Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v8 Chapter 7: Rush with me

Everyone frowned and looked at Lucian.

Everyone is concerned about how to escape safely, but he is focusing on a small magic box, which is really ignorant of the current affairs.

After the girl snorted, she turned around with her slick face and smiled. "How? You have a solution to the communication problem?"

"My major is magic communication, you can give it a try."

"That's good, you try first, I will stop those guys first."

The girl put the magic box to Lu Xi'an's hand, and in the exclamation of everyone, the figure flashed to the front, facing the three magic vehicles that rushed over.

"You still have to escape by yourself!" The boy who reminded her just shouted. "If you are caught, we will all be finished!"

Hearing this sentence, other people who were still confused were also regained their lucidity. They shouted and let the girl rush to escape.

However, the girl looked back at the crowd and gave a crisp, sweet smile. Then she raised her hand and suddenly there was a long steel-like item on her hand.

Seeing this thing, all the students behind him were dumbfounded.

This stuff... If you are not mistaken, it is clearly a single soldier rocket!

This strange girl can take things out of the magic space and everyone can barely accept it, but everyone did not think of it anyway, she would take out a single soldier rocket!

Everyone looked dull, watching the girl's action extremely skillfully put the single soldier's magic rocket on the shoulder, and then the mouth also made a "squeaky" sound, then a dazzling red light from the soldier's magic rocket Shoot out in the barrel.

Less than a blink of an eye, the fire has already been one of the three magic vehicles rushing in the middle distance.


The explosion stunned the ears of everyone, but looked at the magic chariot directly bombed and flew up, then fell like a toy on the ground, and bounced twice, which burst into a fire Can't move. The expression on the faces of everyone is only more sluggish.


Isn't the magic chariot the most powerful force on the battlefield that is second only to the magic tank? Isn't it that even the great magician can't resist?

Why... Why was it directly destroyed by a single soldier rocket?

More importantly, it is still a young girl who seems to be less than 20 years old to issue this single soldier magic rocket!

The opponents on the opposite side were obviously scared by the power of this single soldier's magic rocket. The two remaining magic vehicles immediately separated quickly. Approaching from both sides to this side.

While running Mercedes-Benz, there is also a snake-shaped shift. Obviously, it is quite a pity that the girl will once again issue a single soldier magic rocket.

However, the girl swept two magical chariots and smiled. He threw the single-magic rocket that was fired on his shoulders and threw it on the ground. With one hand stretched out, I found another one.

The students behind looked at her with a stunned look and didn't know what to look like.

This guy... It’s hard to use your own magic storage space as an arsenal...


Another shot was fired, and the magical chariot on the opposite side was allowed to dodge. This single-armed magic rocket also made a beautiful arc in the air and hit it accurately.

Watching the magic chariot turn into a fire, the only remaining magic chariot immediately turned a big circle, and did not hesitate to turn around and rushed to the depths of the manor, but it was lost. Continue to rush over the courage.

The girl threw the fired single rocket into the side and clap her hands. Shaking his head, it seems to be very dissatisfied and sighed: "Hey, this gang of traffickers really is a guy who has no courage. I am going to fight a big fight."

Everyone stared at her and turned back to Lucian.

"Hey, figure out what is the problem?"

Lu Xi'an has been concentrating on the study of the magic box, and he said that he should not be lifted. "It should have been affected by the banned magic field here, which caused the magic signal to be poorly transmitted, so there was no way to connect the conversation."

"Then you have a solution?"

"Maybe, but I need time."

“Need time?” The girl looked back at the depths of the manor.

As the magic chariot escaped, there was a shrill alarm in the manor. You can see the smoke in the manor, the shadows of the people, obviously the other party has fully reacted, knowing what is happening here is not simple. Can't be treated easily.

"As soon as possible, I can't stop it for too long."

"Good. But... can you give me some data first?" Lu Xi'an looked up at the girl.

"Oh? What data?" the girl asked.

"Since you can use magic anywhere, you should have been very clear about the various data in the magic space that affects the defensive field. Give me, with them, I can make the magic communication signal unaffected. Pass it out."

