Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 4: Scale up

Everyone is a glimpse.

"What does this mean?" President Morgan asked again.

"It's very simple. For example, it is with President Morgan, your Chamber of Commerce. Do you think that the work in your mine can be done by looking for someone?" Xu also asked.

President Morgan immediately shook his head: "Of course it is impossible. Although some of the mines are simple physical work, a lot of work is still very dangerous. If you don't teach them first, it will definitely cause problems."

"That's right. Let me give you another example. Everyone is familiar with the magic locomotive now?" Xu also asked.

Everyone smiled.

The magic locomotive has been launched for half a year, although the time is not long, but because the magic locomotive has a significant and huge advantage in terms of speed, load and cost savings compared to the carriage, all the chambers of Bangta City have already Fully realized the benefits of the magic locomotive, now fully accept the use of magic locomotive instead of the carriage.

If the capacity of the new locomotive's magic locomotive production workshop could not keep up, then the existence of the carriage was almost invisible in Bangta City, and it was replaced by the magic locomotive.

“The magic locomotive needs to get a driver's license, or to be more detailed, it needs to have certain driving skills to open. Even if you get a driver's license, if you want to be a skilled person, you need to take the time to drive. Skilled. So this is not the job of just grabbing the individual." Xu also continued.

"Mr. Xu, I understand what you mean." President Vincent took the call. "You mean... Although Bangta City will invade more foreigners this year, there are not many that are really useful. Is it really meaningless to us?"

"It's almost the same thing, but if it's completely meaningless, of course it's not right." Xu also laughed. "For example, some simple jobs that don't require too much technical content can be handed over to these new migrants. And I just discussed with the Royal Girl. I intend to vigorously implement the vocational skills training system in Bangta City. Try to get everyone in Bangta City to have one or several professional skills. This is not only good for these people, but also good for our Bangta City."

“Occupational Skills Training?” The representatives of the various chambers of commerce here took a look at each other and nodded.

"His Royal Highness, the vocational skills training system, how to implement it?" President Lanco turned to Servini.

Sevigny smiled slightly: "Initially, I plan to build a large vocational skills training school outside the city in the name of the city government. All of your major chambers of commerce can set up a training point in this college for the occupations required by the chamber. Skills for training."

"How do people who are trained?" President Morgan asked immediately. "In case we have the strength to train people out. He wants to go to other chambers of commerce, then we are not losing money?"

"If you can't pull people to your own chamber of commerce during the training process, is it a failure?" Sevigny smiled and asked.

President Morgan gave a slight glimpse and laughed twice, no longer talking.

"In addition to vocational skills training, the city government will also launch a more detailed and comprehensive professional skills rating. As for the evaluation criteria, the professional skills level of the magic machinery related to the new aircraft will be used as a reference, the specific assessment The standard also needs to be discussed by all of you here." Servini said again.

The eyes of everyone are once again concentrated on Xu Yi, they are certainly clear. This proposal must have been proposed by Xu.

However, in the eyes of everyone, this proposal is very necessary.

Have a detailed and clear grade standard. After the major chambers of commerce will recruit the corresponding workers, it will save a lot of effort, not to recruit people and spend a lot of time and energy to re-train.

In addition to the implementation of the vocational skills training system mentioned by Severini, it can be seen that the combination of the two will be very helpful to the major chambers of commerce in the city.

So after a little thought, the two people expressed their approval for these two proposals.

Next, Servini announced some of the business development plans for Bangta City determined by the city government office this year. The meeting was concluded with the general discussion.

Although at this meeting, Sevigny announced only some general plans, and rarely revealed specific plans, but for the large and small chambers of commerce in the city, this is some very useful information for them to target this year. The planning of the city government has been adjusted and responded.

In general, Servini, the lord of the city who took over the Earl of Stark, maintained a positive and supportive attitude towards the commercial development of Bangta City.

This alone is enough to reassure everyone, so when the meeting is over, when leaving the city's main house, everyone's face is filled with a true smile.

"Everyone, it is better to take this opportunity. Let's go find a place to get together. Let's continue to talk. How do you see it?" Just after the city's main government, President Lanko suddenly proposed.

The people stopped and looked at each other and laughed in unison. They immediately agreed with the proposal of President Lanko.

As a result, a group of people flocked to a restaurant under the name of the newly established Salanque Chamber of Commerce in a new urban area outside the city, and all the restaurants were packaged.

A group of chambers of commerce representatives represent parties, and the theme is of course not eating.

After they were seated separately, everyone found their goals and talked eagerly.

