Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v5 Chapter 39: Free trade zone

"This is a red-naked betrayal!" Heinze slammed the "Lampari Weekly" in his hand on the table and shouted angrily.

Xu also squinted at the huge title on the first edition of the "Lampari Weekly" and laughed.

“Why do you want to say that?”

"Do you still ask?" Heinze looked at Xu Yi incredibly. "Our new flyers support the Kingdom of Lampari. As a result, the Kingdom of Lampari is now running to cooperate with our enemy, the Sark Kingdom. Isn't this a betrayal? And this time they are not only betraying our new flyers. And also betrayed thousands of people of the Kingdom of Lampari! The Sark Kingdom is the deadly enemy of the Kingdom of Lampari. Why should we cooperate with them at this time?"

Xu also smiled and shook his head gently: "No, Heinze, your thoughts are too narrow. There is no eternal enemy between the country and the country. It is not surprising that occasionally cooperation. Besides, you have not seen this article at all." What is the news in the end? The Lampari Kingdom has only opened up a free trade zone with the Sak Kingdom. It can be far from the real cooperation. And from the conditions of the specific negotiations between the two sides I know, actually The Kingdom of Lampari is a big deal."

"Condition?" Heinze looked suspiciously at Xu Yi. After thinking about it, he couldn't help but ask: "Hey, Xu Yi, do you know this thing very clearly?"

"Of course." Xu also nodded lightly. "Because this thing was originally suggested to Servini, even the concept of this free trade zone, or I asked her. You said that I am not clear?"

Hein looked at Xu Yi with a stunned look. After a while, he said: "You mean... cooperation with the Sark Kingdom is what you mean?"

"It's not a mistake to say this. It's just that Servini thinks that the Kingdom of Lampari can really get a lot of benefits from it, so I agree with my thoughts. Speaking, she can do this in such a short period of time. Cheng. It’s really good.”

Heinze frowned at Xu and looked at it for a while, slowly shaking his head.

"Xu Yi, although you often do things that I don't understand. But this time... is this really too unreasonable? Not to mention the hatred between the Sark Kingdom and the Lampari Kingdom. The Kingdom of Kyrgyzstan last time joined Weilun Dagong to attack our New Flying Chamber of Commerce. We should not talk about cooperation with the Sark Kingdom."

"I repeat it again. This is not a simple cooperation. If you really want to say it, in fact, this free trade zone is entirely used to give us the new Flying Chamber of Commerce and the land of the Lampari Kingdom to plunder the wealth of the Sark Kingdom. Do you understand? ?" Xu Yidao.

Heinze shook his head: "I don't understand. This free trade zone is just a place where both sides openly do business. The Sark Kingdom is not a fool. Why let us take away their wealth."

"This is the case... the situation is stronger than the people. This is not a problem that Cong is not smart enough to solve." Xu also shrugged and looked relaxed. "Heinze. You think about it, what business is the easiest deal between the two sides in the free trade zone of the Sark Kingdom and the Lampari Kingdom? Or I will say it straightforward, you think the Sark Kingdom What is the most eager for the goods in the Kingdom of Lampari, and what does the Kingdom of Lampari need in the Kingdom of Sark?"

Heinze frowned for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"I understand! The Sark Kingdom is definitely in need of magical machinery. In the past, because the land between the Kingdom of Lampari and the Kingdom of Sark was an enemy and blocked each other, the Sark Kingdom can only buy some magical machinery through smuggling. Now it is open. In the free trade zone, those in the Sark Kingdom who want to buy magical machinery must not wait."

"So, oh, this free trade zone is actually used to dump magical machinery to the Sark Kingdom. I am sure that the people in the Sark Kingdom are no different from the people of the Kingdom of Lampari and the Kingdom of Rulson. I have long been eager for all kinds of magical machinery. Now that the two sides are finally open to trading, the Sark Kingdom will definitely have great demand." Xu also laughed.

"Well. Just like the original Bangta City and the surrounding cities, I was very eager for the magic machinery produced by our Chamber of Commerce." Heinze nodded and immediately asked: "But those in the Sark Kingdom are not stupid, sure. Will limit this."

"This is what it means to open this free trade zone." Xu Yixiao smiled. "According to the agreement signed by the Kingdom of Lampari and the Kingdom of Sark, in this free trade zone, any trade between the two countries is completely free, and neither side can impose any restrictions on it. So the Sark Kingdom is even more There is no way to limit the influx of magical machinery."

"This is very strange, why should the Sark Kingdom agree to this condition?" Heinze asked sullenly.

“The reason is very simple. First, the army of the Northern Army of the Kingdom of Lampari and the Sark Kingdom have fought many times. All win, the Sark Kingdom is under great pressure. Now the Kingdom of Lampari is willing to run and The Sak Kingdom has ceased fighting. The two sides are doing business fairly, and the Sark Kingdom is of course in desperate."

"Well... this is also true."

