Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v7 Chapter 113: High energy response

In the city of Babral, where the Governor's Office of the southwestern province is located more than three hundred kilometers northeast of Metro City, the atmosphere is much more tense than usual.

Five days ago, the news of the fall of Metro City was introduced into the city of Babral. At first, people did not care much. They felt that this daring enemy would be easily crushed by the army of the Empire.

However, just yesterday, another shocking news came back, but the 50,000-strong army sent by the Governor’s Office to Metro City was all in the city of Metro, leaving only the Yuanjun commander Di Natale. The Marquis escaped alone.

The news immediately caused the people of Babral to fall into panic.

The fall of the city of Mero can also be said that the soldiers of the empire have deliberately underestimated the enemy, but the 50,000-strong reinforcements sent by the Governor's Office are the elite troops of the southwestern province. Now they are all still in the city of Metro.

These enemies are so powerful that they are so strong?

"No, the Duke, this enemy is only much stronger than you think." Di Natale guarded the Marquis and looked across the southwestern governor of the Governor Charles, and added a serious look: "Don't say me The 50,000-strong reinforcements led by them are not their opponents. I believe that even if all the troops in our southwestern provinces come out, they can’t help them."

The Duke of Charles stared at the Marquis of Di Natale for a long time, and he couldn’t help but stunned his eyes.

If he was not with the Marquis of Di Natale for many years, he knew his character very well, knowing that he was not the kind of person who talked indiscriminately, not the kind of waste that was deliberately exaggerated in order to cover up his failure. He certainly would not believe these words. .

What a joke!

The 30,000-strong garrison of the city of Metro has been ruined, and now even the 50,000 soldiers that he sent in the past are defeated and returned... Oh no. They didn't come back at all.

According to the situation reported by the Marquis of Di Natale. The **** new Flying Chamber of Commerce Guards did not put their 50,000 people in their eyes. Even attacking them is a waste of ammunition!

For this statement, the Marquis of Di Natale not only did not have a little refutation, but even now in front of him, even if all the troops in the southwestern provinces are out of the nest, why not help each other?

"As you said, should I completely surrender to the guys of the new Flying Chamber of Commerce?" Thinking of this, the Duke of Charles couldn't help but with a hint of mockery, coldly asked.

How could the Duke of Di Natale not hear the words of the Duke of Charles, but he could only helplessly laugh. Continued: "If the purpose of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce is to defeat all the resistance forces in our southwestern province, I believe they can do it. But... their purpose does not seem to be here."

The Duke of Charles frowned deeply: "What do you mean by their purpose? At least they have captured the city of Metro, isn't it fake?"

"Duke of the Duke, I am blunt, if they intend to capture the city of Babral, we have no way to resist. They are too..."

"Enough!" Duke Charles angrily slammed the table and interrupted the words of the Marquis of Di Natale. "I have already heard enough of your enemy's prestige! Now these enemies have captured the city of Metro, do you want me to stay here and do nothing, watch them do whatever they want?"

"The duke, the fact is that we have no ability to resist them..." The Marquis of Di Natale reluctantly spread his hands. "I think we must admit that the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce now has a lot of powerful military magical machinery that we can't reach. The combat effectiveness of our two sides is not at one level. If you want to fight with them, you can only die in vain."

"So we are here waiting for them to annex the city of Metro. Come and annex the other cities in our southwestern province, and finally swallow the city of Babral, swallow the entire southwestern province, and finally swallow the entire empire? ?" The Duke of Charles was cold and authentic.

"Of course not, I just... just think... the Duke, we still report the specific situation here to the military, and hand it over to the big men of the military to decide?"

"This does not require you to worry about it. I have already reported the situation of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce in the first place. I believe that the military will respond within a few days." Here, the Duke of Charles suddenly whispered angrily. He sighed. "If it weren't for the few **** guys who were obstructing it, now we have built a magic communication network that can directly talk to Wimbledon with the help of the new flying business association, then you don't need to wait for a communication like this one. A few days."

The Marquis of Di Natale opened his mouth and decided to give up reminding the Duke of Charles that Charles Duke was one of those who prevented the New Flying Chamber of Commerce from assisting in the construction of the magic communication network.

"So the Duke, we are now..."

The Duke of Charles glanced at him and snorted: "Of course we can't wait for the news of the military here, but sit down and watch the city of Metro. Dinata, three days later, you pick from the Fifth Army. Ten thousand people went to Metro City for support."