The girl turned a circle of dark, bright eyes and seemed to have looked at Lucian for a while, and then smiled softly: "I can't give you enough detailed data right now. But I think you only need to know a key data. That's it. The magic element here has a high frequency band resonance between 27.6 and 29.3 Hz."

"You know this, isn't it..." Lucian snorted and wanted to ask again, but the girl had already smiled and turned away.

Lucian took a moment to know that now is not the time to continue to explore, but had to bow his head and nervously debug the magic box.

Because there is no tool on the body, he can only debug through the magic of his own, but it is much slower than ideal.

The only hope is how long the girl can resist the enemy.

After the girl left Lucian, she waved to other people.

"You'd better go back a bit, lest it be affected by our crossfire for a while."

The rest of the students looked at each other and some of them obediently stepped back.

The boy who had previously proposed that the girl fled on her own took a step forward and reached out to the girl.

"How much military magic machinery should you have? Give me some, I will resist the enemy with you. In addition, you better tell us how you use magic. We are all magicians here, although the strength is not strong, but it should Can help."

The girl seemed to be surprised and gave him a look.

"What is your name?"

"Tell me Tanson." The boy shook his head. "Now is not the time to say this. Give me the weapon and tell us how to lift the influence of the ruling field."

"With your current ability, I am afraid I can't grasp this method for a while. But if I stand by my side, I can change the magic space around my range. You have the ability to call the magic element again." .

The people were surprised again.

Change the magic space around you? That is already related to the field!

Can it be said that this girl has now reached such a terrible realm? This is incredible!

Seeing the amazed expression on the faces of the people, the girls apparently guessed what they were thinking and shrugged. "I don't think so much as you think. It's just a coincidence. You also know that in today's magic theory system. The field that was previously dedicated to the Magister is not really that magical thing right?"

For... head!

Although since the advocacy of the "magic science concept" proposed by Xu Yi, the president of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, ten years ago, the magicians on the mainland have established a system of magic theory that is completely different from the previous years. I have thoroughly analyzed the incredible magic that the previous magicians thought, and made the field, the thing that the former magicians regarded as the highest realm of the magician, no secret, but want to really understand These theories have been extremely difficult, and it is even more difficult to really use them.

Even now, there are some young magicians who don’t have the power of the Magister. They can also master the power of the field. But what about the young girls who are not young enough to master this?

"Okay, the enemy is coming. If you want to fight against the enemy with me. Just stand next to me, at least here you can mobilize the magic elements to form a magic shield. I can also protect you by the way. If you don't want to." Just hide a little farther." The girl waved her hand and gave instructions.

The students looked at each other and three girls and six boys retreated to the side. The remaining students, including Tanson, stayed with the girls.

"Very good, it seems that most of the young people nowadays are still very courageous." The girl looked like a veteran, and nodded with satisfaction.

Then she waved her hands in succession. A variety of military magical machines appeared from the space and soon piled up in front of her.

"Okay, everyone picks their favorite and looks pleasing to the eye." The girls put their hands together and jumped out of the building to sell the general posture so that more than a dozen students who stayed could not help but twitch.

Hesitated for a while. They each chose a military magic machine with some impression of their own.

For the students of these colleges, the military magic machinery, I heard and seen many times in various news programs, but the real touch is the first time.

Therefore, everyone is nervous and excited, and they are all at a loss.

The girl glanced at everyone. It was found that only Tanson had a multi-tube magical machine gun in his hand, and everyone else was a layman.

However, she didn't have any worries at all. She just looked at Tanson and shouted loudly.

"Good! Now, everyone is rushing with me!"

Everyone was conditioned, and they had to move forward, and then they immediately responded.

Rush? Where are you going?

Seeing that everyone was stumbling, the girl laughed without heart.

Everyone couldn't help but twitch, thinking about what kind of guy this girl is, and in this case would actually think of making such a bad joke!

Seeing that the people were not well-dressed, the girl continued to smile and laughed loudly, and waved her hand.

"Okay, let's just make a joke, don't mind. Everyone will follow me for a while, don't leave me too far, let us teach this group of traffickers!"

This sentence is still decent, so there are a few **** boys who still learn how to look at her and shout a few times.

But when a group of people waited nervously and looked forward to the arrival of the enemy, they suddenly sounded Lu Xi’an’s shouting.

"Signal is connected!" (~^~)