Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v7 Chapter 123: The counterattack of the two empires

After the two magicians lost from the city of Metro, the situation in Metro City became a bit strange.

After half a month, the Candela Empire did not take any action.

There was no army to attack the city of Metro, trying to recapture, and the Candela empire did not send any reinforcements. Even the elite magician regiment sent by the former Candeladi department retired silently one morning.

Only the 50,000 reinforcements sent by the Governor's Office of the Southwestern Province were still steadfastly guarding the camps five kilometers away from Metro City, but there was no such thing as a slight attack on Metro City.

If you ignore the 50,000 people, the current city of Metro is just like being forgotten by the Candela Empire. It looks very calm and peaceful.

However, outside the city of Metro, the situation on the entire continent is not at all calm, and there is even an increasingly fierce trend.

On October 13th, when the first cold wind representing the winter had just blown from the north, the Marlow Empire and the Frankish Kings in exile in the Marlow Empire formed a coalition, and the attack was now occupied by the Drakic Principality. Territory of the Kingdom.

Before the battle, the magisters of the three Marlow Empires directly declared their participation in the war.

For their participation in the war, the three magisters gave the reason that the Principality of Drake was an aggressor. They only helped the Falk Kingdom to recapture its own territory and rebuild its own country, which was a "war of justice."

Because of the direct participation of the three Magisters, the Candela Empire was equipped with a large number of military magical machines, but it was unable to withstand the unusually powerful attacks from the Magisters.

At the same time, another army of the Marlow Empire in the east attacked the former Frankish kingdom and now belongs to the territory under the name of the Lampari Kingdom.

The lineup of this army is even stronger than the attack on the Principality of Drake, and the total investment is as high as 200,000. It is equipped with a total of more than 500 senior magicians and 28 great magicians, as well as a full four magician directly involved in the battle.

Although the military power of the Kingdom of Lampari is undoubtedly much stronger than the Principality of Drach, it is under the terrible offensive of the Marlow Empire. It is still difficult to resist, and it has only lost three hundred kilometers in just three days. The large territory was handed over again.

On October 15th, two days after the Marlow Empire and the Frankish Kingdom coalition attacked the Kingdom of Lampari and the Principality of Drake, the Candela Empire suddenly dispatched a large army. The soldiers divided the three roads, and the 150,000-strong army attacked the former Frankish kingdom. , now controlled by the Kingdom of Lampari.

In conjunction with the Malo Empire and the Frankish Kingdom coalition in the north, the total number of enemies entering this area has already reached 3,500,000, including a large number of magicians from the Marlow Empire and the Candela Empire. And even there are a total of six magisters.

Seeing that the strength of the two sides is too different. The Kingdom of Lampari did not make much resistance. In just five days, it has already withdrawn three hundred kilometers.

In addition to the territory that was previously lost under the attack of the Mafa coalition forces, less than ten days after the start of the war, the Kingdom of Lampari has already handed out nearly half of the territory occupied by the Frankish kingdom.

The other two roads of the Candela Empire were all the way south and once again invaded the Kingdom of Rulson.

This time, the Candela Empire army is not like the previous two invasions of the Kingdom of Rulson. It is a posture of the whole army, and it is steadily advancing, but the entire 50,000 army is composed of elite light horses and enters the king of Rulson. Domestically, it is not aimed at capturing land and cities, but it is going straight to the mines in the Kingdom of Rulson.

Because these light cavalry come and go like the wind. The action is extremely flexible, while the Kingdom of Rulson is lacking in strength and prevention is not strict enough. This made the 50,000 light garrisons destroyed the 13 mines of the Ruhrson Kingdom in less than a week, making the thirteen mines completely paralyzed.

Among the 13 mines, five mines belong to the new Feifei Chamber of Commerce, and six of the remaining eight mines are mines jointly developed by the Kingdom of Rulson and the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

In the end, the Candel empire army was directly invaded from the southeast corner of the Candela Empire to the Kingdom of the Dero, which had been controlled by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

In conjunction with this wave of the army, the riots led by the Dero people broke out in the Kingdom of the Dro.

Almost all the facilities set up by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce in the Kingdom of the Droat have been severely damaged, except for an area under the protection of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce Guards Base near the Droat Kings, and other areas within the Kingdom of the Dro Kingdom. Soon it was all in chaos. Deviated from the control of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

However, the Candela Empire army did not go straight to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce **** brigade stationed near the King of the Dro, as many expected, but turned to the south. Invaded into the territory of the Principality of Wales.

