Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v8 Chapter 12: Apply

Three days later, the news that the main city of Doral City ordered a hundred sets of magic monitoring systems from the New Moon Chamber of Commerce appeared in the major newspapers of the Candela Empire.

When I first saw this news, almost everyone was somewhat inexplicable.

Magic monitoring system? What is this?

Why does the newspaper say that this is the response of the government of the southern governorate and the city of Doral to the previous kidnapping incident?

Then I saw the explanation of this magic monitoring system behind the newspaper, and people gradually realized it.

It turns out that with this thing, the entire city of Doral will be under strict surveillance, so that sin is invisible, and it is naturally difficult to have similar kidnappings.

Even if it does happen, it is easy to find out through this system.

No matter how you look at it, this system can have an excellent shock to criminal behavior.

Of course, not everyone agrees.

As soon as this news was reported, many newspapers soon published the opinions of another group of people, saying that the emergence of this magic monitoring system would make people have no privacy, which is contrary to the most basic moral concept of human beings.

However, others immediately retort.

If you don't do bad things, why should you care about this magic monitoring system?

Besides, the main city of Doral City has clearly stated that this system is only used to monitor the public areas in the city of Doral, and will not include private houses, so other people do not have to worry about their privacy. Infringed.

If you still feel offended, then you first need to reflect on whether you are a thief.

The debate between the two sides escalated rapidly in major newspapers and soon became one of the hottest topics in the Candela empire.

Thanks to this hot discussion, the concept of the magic monitoring system was quickly spread within the Candela empire, even in many countries outside the Candela Empire.

After the Dora City City Government submitted an order for a hundred sets of magic monitoring systems to the New Moon Chamber of Commerce, it was not long before more than ten cities in the Candela Empire also demanded the order of the Magic Monitoring System from the New Moon Chamber of Commerce. .

The total number of magic monitoring systems involved in these orders exceeds a total of one thousand sets, involving more than two million gold coins.

Even if it is now the development of the magic entertainment industry, the New Moon Chamber of Commerce across countless countries in the mainland, this is also a big order.

So after receiving this order. The New Moon Chamber of Commerce has become more and more busy.

Even the New Moon Chamber of Commerce has added a magic monitoring and imaging department to handle this business.

For the new Feishang Association, which also involved, the order did not have much impact.

The new Flyer Chamber is simply a research team from the Magic Researcher that specializes in researching the different needs of the Magic Monitoring System. In addition, a production line for producing magic projectors was produced to produce various types of magic imaging devices equipped with the magic monitoring system.

For the new Feishang Association, which has grown into a behemoth, it is a business that cannot be touched by the core of the district. There is no need to give too much energy to take special care.

In comparison, the annual open recruitment fair is the most important thing for the current New Flying Chamber of Commerce.


On July 17th, the day before the official opening of the annual recruitment fair of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. Lucian jumped from a long-distance passenger magic locomotive and felt it shine when he looked up.

The city in front of him is not the same as any city he has seen in his life.

The towering buildings can be seen everywhere, wide and straight, criss-crossed avenues, surrounded by street lights and signal lights, all kinds of magic cars that travel back and forth on the road, and the roads are dressed in different costumes of different costumes...

Although these can often be seen in other big cities of the Candela empire, they are far from being like the city in front of them. It is already a normal state.

Lucian stared blankly for a while. This slowly returned to God, could not help but take a deep breath.

It is no wonder that countless people have said that only when they arrive at the new Feicheng City can they truly appreciate the charm of the new era.

It’s not wrong at all!

Just glanced at it, Lu Xi'an felt as if he had come to a new world. Even the air that breathed seemed to come from another world.

Despite all the descriptions and even images about the new Feicheng, he has seen countless times in the magical illusion, but only after coming to the city in person, can he truly understand how the city is different, how ...modern.

Just looking at the huge screen of the fantasy projector that covers the entire wall on the opposite side of the building. Lucian felt a little dizzy.

Such a huge projection screen was even several times larger than the one he had seen outside of Doral, and it looked so spectacular that he felt extremely shocked.

