Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v7 Chapter 109: To make full use of technological advantages

The location of Dor is very subtle.

The city originally belonged to the Kingdom of Frank, in the northern part of the Frankish Kingdom, near the border between the Frankish kingdom and the Marlow Empire.

Because the Frankish kingdom and the northern part of the Marlow Empire are also divided by a mountain range, and the city of Dole is stuck in the exit of a valley where the number of different mountain ranges can be passed, it can be regarded as holding this connected Frankish kingdom. And the location of the throat of the traffic route of the Marlow Empire.

The Frankish kingdom and the Marlow Empire have always had good relations and are considered to be alliances, so Dorr City is only a transportation hub.

Now, with the demise of the Frankish kingdom, the film of Dole City is divided into the name of the Duke of the Principality, and the city of Dole is transformed into a strategic position.

If the Marlow Empire wants to invade again, Dole City is a point that cannot be ignored.

Therefore, Xu also cooperated with the Drake Country to prepare a complete urban defense system for the Duke of the Principality. With this invasion against the Marlow Empire, Dole City became the first choice.

This system, as Xu also said, was first developed to provide the entire city with a complete magical protection system based on military magic machinery, which can easily resist the attack of the Marlow Empire.

The ultimate goal is to complete the defensive task when the other party even moves the magician, so that the city of Dole becomes solid.

But this system has a very serious problem, that is, the cost is too high.

Just Doll City, a city that is not too big. If you want to completely arrange such a system, you need to invest at least 8 million gold coins according to the budget of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

Therefore, even if the new Feishang will be shot, there is no way to arrange such a system for all the cities currently controlled by the Drake Community. Only a few urban arrangements will be selected.

Dole City is just one of them, and will continue to deploy the system in several cities on the northern border of the Marques Empire near the Dracic Principality, completely sealing down the Marlow Empire and invading the Principality of Drake. route.

To this end, the total investment of the Drack Principality is estimated to be as high as 70 million gold coins.

Although the Principality of Drake has said that the development of the magic industry industry in these years has made financial revenue guarantees, there is no way to make such a huge investment.

So according to the agreement between the two parties. The Principality of Drake will sell one-third of the various mineral resources on the newly acquired former 170,000-square-kilometer land of the Frankish Kingdom to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, and will renew the remaining mineral resources. The Feishang Association will jointly develop and use it as a payment.

Because the mineral resources involved in this agreement are too large, there are even some discordant voices inside the Duchy. It is claimed that Grand Duke Caroline is pleasing to the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, which is not easy to obtain, and can even be said to be a seller!

However, from a practical point of view, with the current capabilities of the Principality of Drake, there is no way to effectively exploit these mineral resources. Instead, it is handed over to the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce for cooperation and development. It can be fully utilized.

The most crucial thing is that the Principality of Drake is inseparable from the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce.

If the support of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce is lost, the Principality of Drake can hardly develop to the present level, and it is impossible to confront the behemoths like the Marlow Empire.

Therefore, compared to the voice of questioning and opposition, Draco still has the most support for Carolyn's grandfather.

This time, the Principality of Drake directly annexed the vast land of the Frankish Kingdom with a total area of ​​170,000 square kilometers, and the territory of the Principality of Drake was nearly doubled. It can be said that the completion of the Principality of Drake for more than 300 years. The greatest, even the achievements of the previous generation of Drake Grand Dukes could not have imagined.

With such support, the prestige of Carolyn is undoubtedly natural.

For this reason, there are already many aristocrats who have voices in the Drake community. I hope that Carolyn will be crowned directly as a king, but he will be vetoed by Grand Duke Caroline.

"How can I not understand the thoughts of these guys?" Caroline's grandfather's still gorgeous face showed a disdainful smile. "They just hope that I will be crowned as a king and then re-separate it. Hey, these guys are all staring at this new land. This uninformed guy is sure to be full of his head now. Thinking about getting a bigger piece of territory."

"This is normal. After all, it is a nobleman. To gain more territory, it is the tradition of the nobility, and it also represents the glory of the nobility." Xu also laughed.

"Cut, even if I gave them a large territory, do they have the ability to hold it?" The mockery on the face of Carolyn's grandfather was deeper. "It’s like you. Xu also seems to have an Earl title in the Steining Gondola? How many territories do you have in your name? Do you have any influence on you? Who will see you because your territory is not big enough? Not?"

