Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 45: Move it

A medium-sized cargo magic locomotive quickly ran the black rice wilderness.

The road that has been rolled under the tires is the latest investment in the new technology of the Amway Chamber of Commerce. The road is not only more than ten meters wide, but also enough to accommodate four large cargo magic locomotives running side by side. The previous road was flatter.

Even if you are running at a speed of nearly 50 kilometers per hour, you will only feel a slight bump and there will be no discomfort.

In fact, this speed has exceeded the speed standard of the new flying business of the medium-sized cargo magic locomotive, but for the old driver like Sachic, the speeding is simply a routine.

If it is not the speed limit of this medium-sized cargo magic locomotive that is only 50 kilometers, he will definitely run faster.

Saccic's old man put one hand on the steering wheel, and the other hand grabbed a bottle of fresh juice at hand and poured it in one bite.

It is already in the early winter, this bottle of fresh fruit juice has been put on for a long time, naturally it is a little cold, and a bite is poured down, and Sakchi daddy involuntarily hits a beggar.

Driving time is too long and it is easy to get tired. Drinking a cold fresh juice can not only stimulate the spirit, but also add some nutrients. It is something that Saccic dad often does on the way to transport goods.

The fresh juice tank had just been put down, and the old Batru, who was lying in the back of the cab, woke up and yawned. He got up and looked outside and asked Sakyki, "Where?"

"I just got on the black rice wasteland." Sakitch replied casually.

Barthol, the old man observed the environment outside the car, nodded: "Well, okay. Ok. Come and change me. You have been driving for hours."

"It's okay." Sergey was vetoed. "After a while, I will go to the base of the black rice wasteland. Waiting for someone to come out and change people, you should wake up first."

Barthol’s father thought about it and didn’t insist at home. He bowed from the back to the co-pilot’s seat and sat down.

After screaming out for a while, Bartru’s old man suddenly asked: “Hey, Sacchi, are you really planning to move?”

Some of Sarkozy’s father did not expect him to ask this question when he woke up. After a moment of sighing, I nodded, oh.

"I will take a good look at the environment of the Principality of Stading this time, and then decide whether it is really moving. But listen to the villagers who have lived in the Principality of Standin for more than a year, said the environment of the Principality of Constantine. It’s really good, the climate is good, they all live very comfortably. So I think... most of them will still choose to move.”

Bartru’s old man frowned slightly, turning his head and looking at the look of Sakozy’s dad, confirming that he was not joking.

"This... Your family has lived in the village of Mexico for more than a hundred years? Really want to move? Why are you willing to do it?"

Sakchi daddy smiled indifferently: "Is there any reluctance? Where do you live? Not in the end, where can you have a good life? Naturally, you will choose where. Now Bangta City is made by the chambers of commerce." The black smoke is suffocating and will remain there. Certainly there is no good fruit to eat."

"Not too much..." Barthol’s old man retorted: "These chambers are not as good as the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, but after all, they are just a few chambers of commerce. Can you turn over the city of Bangta? ”

"You don't believe it?" Sachic's old man snorted. "The guys can even drive away the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. What else can't be done? Even if we don't talk about these, just say our family. Now the three boys in my family have lost their previous jobs. If you are looking for a job in Tacheng, you can only go to those chambers of commerce. But do you know how much wages they give? One month and six gold coins! Not as good as half of their previous monthly salary!"

Barthol’s old sighs: “The six gold coins are not too bad. We didn’t make any money in a month before we lived.”

"It used to be before, anyway, let me go through the days when I couldn’t even eat enough food. I am absolutely not doing it." Sakchi’s old man said coldly: "The three boys in our family are not willing to do it." So, we negotiated and decided to move. As long as we ran to the new Flyer, we could find a job for a month and earn nearly 20 gold coins, no more than staying in Bangta City."

"That's what it says, but Sakchi. Have you ever thought about a problem?" asked Barthol, the old man. "According to the latest regulations of the city government, the unauthorized removal of Bangta City will automatically be regarded as abandoning the identity of the city of Bangta. That is to say, it is easy for you to move out and it is difficult to move back. And I am worried... ...When the kingdom parliament is not doing well, there will be a similar rule. What if the kingdom is not recognized as a kingdom by the kingdom after moving away?"

