Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v7 Chapter 125: Extravagant army of the Kingdom of Lampari

The patrol squad follows the usual patrol route, away from the small town of Greenwich, and after about five kilometers to the southwest, there is a mountain range in the distance.

This mountain range is the largest mountain in the southern part of the former Frankish kingdom, known as the Gree Hughes.

If you continue to travel south from the small town of Greenwich, if you don’t want to travel from the valley southwest of the small town of Greenwich, you can only go east or west for hundreds of kilometers before you can bypass Gree Mountains.

Therefore, this mountain range has become a clear dividing line between the north and south of the eastern part of the original Frankish kingdom.

Nearly a month ago, under the attack of the Marfa coalition forces, the army of the Kingdom of Lampari retreated to the area of ​​the Gree Hughes, relying on their fortifications built in the Tianming Valley, the only one available in the Gree Hughes. Resist the attack of the Mafa coalition forces.

It must be said that the fact that the defenders of the Kingdom of Lampari built here is too strong.

During this month, the Martha coalition forces launched a total of fourteen attacks on the valley. Many of them were attacked by four mages, the most powerful group of magicians in the coalition. Still can't break through the defense here.

Even under the counterattack of the Lanpai Kings, the Mafa coalition had suffered heavy losses. In less than a month of fighting, more than 20,000 soldiers were directly killed, and the number of other serious injuries was more than 40,000. There are countless injuries.

And this is not a big deal. The real loss is that in the fourteen battles, the Mafa coalition forces had more than 100 senior magicians killed under the counterattack of the Lanpari Kings. They even killed two great magics. division.

Coupled with the incompetence of even four wizards, the mountain became an insurmountable barrier in front of the Mafa coalition, preventing them from continuing to expand their battles, from the hands of the Lampari Kingdom. Recover the territory that originally belonged to the Kingdom of Frank.

In the last week. The seniors of the Marfa coalition temporarily gave up their actions to attack the Tianming Valley and decided to stabilize the situation in the territory of the former Frankish kingdom, which was taken back from the Kingdom of Lampari.

So now the two armies are temporarily on fire near the Gree Hughes. In a confrontational state.

Of course, this does not mean that the two sides will really go on peacefully.

Whether it is the Marfa Union or the Kingdom of Lampari. It is bound to find an opportunity to launch an attack again.

Therefore, during this period, the Marfa coalition forces have been strengthening the investigation and patrol of the Glic Hughes region, on the one hand to prevent the sudden counterattack of the Lampari Kingdom, and on the other hand to find the loophole of the Lampari Kings team, and to break through the Gree in one fell swoop. Hughes.

Lieutenant General Nokmo and the scouting squad of seventeen Frankish kingdoms led by him were among the many squads responsible for reconnaissance missions.

Lieutenant Nockmo and his men in the nearby area have been patrolling these days many times, and they can know where they have gone with almost closed eyes. Naturally, there is no need to explore more.

Now that you can see the distant places in the Gree Hughes with the naked eye, it is the area where you really need to be vigilant.

According to the information obtained during the battle with the King Lampari team. The Lampari Kings team is now equipped with the latest magical artillery provided by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. The flat range can already exceed four kilometers.

And if you attack from top to bottom from above the Gree Hughes, the range can easily break through five kilometers.

Therefore, Lieutenant Nuokmo and his men entered this area, which means that they are likely to be attacked by the magical artillery of the Lanpari Kings at any time, and they are always at risk.

Of course, this is only a theoretical consideration.

In fact, the Kingdom of Lampari will certainly not waste valuable magical artillery shells on the Malfa joint army investigation team where the ghost knows where it is. This precious resource is generally used when it is in front of a crossfire.

In terms of reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance, in addition to using the magical airships in the sky to conduct investigations, the Lampari Kingdom will also send scout teams to leave the Gree Hughes for investigation.

After the huge image of the magical airship that seemed to be unmatched in his mind, Lieutenant Nokmo looked up and looked at the sky. I found that there were no suspicious black spots in the sky at this time, and I nodded and settled down.

The Marfa coalition has a magical airship for the Kingdom of Lampari. The overall trend and a lot of intelligence will be easily detected, which has suffered a lot in this regard.

Just two days ago, three investigation teams of the Marfa coalition forces encountered the attack of the Lanpari Kings team near the Gree Hughes, and even one did not get back.

