Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v7 Chapter 102: Decisive battle on the grassland

Twenty minutes later, after the Golden Eagle Knights and the Chiyang Legion continued to penetrate the Indra Savannah for more than ten kilometers to the south, they saw the Rulson Kings team waiting in front. △,

Gerald picked up the telescope and looked straight ahead, frowning immediately.

In the huge army of tens of thousands of people estimated to be in front of the black pressure, the main flag is the flag of the Kingdom of Rulson, but the one that really caught Gerald’s attention is a style that is not complicated. It is also very simple, the above is just a banner embroidered with a half-wing pattern.

No one on the mainland of Sainz now knows what this banner means.

That is the new flying business association.

"The new Flying Chamber of Commerce Guard also participated in the war?" Gerald looked a little dignified. "When we set off some time ago, the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce did not still have a specific statement. How come they are now mixed in?"

"What's so strange?" Narrowov gave him a blank look. "This time we made it clear that we are going to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. If they don't send the escorts to participate in the war, wouldn't they wait until we hit the Principality of Stading and hit the door of the main base of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce? ”

Gerald smiled and shook his head. "I don't mean this. I just have a new **** escort in the opposite direction. I am afraid this is not good today."

"I will meet sooner or later. It will also give us more opportunities to understand them when we encounter them earlier, so that we can cope with them in the future."

Narrowov also took the telescope and observed the opposite situation, and also frowned.

"All the countries on the mainland have transmitted the new Flying Chamber of Commerce Guards very powerfully, but in fact, for many years, the New Flying Chamber of Commerce Guards have not shot a few times in total. I don't know where they are strong?"

"So, ah. What I hate most is this guy who can't figure out the details at all. But the army of the Kingdom of Rulson only got some support from the new Flyer Chamber of Commerce. The combat power has become so strong, so the new fly. The combat effectiveness of the Chamber of Commerce Guard can be imagined."

Gerald sighed and his face was a little bit annoyed.

"Moreover, you don't know the power of the military magic machinery that the new Feishang will sell to us. You can't resist the old things from the past. And I am sure that the new Feishang will sell them to us. Low-level, even military magic machinery that is simply eliminated by them. Real good things, they will still pinch in their hands."

"This is an obvious thing." Narrowov spread his hand and looked helpless. "Whoever makes a world in the world, only a Chamber of Commerce can create these things."

The two silently looked at each other, Gerald suddenly wiped his face with force, and then slammed the ground with a force.

"Hey! This hasn't started yet. What are we going to do here to keep down our morale? The new Flyer Guards are definitely strong, but we say that there are more people than they are, and we also have military magic machinery. They dared to fight against us on this prairie, and we piled them up with people."

"Well. According to some intelligence gathered from the Guangyao Legion, the army of the Kingdom of Rulson has the ability to launch attacks at a very long distance. We are now..." Narrowov looked up and estimated the distance, then Raise your right hand high.

The captains of several Chiyang Legion Brigade groups behind him immediately issued orders at the same time. It didn't take long for the entire Chiyang Legion to stop.

Gerald and Narorov, who were on the side for many years, knew his meaning immediately after seeing his movements, and immediately ordered the Golden Eagle Knights to stop.

"Okay, here is about five kilometers away from the opposite side, it should exceed the opponent's attack distance. We are here to rectify the formation, ready to launch an attack." Narrowov said.

"it is good."

Gerald and Narrowov, as well as several military aides, joined together to open a brief discussion meeting to determine the next Golden Eagle Knights as an assist. The Red Sun Army used high maneuverability to launch from both wings. The basic strategy of attack coordination.

These two legions are the elite squadrons in the Candela empire, and Gerald and Narrowov are well-mannered. Now the strategy has been set, and it will take a long time to sort out the formation.

What surprised the two was that when they discussed and determined the combat strategy and the formation, the opposite Rulson Kings and the new Flyer Guards who did not know how many people stayed in place did not move, it seems Just waiting for them to launch an attack.

However, even if they are surprised, they have already led the army, but they cannot retreat.

Gerald sorted out his dress and jumped onto the cab roof of a large cargo magic locomotive, pulling out the sabre on the waist and pointing high to the sky.


A total of 23,000 soldiers of the Golden Eagle Knights immediately proceeded to the opposite side in an orderly manner.

At the forefront is a heavy-duty shield guard with a giant shield as a escort, followed by a squadron with a magical shackle and a special longbow.

As for the middle of the entire formation, it is a hundred and thirty single-tube magic artillery with a slightly slow action.

In fact, the single-tube magic artillery produced by the new Flyer will be equipped with a front-mounted magic trailer, which can advance at a speed of up to 40 kilometers per hour on such a plain.