Many people want to find Xu Yi in the first place, but Xu also found the president of Lanke for the first time.

"President Lanko, I have a new proposal about the channels you mentioned last time to sell things to the Sark Kingdom."

When Xu Yigang opened his mouth, he let the president of Lanke a glimpse.

He did mention this to Xu before, but Xu did not care about it at the time. He thought that Xu had no interest and he did not mention it.

I did not expect that Xu will not only take the initiative to mention this, but actually said that he has a new proposal?

Is there any new channel for him to the Sak Kingdom?

"I did have a little new channel, the key point is in the city of Serval." Xu also nodded.

"Severwell City?" Lanco, the president, suddenly remembered the year before. Xu also went to the city of Severwell.

The city of Sever is originally one of the cities in the northern part of the Kingdom that is closest to the border of the Sark Kingdom. Xu also sought out some sales channels for the Sac Kingdom. It seems not surprising.

"Well, what new proposals do you have?"

There was a slight smile on Xu’s face: “President Lan Ke, I would like to ask, what is the size of the goods that the Chamber of Commerce will sell to the Sark Kingdom through this channel every year?”

President Lanke frowned slightly, and wanted to say that this is the trade secret of the Frankish Chamber of Commerce. How could it be easy to tell you?

But seeing the strange expression on Xu’s face, President Lanco thought about it. Ying Dao: "A year is about the scale of 200,000 to 300,000 gold coins. It is not too much. It can only be regarded as one more path."

Xu also nodded, not too unexpected, but the smile on his face was even more intense.

"So President Lan Ke, have you ever thought about making this scale bigger? For example... two million to three million gold coins a year?"

Lan Ke, the president of the branch, looked at Xu Yi and stared at the slightly strange smile on his face for a while, and his heart moved.

"How? President Xu, do you have any good proposals?"

Xu Yixiao smiled. Close to the president of Lanke, whispered.

after awhile. President Lanko left with a look of disappointment and disapproval, and waited for the next vice president of the Irish Chamber of Commerce, Kovac, to immediately step forward.

"Xu Huichang..." Kovac's face was extremely exaggerated, full of charming smiles. “Can you tell me a few words?”

Xu also nodded slightly and looked at him calmly.

For this Kaowic, Xu has always been very savvy, so he has always disliked it.

If it weren't for him that he was Ferryman's most effective assistant, Xu did not want to see him at all.

Kovac is obviously also very clear about Xu’s attitude towards him. Seeing Xu’s reaction is cold, he can’t help but feel awkward. After two laughs, he continued: “Mr. Xu, I’m looking for you today to discuss two things with you. ”

"Well, let's talk." Xu also responded indifferently.

"This... The first thing is... Our Chamber of Commerce received orders from many foreign cities some time ago. Of course, it's all about various magical mechanical parts." Kovacs said.

"This is a good thing." Xu also nodded. “I have always said to Freyman, I hope that your Irish Chamber of Commerce can get out of Bangta City, and it is best to promote the parts you produce to every part of the Kingdom of Lampari. Now there are foreign cities to place orders for you. , prove that you are doing very well."

"Thank you for your support." Kovacs nodded and nodded, but his face was embarrassed. “But because of these orders, our Chamber of Commerce has also encountered a problem...”

Xu also gave him a look: "What? Is it worried that you can't cope?"

Kovacs gave a slight glimpse and nodded. "Well... yes. With the current capacity of our Chamber of Commerce, it is very difficult to complete the order of your new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. It is not very capable to cope with more orders. ......"

"You just said that you have taken many orders from other cities?" Xu also interrupted him.

Kovacs hesitated for a while, and this barely nodded: "Yes... but the president, you don't have to worry, we will definitely complete the order of your new flyers. And we will definitely use the best materials, the best. worker!"

"I don't worry about this." Xu also shook his head. "But what you mean in your words, after completing the batch of orders from our Chamber of Commerce, what new ideas do you seem to have?"

Kovacs laughed and turned his head around. This was a difficult face to Xu Yidao: "This... Xu will be long, we have received orders from many other cities in the kingdom, so I really want to seize this opportunity. Promote our Chamber of Commerce to the whole of the Kingdom of Lampari. You have not always said to us, I hope that the magic industry can take root in more places in the Kingdom. If the parts produced by our Chamber of Commerce are sold elsewhere, it is definitely right. Your idea is very helpful, and..."

"Directly, are you planning to stop supplying parts to our chamber of commerce?" Xu also interrupted him again. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!