"Second. In fact, the Sark Kingdom has long been eager for all kinds of magical machinery. Previously because of the blockade of the Kingdom of Lampari and the deliberate targeting of our Chamber of Commerce, the Sark Kingdom has not been able to obtain relevant technology in this regard. Now they can trade freely with the Kingdom of Lampari. If they buy a large number of magical machines from the Kingdom of Lampari, they may be able to successfully honour their own magical machinery. Even... they can also directly from Lan It is also possible to buy related technology in the Kingdom of Parry."

"This is impossible. The Kingdom of Lampari will definitely limit the technical aspects." Heinze shook his head. "If you teach the Sark Kingdom to make magical machinery yourself, don't you raise a tiger?"

Xu also shook his head gently, thinking that although it was correct on the surface, Sevigny did indeed prepare for this and made relevant restrictions.

However, under the temptation of interest, there will definitely be some magical machinery-related technology in the Kingdom of Lampari that flows into the Sark Kingdom along with all kinds of magical machinery.

This is simply not possible to completely limit, so Xu also proposed to Servini to sell a small part of the magic machinery production technology directly to the Sark Kingdom.

Of course, this part of the magical machinery production technology is limited to the home magic machinery, completely does not involve the magic machine tool, it is even more impossible to touch the military magic machinery.

Although this still makes it possible for the Sark Kingdom to master some of the technical information about magical machinery. It is even possible to conduct self-development on this basis, but Xu is not worried about it.

After all, the new Flyer Chambers has an absolute lead in the related technology of magic machinery. And the advantage is stronger than other chambers of commerce, as long as the new Feishang will control the technical information. The Sark Kingdom cannot be touched.

And if it wasn't for the sweetness and hope of the Sark Kingdom, they would not have agreed so easily to establish the free trade zone with the Kingdom of Lampari.

As for the Kingdom of Lampari and the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, in addition to the huge profits that can be obtained by selling a large number of magical machinery to the Sark Kingdom, the Sark Kingdom must also open mineral resources to the Kingdom of Lampari in accordance with the agreement signed by the two parties. Export.

Even in the agreement signed between the Kingdom of Lampari and the Kingdom of Sark, the New Flying Chamber of Commerce also acquired the mining rights of two mines in the Sark Kingdom near the Murto Mountains.

This is what Xu is most valued.

It is impossible to completely defeat the control of the Sark Kingdom in a short time, then before this. In this way, it is a very feasible way to obtain the mineral resources that are urgently needed by various new flying companies in the Sark Kingdom.

However, regarding these considerations, Xu also does not need to explain to Heinze in detail.

Since last year, Heinze has gradually become separated from the specific affairs of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce because of his age and because of his own personality.

Although he still holds the position of vice president of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, he is actually no longer involved in any management and planning, and is basically in a semi-retirement state.

This time, he suddenly ran away from Bangta City and showed his anger in front of Xu, in addition to showing that he still has deep feelings for the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. In fact, it is because of another thing.

After Xu and a few words about the issue of the free trade zone, Heinze suddenly silenced and looked at Xu. A look of words and words.

Xu also smiled slightly: "How? We are old buddies. What are you saying in front of me? This chamber of commerce can be regarded as a joint effort between the two of us, so as long as it is related to the Chamber of Commerce, you You can talk without hesitation."

Heinze's face passed a trace of awkward look.

"You knew already?"

Xu also shrugged: "We have known this for so long, I still don't know you? If it is not because of Alex, you will be so twisted in front of me, it seems very embarrassing?"

Heinze smiled and shook his head: "I am really embarrassed. Alex has done the kind of idiots before, and you will let him continue to do it in the Chamber of Commerce. I am very uncomfortable in my heart. Now... now ......"

"Well, old man. You don't have to say it, I understand." Xu also smiled and patted Heinze's shoulder. Turned around and took a document from his desk and handed it to Heinze. "Give, I have already arranged it. I think Alex should be satisfied."

Heinze took the documents and found that it was a job document.

Turning it over, the content is to appoint Alix as the detachment leader of the second team of the new Flyer Transport Team, responsible for the cargo transportation business between the New Flyer and the Kingdom of Rulson.

This is a well-paid and oily location. Xu also arranged this position for Alex. It can be said that he has been extremely favored by Alex.

Heinze closed the document and looked at Xu Yi with excitement. He just wanted to speak, but Xu also raised his hand to stop.

"Okay, we don't have to talk about these words. Let's tell Alex to let him do it well. As long as he performs well, I can consider letting him go to the branch of Kulaka City in the future to be responsible for some of the affairs. As for how It depends on his specific performance."

Heinze nodded in a row: "Good! Good! I will definitely teach this kid well. If he dares to make any mistakes, I will interrupt his leg by hand!"

Xu also smiled a little, thinking that in fact, the wrong thing that Alex had done before, enough to send him into the prison for a lifetime can not turn over.

If you don't look at Heinze's face, how could he still spend his years in peace and stability, and now there is hope for a comeback? (To be continued)
