Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v8 Chapter 19: Was pitted

An hour later, when Freya appeared in front of the Candela ambassador, she had already put on a formal dress that could fully express her noble temperament and perfect body. Her face was not in front of Xu and Steele. Playfully, but a perfect, just right smile.

The eyes swept over, and the Candela empire made the group of people busy and laughed.

"Miss Frye, I am very honored to meet you."

The head of the ambassador, the deputy minister of the Candela empire, who was in charge of negotiating with the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, was slightly bowed to Frya and his face was very bright.

"When Miss Freya came to our Candela empire, I didn't have a chance to meet you. Now the first time I saw a real person, I really couldn't help but marvel at your beauty. Miss Frye, if you Kendo’s appearance in the magical illusion show, I think even Miss Lenoir’s popularity can’t be compared with you.”

In order to protect Frya, and because Frye himself did not want to, Fr. and Steele did not let Fleet's real person appear in any newspaper or magic illusion.

Many people on the Cairns Big 6 know that the eldest daughter of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce Xu Yi has already passed 20 this year and is an extremely beautiful woman, but the real appearance of Frya is actually Very few.

So in many newspapers, Freya, who only knows the name, has been named the most mysterious **** the 6th of Sainz.

Frya smiled slightly: "Thank you for your compliment. Marquis of Mufala, I don't know what you are calling to see me because of it? I haven't had any contact with you before?"

“Well?” The Marquis of Mufala gave a slight glimpse, and his face returned to normal. He smiled and said: “We came here this time, in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce last month, about the actions of the internal mass trafficking in the empire. Miss Frya I heard from President Xu that you participated in the action of the Guild Guard last month, right?"

Frya also stunned and realized it in an instant.

The Candela empire did not know that she participated in the action of last month!

No wonder she wonders. Her participation in the operation was completely confidential. She also kept the illusion skin throughout, and did not reveal the true appearance at all. It is reasonable to say that it should not be exposed.

Now listen to the Marquis of Mufala. She realized that it was originally she was sold by her father!

Frya snorted in her heart, but her face still had a perfect smile and nodded lightly.

"Yes, I took part in the instructions of my father's adult. But the whole process is only as a bystander, and there is no actual action. The father's intention is just that I can familiarize myself with the action mode of the Chamber of Commerce Guards. They are in contact."

The Marquis of Mufala laughed: "Miss Frya, as the heir to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, it is a matter of course to contact and govern the Chamber of Commerce Guard in advance. It is not surprising that President Xu has this arrangement."

Freya couldn't help but frown slightly.

When she was just born, Xu also publicly stated to everyone that she is the sole heir of Xu Yi, and that any other child is only qualified to inherit part of the real property, but not to inherit anything else.

So everyone is very clear. If there is no accident, Frye will inherit the position of Xu Yi in the future and become the next president of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

This is not only because everyone inside the New Flyer Association thinks so, but others outside the new Flyer Association think so.

Therefore, when others face Frya, they will always treat them as successors of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, which is particularly respectful.

Frye is not particularly disgusted with this, but she can't talk about anything.

Before she had made up her mind, she did not want her fate to be determined.

The Marquis of Mufala will naturally not understand the thoughts of Freya's mind. In his view, he can become the president of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. That is what everyone is dreaming of.

Now the new Feishang Chamber has almost mastered more than half of the magic industry in the entire Sainz 6 and the other half is also inseparable from the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, which will be greatly affected by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

With the importance of the magical industrial industry to all the countries on the Big 6 today, the New Flyer Association can say that it is no exaggeration to control the fate of everyone on the entire Big Six.

As the president of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. Xu Yi’s status on the Sainz 6 is no less than that, even the emperors of the two empires.

If Frya inherited the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce, then even if she can't compare with the status of Xu Yi, she will still become one of the top three big figures in this big 6.

Therefore, although he is the deputy minister of the Candela empire, he is also a big man in the Candela empire, but in front of Freya. Still dare not have any scorn.

