Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v5 Chapter 37: Really want to be a pirate?

When the director of Nar was worried about the decision of the Norton Principality, Xu Yi, who was two thousand kilometers away, had just moved away from the Norton Principal on the map and looked relaxed. 》w.

Although the Norton Principal gave up his cooperation with the New Flying Chamber of Commerce to disappoint him, he did not think it was a big problem.

In the development process of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, it is impossible to always have a smooth sailing, and according to Xu’s own ideas, it is always necessary to leave some room for development for other magic machinery companies.

The Norton Principal's initiative to choose the Anke Magic Chamber of Commerce cooperation does not violate his original intentions, and even makes him more gratified.

His eyes continued to move on the map, and after a slight stay in the Principality of Milan, he stopped down in the position of the Kingdom of Rulson.

Looking at the dozens of black spots marked on the map, Xu also touched his chin and fell into meditation.

The cooperation between the New Flying Chamber of Commerce and the Kingdom of Rulson has been very smooth.

With the strong support of King Truz, the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce will be able to obtain approval, whether it is directly invested in the factory in the Kingdom of Rulson or in a joint venture with the local chamber of commerce, and will never encounter obstacles from the official.

Now the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce can be described everywhere in the Kingdom of Rulson, and all kinds of new flying magic machinery are sold everywhere.

This year, only nine months have elapsed. The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has only integrated all the benefits obtained in the Kingdom of Rulson. It has already reached more than 5 million gold coins, even more than the profits of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce in the Kingdom of Lampari. There is no difference.

Of course, this is also the case that the New Flyers Association is a joint venture factory in the Kingdom of Lampari, and the interests need to be related to the division of the Kingdom of Lampari.

However, in such a large cooperation situation. However, there is a problem that has been plaguing Xu Yi.

The New Flying Chamber of Commerce and the Kingdom of Rulson will receive strong support from King Truz in any cooperation. But the only thing is in a cooperation. But there is always no result that makes Xu also satisfied, that is, mineral resources trading.

The site where the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce can now fully grasp is only the film of the Principality of Constantine.

However, the Principality of Constantine is small in size and has limited mineral resources.

With the ever-expanding production scale of Xinfei Chamber of Commerce and the demand for magic machinery that is expanding faster than the outside world, the mineral resources of the Principality of Constantine will obviously not be able to keep up with the consumption of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

So, Xu has been sourcing a large amount of various mineral resources from other countries around him.

Among them, the Kingdom of Lampari is the party that provides the most mineral resources to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

Just last month. According to statistics, Xinfei Chamber of Commerce purchased a total of 73,000 tons of iron ore and 480,000 tons of other non-ferrous metal ore from the Falcon Chamber of Commerce.

The land area of ​​the Kingdom of Rulson and the Kingdom of Lampari is almost the same. The mineral resources are even slightly better according to exploration. The New Flying Chamber of Commerce bought only 160,000 tons of iron ore from the Kingdom of Rulson last month. Non-ferrous metal ore is only purchased with a poor amount of less than 10,000 tons.

Xu has repeatedly mentioned this matter to King Truz, hoping to increase the share of ore sold by the Kingdom of Rulson, but has been vaguely dealt with by the King of Truz, never giving Xu a chance to let them Satisfactory answer.

Even Xu also claimed to be able to open one or two steelworks and non-ferrous metal smelting plants directly in the Kingdom of Rulson, local mining. Locally smelted and processed and sold only within the Kingdom of Rulson. Still unable to impress the king of Truz.

After many trials and no results, Xu also had to give up helplessly and turned to other ways to find a solution.

Previously, Nieval led the new fleet to Nissi, trying to buy all kinds of minerals through private channels, for this reason.

However, after the last time I talked with Elder Wendini, through the cooperation with the Azshara tribe, the King of Truz is very likely to loosen the mouth in this respect, but let Xu also feel a lot easier.

But in the end, the new Feishang Association wants to continue to develop, and it is most important to have more resources in its own hands.

I always hope to get mineral resources from other countries, and I can't help but feel that my lifeline is caught in the hands of others.

Xu also does not like this feeling, so he has been looking for a solution.

After a moment of gaze on the Kingdom of Rulson, he turned to the north and directly skipped the Kingdom of Lampari, but stayed in the position of the Kingdom of Sark.

Looking at the Sark Kingdom on the map, it is at least one-third larger than the land of the Lampari Kingdom. Then look at the dozens of black spots marked on it. Xu’s eyes can’t help but become It’s hot.

It is almost impossible to cooperate with the Sark Kingdom. If you want to get a lot of resources in the Sark Kingdom, except for a small amount of purchase through private channels, the only way is to completely conquer. this country.

As for how to completely conquer... but have to think about it...


A slight knock on the door pulled Xu Yi back from his meditation.

"Is it Betty? Come in." Xu Yiyang said.

The door opened, and Betty, wearing a standard maid costume, walked in slowly and first applied a standard etiquette to Xu. This whispered: "The president is an adult, and there are guests to ask for it."

