities?

Of course I thought about it.

However, Golem is an L-rated monster more powerful than Minotaur.Even if you use a strong dimensional stone to deal with him.

It will be difficult to cope with the damage that comes in as a side effect.

Maybe he'll lose his mind like he did against Minotaurs.

If that happens, the subsequent events will not be properly played.

No matter how good a team competition is, there is a high possibility that they will fail without doing anything in the individual competition.

"It's a team event anyway."I didn't have to do it all by myself.

That's why I chose this.

It was a dimensional stone containing the power of the architect.

Crack, crack!

"Woohyuk, come on."

Let's use the dimensional stone.

A great deal of knowledge about architecture penetrated my mind.

Epidemiology, dynamics, design, materials of ore, etc.

Upon accepting them, the immediate golem appeared to be not just a "monster" but a "building".

"Yang Ji-hwan, prepare the hammer. The back of your head?"

"Of course, all the physical systems have been switched to blunt instruments."

"I want you to lead me to the entire site and attack Darra on the left side of the Golem."

"I see."

The opponent is Stone Golem.

Unless you have the ability to cut rocks at once, blunt weapons such as a hammer are more effective than a sword.As a result, I had put down my vision regarding weapons."Cha Seoyeon, his core is somewhere on the left. We'll probably find the exact location soon, so don't give me a chance.

"All right."

Cha Seoyeon.

She was the only one with enough power to hurt Stone Golem with a sword.

She also replied that if she pulled as much strength as possible, it would be possible to float the Golem's body once.All that remains is to pinpoint the exact location of the nucleus.

How did you know the nucleus was on the far side of the Golem?

Because of the center of gravity.

Although it's subtle enough that ordinary people don't notice.

It was obvious to me that I was looking at Stone Golem from the architect's point of view.

Very little.

The center of gravity of the guy leaning to the left."Heler, help the physical world. The rest of us will support the physical system and attack his left knee joint!"

"Good, I'm coming!"

The motives who were instructed moved in perfect order.

The same goes for me.

I never intended to stand this far and give orders.

Because I also had a thick blunt instrument like Yang Ji-hwan in my hand.

"Plum Blossom Folding." Slurp.

The same movement as a butterfly.

Although his opponent was a first-class monster, he was confident that he would not be pushed back by the agile.

Taking advantage of the time when the bite crabs, including Yang Ji-hwan, deal with the golem.

I turned around and swung the hammer loudly towards his left flank.

Big bite!

Don't worry about getting stuck!

Weapon Mastery.

Unlike others, my Mastery skill applies not only to swords, but to all the weapons I use now.

Points gained from achieving 30 lemels are also properly allocated, including muscle strength.

Nevertheless, my attack did not work on Stone Golem.


"I can see it."

The moment you hit him in the ribs with a hammer.

The subtle shaking in his body caught my eye.Also, the joints between perfectly assembled and completely invisible rocks were clearly visible.

Once again, he swung the hammer while his colleagues gave him butter.

Big bite!

"Here it is!"

I felt it clearly through the hammer.

Something of the same rock material, but different material felt deep down.

His center of gravity.

The vibration you can feel in your hand.A subtly exposed joint.

All that information was drawn into my head like a blueprint.

The exact location of his nucleus was predicted.

"Everyone, focus!"

Cue glow!

The Golem didn't even have time to move properly.

The Golem's body was reeling from the instant attack.

"Cha Seoyeon, it's going to be hard, but please attack the gap here! We need to get it right!"Burn!

Cha Seo-yeon kicked the ground without a word and leaped high.

A faint joint that is visible only to my eyes that I have learned to grasp his structure through the power of the dimensional stone.

Fortunately, Cha Seoyeon's black.He's going to go!

I'm stuck exactly where I want to be.



Cha Seoyeon's sword went in perfectly.

But the length of the sword was insufficient.

The core of the kolem was quite deep in the core, so the blade length alone did not pull.


For this moment, I was there.



An attack packed with full strength.

Where my hammer was headed, Cha Seoyeon was the handle of a sword stuck in the body of a Golem.The hammer was placed on the handle of the sword exactly like a nail hammer.

Too much!

Cha Seo-yeon's black handle definitely penetrated into Golem's body.