"I have been emphasizing that my identity is a businessman, a nobleman or a magician. It's just incidental." Xu shrugged and said with a relaxed face: "I don't think it is more meaningful than the size of the territory. Come and I am more than the money earned every year."

"Every year to make money?" Carolyn's grandfather swept up and looked at Xu Yi, slightly narrowing his eyes. "Xu Yi, can you tell me how much money can your New Flying Chamber of Commerce earn in one year?"

Xu Yi suddenly laughed: "This is not a secret to seeing people. You don't need to use this tone to ask. Tell you the truth. Last year, our Chamber of Commerce earned about 150 million gold coins a year."

"150 million gold coins!" Caroline Grand Duke took a sigh of relief. "God is on! I always knew that your Chamber of Commerce earned a lot, but I didn't even think that I actually made so much! Our Principality's annual financial income is less than 20 million gold coins!"

"That was when you were only a small duchy. Now that you have acquired this large territory, as long as you operate well, I think that your financial income for a year can easily exceed us." Xu also smiled. "In addition, I still need to tell you the fact that the income statement of our Chamber of Commerce at the end of this year may be difficult to read."

"It's not surprising. After all, this year your new Flyer Guards also participated directly in the war. It is very costly to fight. If the military magic machinery you produced has an absolute combat advantage, the war will last forever, whether it is our Principality. It is still your Chamber of Commerce, and in the end it will be dragged down by the two great empires of the Marlow Empire and the Candela Empire."

"You are right, so we can't drag, we must end the war in the shortest possible time." Xu Yizheng.

"How to do it?" Carolyn's grandfather frowned. "The foundations of the Marlow Empire and the Candela Empire are too deep. There are so many Magisters sitting in the town. We can only be completely passive when we face them. It is up to them to decide when to end the war."

"That's not necessarily. Just hurt them and let them know that if they continue to maintain the state of war, they will only hurt them more deeply, and they will choose to end the war." Xu also showed a dangerous smile. “First of all, what I need to tell them is that the Magister is not so insured.”

Carolyn’s grandfather looked at Xu Yi with a puzzled look.

In the past few years, Xu has shown more than once to the magician's carelessness, even disdain, which makes her very strange.

It is reasonable to say that he is already a magician, so he should know how terrible the magician's ability is.

Although the military magic machinery developed by the new Feishang Association is equally powerful, the most horrible thing about the magician is that he is far more flexible than the military magic machinery, and it is difficult to really limit it.

Moreover, the magician does not use the curse magic like the great magician. It is very laborious. Once a magician is fully exerted, the damage caused is extremely terrifying.

Just defense, maybe you can think of a way. If you want to counterattack, it will be a headache for the powerful destructive power of the Magister.

This is why Carolyn believes that although they easily defeated the Candela Empire, the Marlow Empire and the regular army of other countries on the frontal battlefield, it is still one of the most important reasons for the absolute disadvantage of the overall situation.

With the military magic machinery produced by the new Feishang Association, they can easily resist the attacks of the two empire camps, but they want to counterattack but basically no play.

Not to mention the magician, from the perspective of both sides, it is too far.

"Our best choice now is to consolidate the current achievements, absorb them, and then upgrade their own strength, so that they can have the real positive balance with the two empires. If you act rashly, I think it is not a good choice... ..." Hearing the hint of madness revealed in Xu Yi's words, Carolyn couldn't help but persuade.

"This is your choice as the head of a country. It is true. But..." Xu also patted her on the shoulder. "Have you ever thought about a problem, and now we are able to easily defeat the two empires on the battlefield, what is it?"

"Of course, relying on the military magic machinery provided by your chamber of commerce, can you have something else?" Caroline said in a puzzled way.

"It's true, but it's not completely accurate." Xu also shook his head gently. "Actually, in this battle with the two empires many times, we can find that in fact, the two empires have also made some research on the military magic machinery, and many military magic machinery has been put into practical use. And we Can easily defeat them, relying on the current technical advantages of our Chamber of Commerce in military magic machinery. Have you thought about it, if it is a long time, our technical advantage in this Chamber of Commerce is gone, what will be the result?"

Carolyn’s face changed slightly: “No... The military magic machinery of your chamber of commerce is obviously much stronger than them, how could they be caught up by them.”

"There is nothing in this world that is impossible. So we have to take advantage of the fact that they are still at an absolute disadvantage when they are still in an absolute disadvantage."

"Do you want to..." Caroline looked at Xu Yi with amazement.

Xu also smiled and patted her on the shoulder: "Wait for my good news." (To be continued.)