However, the imitation single-tube magic artillery developed and produced by the Candela Empire itself is equipped with a front-mounted magic trailer, but it has not been able to solve the coordination of the front-mounted magic trailer and the gun body well, and it often appears short due to material problems. In the case of the shaft, the speed of travel is forced to be limited to a maximum of 30 kilometers per hour, and the actual speed of travel is only about 20 kilometers per hour, which seriously drags the speed of the entire team.

Of course, at this time, the distance between the two armies is only about five kilometers. The difference between the speed of 20 kilometers per hour and the speed of 40 kilometers per hour is not so great. The Golden Eagle Knights only need to drag these magical artillery to within two kilometers. The attack distance is fine.

After the Golden Eagle Knights started, Narrowov also ordered.

The Chiyang Legion immediately divided the three roads. One hundred large-scale freight magic locomotives and 5,000 soldiers were left behind the Golden Eagle Knights as protection. The other units each divided two hundred large cargo magic locomotives. They circled a curve from the left and right wings and wrapped it over to the opposite Kingdom of Rulson.

In fact, although the Golden Eagle Knights and the Chiyang Legion have been equipped with a large number of new military magical machinery to replace the previous swords and arrows, but the tactical thinking is mostly stuck in the traditional old concept.

For example, the tactics used by the two legions in this time are nothing more than the central breakthroughs that the Candeladi team used to be in the case of their superior strength.

I have to say that this tactical thinking is nothing wrong, and can give full play to the characteristics and strengths of the two legions.

However, this time the war was completely different from all the wars they had experienced in the past.

When the Golden Eagle Knights advanced to a position about three kilometers from the Rulson Kings. The Nelson team, who had been staying in place for a while, finally moved.

If you don’t move, it’s like a thunder.

"Booming and banging"

The snoring sounds came from the army of the distant Kingdom of Rulson, and even after seeing countless red lights flying from the sky, they flew high toward this side.

Gerald was shocked.

The two sides are clearly three kilometers away. Why is the magical artillery used in the Kingdom of Rulson?

Isn’t the magical artillery of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce not only about two kilometers away from the attack?

However, the next moment, the ruthless facts tell Girard how wrong his judgment is.

The red light of the sky is just a few breaths of effort that have already flown over the distance of three kilometers from both sides, directly falling into the Golden Eagle Knights.


Gerald had only had time to scream, but there was no way to make any other orders.

"Booming and banging"

This time, the unusually dull but extremely fierce explosion rang in Gerald's ear, shaking his ears almost to the past.

In the explosion. Mixed with the panic shouts and screams of the soldiers around the Golden Eagle Knights.

Just a round of bombing, the Golden Eagle Knights’s extremely complete and neat formation was blown up and there was a hint of looseness.

Gerald forcibly suppressed the shock and the panic in his heart. Grab a magician around him and let him cast aloud magic in front of him.

"Don't panic! Keep the formation, give me a forward! Retreat!"

Gerald had already understood it in an instant, and it was also a magical artillery, but the magical artillery of the Nelson team was farther away than the magical artillery they had equipped, even more than a kilometer. .

In this way, before they reach the effective attack distance, they can only passively withstand the attack of the opposing enemy, and there is no way to fight back.

At this time, only the only option to continue to move forward is that the consequences of the retreat are only more serious than now.

Gerald’s voice was spread throughout the Golden Eagle Knights through the sound of magic.

Hearing the voice of the head of the army, because of the sudden attack, there was a flustered Golden Eagle Knights quickly regaining their calm, re-arranging the formation and rushing to the army of the distant Kingdom of Rulson as quickly as possible.

The two-way Chiyang Legion, which was on a two-sided circle and intended to carry out two wings, did not suffer the attack of the Rulson Kings.

At this time, I saw that the Golden Eagle Knights had withstood the unexpected bombardment of the artillery. Narorov did not hesitate to pass the order and asked the Chiyang Legion to increase the speed again.

The army of the Kingdom of Rulson clearly wants to bomb with a distance beyond its own attack, so it is only possible to break into the close range as soon as possible and disrupt the formation of the other side.

However, just as this thought was just shaped in his mind, a number of sky-high flares suddenly appeared on the grasslands ahead.

Along with a few violent explosions, the three large cargo magic locomotives that rushed to the front were suddenly overturned by the invisible giants. The whole flight was in the air, even after a few laps in the air, then He slammed down heavily.

One of them just smashed a large cargo magic locomotive in front of Narrowov and then rolled it twice on the ground, directly on the front of the large cargo magic locomotive he was riding.

The violent turbulence caused the body to sway wildly, and Narorov, who was caught off guard, slammed into the front of the cab and smashed his blood. (To be continued...)