The sound of 'Bad!' is coming in.

Obviously with that subtle sound different from the rock.


Stone Colem's huge body collapsed violently.

"Oh, it's stopped!"Did you really knock him down? Stone Golem, the first-class monster?"

"We haven't even started in five minutes?"

Let the Golem stop moving.

His colleagues looked incredibly at the body of the Golem, which remained motionless.

It's said to be aimed at the left leg, but it's only to the extent that it interferes with the movement.

A golem that looks far away without a scratch, except for the joint where Cha Seoyeon insisted on putting a sword.Only one shot.

With that one shot, he attacked Golem's core with accuracy.

Everyone looks puzzled, so I should make the representative feel real.

"Well done, everyone."


"I did it!" "Wow, you guys are amazing!" I can't believe this is against Stone Golem. As expected, the level of students is high this year."

Guild seats at the Opposition Stadium.

Kang Woo-suk and Na Si-yeon Hyun-teo were focusing on the "Golem Breaking" that just started.

Indeed, students who are rated as the best ever.

He wasn't losing at all against Stone Golem.

"Hey, Garam Academy, aren't you going to lose? Looks like you got some sort of group training."

Each academy had a different way of dealing with the Golem.

Based on the contents of the textbook, there is an academy that targets Golem's joints step by step.

Even an academy that tries to prevent movement by knocking down golem by focusing on physical hunters.

Thanks to this, the audience's interest in watching was also growing.

In the meantime.

The eyes of Kang Woo-suk, the hunter of the Samjok Five Guild, were fixed only in one place.

"Phoenix Academy? Is there something over there? You don't even look anywhere else."

Na Siyeon is not stopping talking next to Kang Woo Seok.

She was also interested in Phoenix Academy, where Kang Woo-suk is focusing.

"What are you looking at so hard at?You look so normal."


It was a concise assessment made by her, a hunter of the Samjok O Guild.joint

Typical attack method in textbooks that attack Cairn by grabbing one leg of Golem.Kang Woo-suk finally opens his mouth.

Then, I gave it to you.

"It's so perfect."

"Huh? Is that it? I mean, sometimes in textbooks, but it's not even perfect."

"That's not it. They're only attacking the other side as if they've located the nucleus."

I'm not trying to.

"Well, I'm trying to gamble.

It's either left or right!The one on the left."

At that moment.

Representative of Phoenix Academy.

Cha Seo-yeon moved her body for the first time under Jung Woo-hyuk's direction.


He's going to go!

"Well, what's that? Golem's reaction, apparently nuclear attack."

They are the current site of the Samjok Five Guild.

I've had enough of a golem.

So the extent of Golem's reaction to the nuclear attack was more accurate than anyone else.

"It wasn't a gamble. From the beginning, we predicted the location of the nucleus by looking at the center of gravity, and then determined the location of the nucleus accurately by the subsequent attacks."

"Is that possible? They're still students at the most. No matter how clever it is, it's hard to find a nuclear weapon without any experience."


Next, Jung Woo Hyuk's attack.The handle is so deep that you can't see it.

Golem fell to the floor without a proper fight.

With him.

There was silence among visitors watching the current situation.

-Thu, he's down! Phoenix Academy, the first to knock down Stone Golem!

I can't believe it! What a hard-working baby I made!-3 minutes and 21 seconds! He knocked down the Stone Golem in just three minutes!


"Phoenix Academy, I believed you!"

Only after the exclamation of the broadcaster and the scream of the Golem maker overlap.

The audience came to their senses and shouted in unison.

Phoenix Academy students in the dust caused by Stone Golem collapsing.

I was waving my hand proudly.

"Wow, that girl. You used to take him as a mentor, right? That's amazing.Kite

"No, it's not Cha Seoyeon, but Jung Woohyuk."

"Jung Woo-hyuk was definitely the one who ignored our guild's nomination and chose a mentor for the Fighting Guild, right?"


The shouts of the audience continued.

In the meantime.Five minutes later, the other academy had yet to knock down the Golem.

An overwhelming record, pure and simple.

"I'm looking forward to it, Jung Woo-hyuk."

Kang Woo-suk, who was watching Woo-hyuk, smiled for the first time.