The Marquis of Di Natale suddenly stayed.

"The Fifth Army? Ten thousand people?"

The Marquis of Di Natale almost thought that the Duke of Charles was joking.

This so-called Fifth Army is actually the most backward leg of the regular army in the southwestern province. It is a regular army regiment, but in fact the main task of this regiment is to be responsible for logistics, engineering and other miscellaneous work. What combat experience, even the weapons and equipment are not complete, almost no fighting ability of the soldiers.

Don't say that only 10,000 people will be sent. Even if more than 40,000 people from the entire Fifth Army are sent to Metro City, the result will only be worse than the situation encountered by the 50,000 reinforcements.

"What? Didn't you understand?" Duke Charles squinted and asked the Marquis of Di Natale. "Do you want me to repeat it again?"

The Marquis of Di Natale opened his mouth and just wanted to ask the Duke of Charles what the consideration would be to send the 10,000th Corps of the District to the reinforcements, but suddenly saw the strange look on the face of Charles Duke. The heart is bright. Understand.

"Yes. Duke adults. I understand. But you only gave three days, is it too urgent? I think it will take at least five days... No, it will take at least a week to prepare." After all, the enemy is very strong, and there is not much chance of winning without being prepared."

The Duke of Charles showed a satisfied smile and shook his head gently. He replied: "No. The people of Metro City can't wait that long, and the big men of the military can't wait that long. Three days will be fine. I believe that the military will respond in three days."

The Duke of Di Natale did not understand the meaning of the Duke of Charles. I nodded immediately and should have come down.


A week later, when the Marquis of Di Natale led a group of soldiers who could not keep the complete formation of 10,000 consecutive marches, they slowly came to the place five kilometers away from the city of Metro, and still stayed here, and have already set up camp. When the first batch of 50,000 reinforcements that had been stationed for ten days were converging, the news was immediately introduced into the city of Metro.

"Oh, it seems that these aristocrats of the Candela empire are not fools, and they know what they should do."

Captain Hart just glanced at the information and immediately removed his attention from above.

“Is there any movement in other areas? For example, Candra’s Ministry has not responded yet?”

"Oh. Just three days ago, a bunch of idiots in Candela's department were still flying. I don't believe they can make a result in the next three days." The vice captain, Newnes, looked at him. Disdain.

"So it’s not all good to say that a country is too big. You see it now, it’s so difficult to make a decision. Unfortunately, I really hope that they can have some courage and be able to come up with countermeasures this morning. Otherwise, I am going to stay here, and my body will be rusted." Captain Hart sighed.

"Isn't it. It's you, I'm bored to die these days." Newn Hee also complained.

They have conquered the city of Metro in these days, perhaps because the Count of the City, Demps, fell into the control of them. No one in the city of Metro will come out to lead the resistance, so the people in the city are very honest, and there is no turbulence at all. So that the new Feishang escorts who have already prepared for this aspect have not used a set of pre-plans.

Of course, according to intelligence, the Temples family has not been very good for the people in the territory they ruled. Even a small riot occurred just last year, so there are more than a thousand people. Civilians are killed and injured.

In this case, perhaps the civilians of the Candela Empire in the city would think that Count Dumbled was in the hands of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

Captain Hart even believes that if they do not consider the purpose of this operation now, but for the purpose of occupation, then as long as the tens of thousands of Candela empire troops are driven away, they do not need to waste more energy to bring beauty. Luocheng really has a pocket.

After all, when it comes to buying people's hearts, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has the advantage that it is unique and unmatched by other forces.

That is, the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce can easily lead the economic development of a region, significantly improve the living environment of most people, and let them live a good life.

The people of these Candela empire are not loyal to their lords, and the concept of the Candela empire is even weaker.

If someone can make them have a much better life, getting their loyalty is naturally easy.

This point was achieved in the Bangta City before the new Feishang Conference, and it has been implemented many times in the Stadingan.

At present, the employees of Xinfei Chamber of Commerce are generally very loyal to the Chamber of Commerce. The willingness is to follow the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce to make life better and better.

Compared with the days when I continue to stay in the hands of the lord and can't even eat enough, who would not know how to choose?

Of course, before considering these issues, we must first solve one of the biggest obstacles, and it is also the main purpose of the president to personally arrange this action.

Perhaps it was the idea of ​​Captain Hart's mind that a security guard who ran across and suddenly reported to Captain Hart.

"Reporting captain, a lot of high-energy reactions came from the northeast!" (To be continued...)