"I just looked around and said what to do, it was too early." Frya waved her hand casually and skipped the topic. "It's still a business, Marquis Mufarah, you said that it is related to the actions of last month. What is it?"

The Marquis of Mufala coughed and explained: "Miss Frye, although last month's action was a perfect success, with the help of your new Flying Chamber of Commerce Guard, we successfully captured a group of evil people. The traffickers rescued a large number of hostages, but in this operation, the performance of the empire was not satisfactory."


"You see, the special action teams sent by the empire are far less than your New Flying Chamber of Commerce Guards, both in the current enemy, in the entanglement of the hostages, and in the exchange of information among them. The response is very slow. After the Emperor read the report, I was very angry and asked us to come up with a proper solution immediately. So... we came to ask for help."

“What help do you need?” Frya immediately asked.

"The first is about information exchange and exchange. The Empire hopes to further enhance cooperation with the New Flying Magic Communication Chamber of Commerce, strengthen the laying of the magic communication network inside the empire, and realize the coverage of the magic communication network throughout the empire as soon as possible, reaching any place, any time. Communicate in real time."

"You shouldn't come to our chamber of commerce?" Frye surprised. "We have been vigorously promoting the laying of the magic communication network, and we have never spared no effort. The main problem is that other countries are willing to invest heavily. If you want to create a perfect magic communication network as soon as possible, then prepare enough. Put money into it."

"The empire has had a lot of investment ideas for this, but... there has always been a concern..." The Marquis of Mufala was hesitating.

"Concern?" Frya was in the mirror, but did not nod, but looked at the Count of Mufala with a look of doubt.

The Earl of Mufala coughed a little, and after a moment of indulgence, this continued: "The Empire attaches great importance to the construction of the magic communication network, but the magic communication network that was previously led by the Guild has been erected. All relevant technical materials and operational materials are all in the possession. In the hands of the empire, the empire can only participate in the operation management, but can not interfere with the magic communication network... Oh no, there is no way to understand in detail, which is very unfavorable for maintaining the normal operation of the entire magic communication network. If you have problems, you must seek technical help from your society. This is really inconvenient..."

"So you want to get all the relevant technical information, master the magic communication network, lay it yourself, and then kick us off?" Fleia interrupted his words unceremoniously.

"No, no..." Marquis of Mufala waved again and again. "Miss Freya, don't misunderstand. I mean, just hope that you don't always bother your technicians. Some small problems, we can solve them ourselves if we can solve them. This is good for us and for you. No? As for what to say kicked, where is this..."

"So, after all, do you still want technical information about the magic communication network?"

"Oh... this is the case... If you are willing to sell this part of the technical information, the Empire is willing to pay the price that will satisfy you." The Marquis of Mufala finally said the purpose.

“Is the price of satisfaction?” Frya glanced up at the Marquis of Mufala, and for a moment, he asked: “You should have seen your father before? What did he say?”

"Mr. Xu said that he has given it to Miss Fryia to handle it. Your opinion is his opinion." The Marquis of Mufala and other members of the Candela Empire ambassadors looked forward to it. Frya.

Before Xu Yi’s slightly sly smile, it flashed through Frya’s mind.

Well, my father is clearly creating pits for me.

Fleia closed her eyes and thought about it.

Seeing her reaction, the Marquis of Mufala and others showed a hint of surprise.

Prior to this, the Candela Empire made several identical requests to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, but each time it was arbitrarily rejected by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

This time they once again asked Xu for this matter, but Xu also was uncharacteristic. Although they did not give a clear answer, they asked them to talk directly with Frya.

This attitude is, in their view, a turning point.

And now Miss Frye closes her eyes and reveals a serious thinking. Does it mean that she is likely to agree with her own request?

The crowd waited quietly for a while, and Frya slowly opened her eyes.

"Miss Frye, how are you thinking about it?" asked the Marquis of Mufala.

Frya's mouth was slightly upturned, revealing a bright sunshine, but with a hint of awkward smile.

"Before discussing this issue, do you have to show your sincerity at least?"

The Marquis of Mufala and others waited and sighed. (To be continued.)