"If you don't admit it, you won't admit it." Sakozy is still a look of indifference, and obviously thought about it. "I just said that wherever I can go well, where to go, it doesn't matter what the Bangta City and the Lampari Kingdom are."

"But we are the Lampari people after all, just go away... Are you really willing?"

"Why can't you reluctantly? Now this **** king is tossing and not seeing us civilians as human beings. Why are we so reluctant? If we are civilians like this, don't consider any national events. Anyway, the big men have never taken us. Put it in your eyes." Saccic's old man looked disdainful.

Barthol’s old lady was silent for a moment and couldn’t help but smile.

Although he always felt that Sarkozy's attitude was not right, he could not find any reason to refute him.

Because the old man Saccic said is true.

After the new King Erik took the throne, the whole Kingdom of Lampari and Bangta City changed.

Originally booming, the Bangta City, which has a prosperous scene, is now completely smashed into the playthings of the ten chambers of commerce designated by the Magic Industry Management Agency.

In addition to escaping the New Flying Chamber of Commerce and squeezing away other chambers of commerce that produce magical machinery, and occupying the magic industry of Bangta City, the ten chambers of commerce have now reached out to other fields and gradually want to erode the old cards in Bangta City. The market of chambers of commerce.

Although the old-fashioned chambers of commerce are still desperately resisting with their own heritage, they have become more and more strenuous and gradually began to show signs of collapse.

If it is just normal commercial competition, it is not directly related to the ordinary civilians of Sakozy and Barthol, and maybe there will be some advantages because of the competition between the chambers of commerce.

But the question is, after the ten chambers of commerce controlled what areas, they also deeply affected the lives of ordinary civilians.

For example, the old Chamber of Commerce said that the ten chambers of commerce now have mastered the magic industry of Bangta City, but they have pushed the average wage of the industry that created the most job opportunities to a very low standard, making Bangta City All the civilians who had previously worked in this industry were unacceptable.

Take the example of the cargo transportation that they are currently engaged in. If they used to transport a shipment of goods from Bangta City to Anweimar City, the return shipping cost would be 30 gold coins, and the consumption on the way would be more than 10 pieces. gold.

At the most in a month, they can even run more than a dozen, and they can earn nearly two hundred gold coins.

Equally divided, each person is close to one hundred gold coins, even in the previous Bangta City, it can be regarded as high income.

However, now the ten chambers of commerce control the commercial transportation of Bangta City, and the freight will be fully suppressed. If they ship the goods to Anweimar City, the freight rate will only give fifteen gold coins, only the previous half!

Such a low freight rate, if you throw away the consumption on the way, at most you can only earn a few gold coins.

If there are some problems on the way, maybe you will lose your money and even lose money.

So after running two squats, Sergey was decisively no longer picking up the freight business of the ten chambers of commerce, but re-contacting the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce to help the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce in the Black Rice Wasteland, the Kingdom of Constantine and Bangta City. Carry out various transportations between.

Although the road is far from the past, it is much more complicated than before. However, the freight rates given by the new flyers have always been kind, their profits are only slightly lower than before, but they are not much different.

There are a lot of private cargoes like them in Bangta City. Apart from the fact that they can't stop, most of them still choose to continue to cooperate with Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

And because of the deliberate suppression of the ten chambers of commerce, the Philippine car and horse that originally occupied most of the cargo and passenger transportation business in Bangta City is now difficult, and it is said that it is almost impossible to persist.

When Bartru’s father accidentally met Pompey’s president in Bangta City, he saw that his face was full of clouds, and even the body that had always been obese was obviously much thinner.

Thinking of the sullen expression on the face of President Pompeii at the time, Barthol’s old man suddenly felt that Sakchi was actually quite reasonable.

Since it will not go on in Bangta City, why bother to defend it.

For the great men of the kingdom, their lives and deaths from the bottom of the civilians have never been taken care of by them.

Since they don't care about themselves, why should they care about them?

After thinking about this, Bartru’s father only felt that his eyes were suddenly clear and the whole person was refreshed.

After thinking about it, he yelled at Sacchi: "Well, this time I took the opportunity to observe the environment in the Principality of Stading, and hope that it would be as good as those people."

Seeing Bartru’s old man finally changed his mind, and Sergey’s old man suddenly laughed.

"Do not worry, that place is definitely better than you think."

Barthol’s old gentleman nodded lightly, and his heart was inevitably looking forward to this trip. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!