"Oh? What kind of guest? Does he have to say who he is?" Xu Yi's gaze swept over the maid of Betty and smiled and asked.

After Betty and Carol came here, they saw that both Liz and Linda were pregnant and inconvenient, and Xu and Steele were not willing to recruit other servants. The two of them automatically served as maids. Duties.

Because they have undergone rigorous training in the Royal Palace of Lampari, they are very skilled in this work.

So they only came for more than two months, and they have already packed up the entire manor up and down, and they have been praised by everyone.

However, due to the slightest bitterness and concern in her heart, Xu has never given them a clear identity like Liz and Linda.

Betty and Carol did not show any complaints about this. On the contrary, they were very happy every day, and repeatedly said that staying here is much easier than staying in the palace.

"He claimed to be Leslie Stark. He also said... I also told the president that you should see him as soon as possible. He has not much time."

Betty said this when. The expression is a bit weird.

I have been here for more than two months and have received many guests who have come to visit Xu Yi. However, no matter what the guests are looking for, they are very polite, and no one has ever been so arrogant.

However, Xu did not feel a little surprised, but smiled and said: "It is him. I said, I heard that our fleet arrived in Nissi City, he should have appeared."

Betty curiously followed Xu Yi. Leaving the study room, went to the living room, and once again saw a young man in his thirties who was sitting in a chair and looked like a lazy person, who did not regard himself as a guest.

"Hey, Leslie, how did you get so dark?" Xu also swept up Lesley and couldn't help but laugh. "In the past, you were a standard little white face. Now it has become a black charcoal, so that the noble lady will see it. Wouldn't it be very disappointing?"

The skin turned into a healthy bronze, and Leslie haha ​​laughed completely different from the pale paleness of the previous nobles.

"I have already told you about it. The noble lady is mainly looking at the face. Believe it or not, even if it becomes this look, let them see it, they will scream like it?"

Xu Yi smiled and shook his head: "I believe. Well, don't talk about these nonsense, tell me, where have you been in this time? Look at you like this, if I didn't guess wrong, you should have gone. maritime?"

"You really didn't guess wrong." Leslie laughed. "I have been swinging in the sea for half a year, and this will become so dark."

Xu Yi also married Leslie, and he looked strange.

"Hey, you really don't really want to run as a pirate?"

"There is nothing wrong with the pirates." Lesley shrugged and then extended his hand to Xu. "Okay, have you promised my ship? I heard that the fleet of your new merchants has sailed more than 2,000 kilometers in the sea and successfully arrived in the Kingdom of Rulson from the Principality of Stading. All this technology has been promised. It should not be a problem for my ship?"

Xu also looked down at Leslie's extended hand and struck a finger.

"The ship is fine, but what about your money? A large magic ship that can be driven from here to the Kingdom of Rulson is worth more than two million gold coins. Our chamber of commerce has only created three ships. You are sure that you can Take out two million gold coins?"

"Two million gold coins?" Leslie stunned. "Hey, Xu Yi, are you scaring me? A ship is just so expensive?"

Xu Yizhen smiled: "It seems that you have not seen the three ships with your own eyes. No wonder you will ask this question. I can assure you that if you see it with your own eyes, you will definitely not ask such a stupid question."

Lesley frowned, not angry, but silent for a moment, spread his hands and said calmly: "Well, I really can't take out two million gold coins in one breath. But Xu also, you can make Out of the big ship, presumably can also make a smaller boat? Well... I need to be bigger than the magic assault boat... Big four or five times, just like this big ship, I want to make me It’s okay to think about how to rush at sea."

Xu also slowly shook his head: "No, Leslie. The emergence of the large magic ship of our new Flying Chamber of Commerce means that the era of sailing on the sea by only a few broken wooden boats has ended. I sincerely Advise you, it is best to use the big ship directly, because only the big ship can make you safer at sea."

Lesley frowned. "I said, Xu Yi, are you deliberately mad at me? I obviously can't get so much money, but you have to recommend me a big ship I can't afford. In fact, you are basically It’s not made for the time being, so deliberately shirk it?”

"That's not it. I have the boat. If you don't have enough money, I can give it to you. But..."

"Why? Want to use me?" Seeing Xu’s slightly strange smile on his face, Leslie smiled and slowed down, leaning comfortably on the back of the chair, and slammed it to Xu Yidao: "Okay. I can be used by you, but it depends on what kind of price you are offering."

Xu couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"What to use, so ugly. This is cooperation, cooperation, do you understand?"

Leslie snorted: "Oh, what's the difference? Just say, what do you want me to do?"

Xu also turned to look at Betty, who was standing by.

Betty immediately noticed, bowed to the two and retired.

Seeing that Xu was so solemn, Leslie put away a relaxed expression, sat up straight and looked at Xu Yi.

Xu Yike coughed, Shen Sheng said: "Lesley, you want to be a pirate, I don't object, but you run like a pirate without any foundation, it is basically dead."

"And then? What do you think?"

Xu Yixiao smiled and revealed a tempting smile.

"In fact, our new Flying Chamber of Commerce **** is about to form an armed fleet. Are you interested?" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!