So although Lieutenant Nokmo and his team have not seen the shadow of a Lampari team for a week, he is still cautious at this time, trying to avoid becoming an eye-catching target.

After leading the men to approach the Gree Hughes for about two kilometers in the lush forest at the foot of the Gree Hughes, Lieutenant Nokmo stopped the crowd and then waved, and the players were all there. Fully alert.

In the case of preparation, Lieutenant Nokmo believes. The team led by himself is enough to easily eliminate an unprepared Frankish kingdom squad.

But once the other party has prepared for the warning... then don't think too much, just escape better.

The facts of the previous battles with the Kingdom of Lampari have been numerous. Although the strength of the Mafa coalition forces is several times that of the Kingdom of Lampari, the real advantage is only the help of four magisters.

Without the help of four magisters, on the frontal battlefield, like the traditional soldiers who are still equipped with swords like Lieutenant Knockmo, the soldiers of the Lampari Kingdom who fully armed themselves with military magic machinery will be able to clean up. They are a team.

"Hey, if there is a soldier in the Kingdom of Lampari who has a single order, if he is not prepared to solve him, he will be able to take over the equipment from him."

Thinking of the various military weapons and powerful military weapons of the various soldiers in the Kingdom of Lampari, Lieutenant Nokmo could not help but drool.

If he can have such a set of equipment, I am afraid that a single magician will have a hope of success.

Of course, he also knows that even if he really meets the Lanpari kingdom soldier who has placed the order, and grabs the military magic machinery on the other side, the final result will be taken away.

Now the Marlow Empire is in great need of all kinds of military magic machinery equipped by the Lanpari Kings team, in order to be able to carry out research and imitation.

It is said that within the Marlow Empire, a large team of magicians and artisans has been organized. In the effort to study military magic machinery, it is as close as possible to the arms gap between the new and the Flying Chamber of Commerce.

However, this kind of thing is obviously not a result in a short period of time. At the very least, Lieutenant Nokmo did not see how many military magic machines were in the army of the Marlow Empire.

After seeing that his men were already lurking in their respective positions, Lieutenant Nokmo climbed a tree, hid his body in the trunk, and pulled out a telescope, looking through the gaps of the branches and leaves, to the distant Gree Hughes. go with.

In fact, this is nothing to look at.

In the previous week-long investigation, every time Lieutenant Nokmo led his hand down to observe nearby, he found that the Lampari Kings in the Gree Hughes were honestly in their position on the mountain. I don’t really come out.

Even if you see a few figures occasionally, it just flashes in an instant, and you don't see any specific movements.

However, Lieutenant Nockmore received the task of observing whether there was any unusual move in the Kingdom of Lampari. As long as he was monitoring the day here, he was able to complete his task.

After watching it for a while, after confirming that there was nothing unusual in the camp of the Ramiperi team in the distance, Lieutenant Nokmo yawned boring and prepared to take a telescope to rest for a while.

When the thought was just raised, a black spot suddenly broke into his telescope's field of vision.

Lieutenant Nokmo sneaked a sigh of relief and quickly determined that it should be a magic airship.

This magical airship flew from the sky south of the Gree Hughes and then slowly descended into the position of the Lampari Kingdom in the mountains.

Because there was a wall barrier, Lieutenant Nokmo did not see who was in the magical airship.

However, according to the information provided by other investigative squads, the Kingdom of Lampari often has magical airships flying from the south. It is speculated that what materials were transported from the South for the Lanpari Kings stationed in the Gree Hughes.

When I heard this information, Lieutenant Knockmo was still not quite convinced, because the magical airship was only only 20 ships in the Marlow Empire. All of them were given by the highest status people in the Marlow Empire. I have divided it up. At present, there is only one ship in the Mafa coalition, which shows how precious this thing is.

And according to Lieutenant Nockmo, the flight of the magic airship is very expensive, and it is obviously not cost-effective to use this thing to transport supplies.

Even if the Kingdom of Lampari has a large number of magic airships, it should not be so extravagant and wasteful.

However, it seems that he is deliberately playing the face of Lieutenant Nokmo. He just came up with this idea in his mind, and there is another magical airship in sight.

Before he could react, a magical airship appeared in the sky far away in the south, and soon a black cloud formed in the sky, almost covering the entire Gree Hughes.

Seeing this abnormal situation, even if Lieutenant Nokmo is no longer ignorant, he knows that something must happen. (To be continued)