It seems to be responding to the thoughts of Lu Xi'an. The magical illusion that is playing on this huge screen suddenly becomes a figure that he is very familiar with.

Miss Linoa!

On the phantom projection screen, Li Noah is almost taller than that building, but it still looks very beautiful, the smile is sweet, the temperament is clean and noble, and every move is full of people's intoxicating atmosphere.

Lucian looked at it for a while, after the disappearance of Li Noah's figure. This is the time to come back.

Perhaps because of the fact that the job fair will be held in these two days, the new flyer will clearly indicate how to go to the application venue at the long-distance station.

Lu Xi'an followed the instructions and asked several times. After easily dumping two buses, he came to the special base for recruitment fairs not far from Xinfeicheng.

This place should have been a large stadium outside the new flying city, covering an area of ​​more than tens of hectares, which is extremely large.

However, even if it is such a large place, it is already crowded everywhere, and there is almost no room for activity.

Looking around, you can see young people almost the same age as Lucian.

Of course, many of them are older, and even white-haired old people exist.

These people are obviously coming for this job fair. The purpose is naturally to apply for success and become a regular employee of the new Flyer Chamber of Commerce.

For people on the mainland of Sainz, it is a glorious thing to be able to work in the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

The salary given by the new Feishang Association may not be the highest in the whole continent, but the status obtained is extremely high.

If it is a regular employee of the new Feishang Association, it is a very worthwhile thing in any small place.

And if you can become a researcher at the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, it will be a powerful figure to be worshipped by countless people.

In some small countries, any researcher at the New Flying Chamber of Commerce Magic Academy can become a VIP of His Majesty!

Even within the two empire, the researchers of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute are highly valued people, and the treatment will never be worse than most nobles.

Therefore, the annual recruitment fair of the new Feishang Association, especially the open recruitment of the Magic Research Institute, will always attract the participation of countless people across the continent.

At this time of the year, students like Lu Xi'an who have just graduated from various magical industrial colleges will always want to come here to try their luck.

In case it can be accepted by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, it will be like flying in the sky!

Lucian looked at the crowd around him and was a little nervous.

It is said that this year's Xinfei Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute only openly recruits less than 50 positions, and at least 50,000 people from here are at least tens of thousands.

With his ability, can he stand out among these tens of thousands of people?

Thinking of this, Lu Xi'an reached into the pocket and touched a small, oblate, thing that could touch some very delicate patterns on it, and the heart settled down a little.

This little thing is that the mysterious girl is hard to give him, saying that it is her token.

The mysterious girl said last time that Lu Xi’an would be able to obtain the special recommended quota for the recruitment meeting of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce’s Magic Research Institute with this token, and directly enter the retest.

At that time, Lu Xi'an was very dissatisfied with the attitude towards the girl, and even wanted to reject the girl's kindness.

Later, after they separated, Lu Xi'an calmed down again and recalled his reaction at the time, but he felt extremely shy.

The two companions who took him at the time were right. In any case, the girl rescued them from the crisis.

If it weren't for her, if they didn't, they would be sold by those traffickers who didn't know what to do, and they would live an extremely miserable life.

So from this point of view, don't say that the girl is just not honest enough, even if her attitude is no worse, Lu Xi'an does not have any qualifications to fire on her.

What's more, the girl not only did not mind Lu Xi'an's unreasonable troubles, but also because of the poor talent he showed, he looked at him differently, especially giving him this token and extremely valuable recommended places.

"It’s really shy..."

Lucian sighed in a deep sigh, squeezing out from the crowd and coming to the registration office of the application.

After filling out an application form according to the instructions of the staff of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, Lu Xi'an hesitated, and took out the little thing that the mysterious girl gave him from his pocket.

He thought that since the mysterious girl said that he could carry the token, he did not need him to explain what it was.

Looking around in a circle, Lucian is embarrassed to say that he can get a special recommendation with this token.

However, the staff member of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce who was responsible for the registration was inexplicably looking at the delicate gadget in Lucian’s hands and blinked.

"Excuse me... You let me see this thing... What does it mean?" (.)