Although the Principality of Wales also received a large amount of military magic machinery support from the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, it was only a poor and weak Principality. The strength of the army is weak and the foundation is weak. There is no way to withstand the army of the Candela Empire.

Under the attack of the Candela Empire, the army of the Principality of Wales was defeated all the way, and soon the majority of the territory of the Candela Empire invaded and occupied most of the territory. Only one territory where the southern harbor was ambushed has not yet fallen.

When the western and central roads of Sainz were in full swing, there was no idleness in the eastern part of the mainland.

On October 27, while the eastern army of the Candela Empire invaded the Principality of Wales, a total of thirteen countries headed by the Mana Magic Kingdom and signed the cooperation agreement with the two empires, with the slogan of “restoring the mainland order”, hit In the name of “reclaiming territory for the invaded country”, it formed a huge army with a total strength of more than 300,000, and entered the southwestern part of the mainland controlled by the Nozdorm commercial United Kingdom and several surrounding cooperative countries.

In this coalition, not only the three magisters of the Mana Magic Kingdom participated directly in the war, but also two magisters who had always been reclusive to declare their participation in the war.

Under the participation of five magisters and hundreds of great magicians and a large number of senior magicians, with the terrorist forces of 300,000, the army of Nozdorm’s business in the United Kingdom totaling less than 130,000 is extremely Weak.

Even if Nozdorm Commercial United Kingdom has introduced military magic machinery from the New Flying Chamber of Commerce in the past few years, only less than one-third of the troops have completed the replacement, and the overall strength is still not enough to compete with the other side.

After the battle started, Nozdorm’s business in the United Kingdom was also defeated by Lien Chan.

It was not until the final retreat to the Nozdorm business in the United Kingdom that it was temporarily stabilized with the help of the magic defense system assisted by the new Flying Chamber of Commerce and stopped the trend of retreat.

However, from the perspective of the strength of the two sides, the Nozdorm Business United Kingdom clearly has no chance of counterattack.

Once the enemy's magician really tears his face and breaks the unwritten rule of the Candela empire that "the magician can't participate in the war of invading other countries," then the fate of the Nozdorm business in the United Kingdom must be in jeopardy.

Two months ago, the entire continent was shocked by the devastating defeat of the Candela Empire and the Marlow Empire, respectively, and the defeat of the Principality of Drach.

A month and a half ago, the whole continent was defeated by the new Flying Chamber of Commerce, which caused the two empires to suffer fiasco. Even the countries of the two Empires, including the Frankish Kingdom and the Dero Kingdom, were directly stunned and frightened. The powerful force embodied in the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has been so shocked that many people think that this continent will undergo great changes, and it has since fallen into the control of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

However, the major countries represented by the two empires now exerted their strength at the same time, and immediately achieved such brilliant results. On the contrary, the new Flying Chamber of Commerce camp was defeated, and there was no strong force at all.

The public opinion on the Sains continent immediately reversed.

Almost everyone is vocal about the two empires, saying that the two empires represent the tradition of this continent.

The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has only achieved some partial advantages by virtue of a little novelty. However, because it cannot be compared with the two empires in the context, naturally there is no way to fundamentally shake the status of the two empires.

It is believed that the new forces represented by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce will inevitably be crushed by the two empires, and the entire Sainz continent will return to the traditional order.

"Hey, these guys are really flattering and shooting themselves." Xu also put down a large newspaper in his hand and smiled and shook his head.

Some of these newspapers come from the Candela empire, some from the Marlow Empire, and some from the other two empires camps. There is a unified view that the two generations of empire represent the orthodoxy of this continent. The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce is just a clown who can't influence the overall situation. Sooner or later, it will be crushed by the two empires.

Xu Yi’s point of view is of course dismissive, but he is also very clear that most people on this continent now think so, and even many people in many countries belonging to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce think so.

The reason is that the two empire camps launched a fierce counterattack in the past two months, which led to a large setback in the camp of the new Feishang Association, which naturally shocked people's confidence.

There is only one way to change people's views, that is, speak with facts and speak with strength.

As long as the counterattacks of the two empires can be shattered, the winds of the entire continent will inevitably be reversed again.

"Kid, what are you going to do?" Camilla Magistrate glanced at the newspaper that was also thrown at the table, and asked in a positive color.

Hearing this question, Xu also sighed softly.

"I originally wanted to use the most gentle way to tell people that the world has changed, but obviously I am wrong. Grandpa, you are right with Steele, I am too idealistic and sometimes naive. In this world, the most useful thing to speak is always a fist.'

Xu Yi paused, and a slap in the newspaper, the look and eyes on his face turned to firm.

"If they want war, then I will give them war." (To be continued)