Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 33: Technology development is the key

"President, such an obvious fact, you still need to ask the elders?" Yanis looked up at her face and looked at Xu Yi with a puzzled look. "If you don't agree with you, the tribes will never be able to work at the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. For example, if I don't really accept you, how can I stay with you?"

"You are different from them." Xu also shook his head. "You are the first elf I came into contact with. The reason why I was with me was that I was coming from Euresia’s elders and stayed with me for so long. In case Even if you don't agree with me, then I have to review my character."

Yanis smiled: "There is no need to review. President, although your heart is not as pure as Sister Sister and Vivian, but it is also very outstanding in humans. Anyway, I like to stay. If you are around, if you drive me away, I will not be happy."

Xu couldn't help but scratch her nose: "Don't you still want to stay with me? Sooner or later you have to marry other elves, then you have your own life."

When Yannis’s eyes turned, she suddenly clap her hands and excitedly said: “Right, when I talk about this, I suddenly remembered it. President, you didn’t tell me last time, the elves and human beings are absolutely impossible to combine. I asked the elders, she told me that the elves and humans have no possibility of combining. On the contrary, before the race war, there were many elves and humans combined, and they could give birth to children, the legendary half. Elf."

"And then?" Xu also gave her a look. "These half-elves are definitely not accepted by the elves?"

"Well... it seems like this. But this is something that happened thousands of years ago. It's not the same as it is now. The president is an adult. In short, what you said before is wrong, we can combine. And I am sure that we are left The half-elf kid family will definitely accept it. So you don't have to worry."

"I don't worry about a ghost!" Xu also reprimanded, and the index finger slammed on the forehead of Yanis. "I said that you are thinking about what these things are doing at a young age? Don't you feel shy?"

"Shy? Why are you shy?" Yanis touched her forehead and looked puzzled. "The combination of opposite **** and ethnic reproduction is a very normal topic. You are the male of humanity. I am the female of the elves. Is it so shy to discuss the possibility of combining between us and the things that breed the offspring? President, I have said it many times, I am over 80 years old! More than you!"

Xu was completely defeated by a naive Yanis, and could not help but sigh.

"Well, you don't feel shy, I feel shy. In short, you shouldn't talk so loudly in front of so many people." Xu also looked up and scanned a circle around the strange look. The crowd, they took them back. "If you really care about this issue, next time I will go to see Euresia Elder with you and discuss it."

"Okay. I also have a lot of questions to ask the elders." Yanis happily patted her hands and agreed very quickly.

Xu also shook his head helplessly. Turning to the distance is looking at the Wei Wei An here to wave beckon.

"Come on, Vivian, put the Yani ribbon to the side of Kennard, and explain to some of the officials sent by the Magic Industry Management Agency over there some of your design ideas. Today is the Magic Industry Management Agency. The first time we officially came to visit our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, you must be seriously received."


Vivienne pulled out some of the arrogant Asians who had just left the appearance. One appearance looked very ordinary, but the clothes were well-dressed. At first glance, the middle-aged man from a noble family came to Xu Yi.

"The two of them are the two best designers of your new Flying Chamber of Commerce? It's really young and promising." The middle-aged man looked at the back of Vivian and Janice, and sighed softly.

"There is nothing. They only have been in contact for a long time. It is a practice that makes perfect." Xu also responded with a word and turned to look at the middle-aged man. Speaking of outstanding designers, I think that the ten chambers of commerce must have the help of many outstanding masters in the kingdom, and they will definitely not be inferior to them. I am right, Director Russell?"

The current director of the Magic Industry Management Agency, Deno Russell, smiled and shook his head. "Mr. Xu, you should understand better than anyone else. Masters and designers are two different things. The beautiful elf lady Yani Silk is not only a designer, but also an art master recognized by everyone in the kingdom. But none of those art masters can be called designers."

"This is simple, let them participate in the design. After a long time, it will naturally become a designer." Xu Yidao.

Director Russell sneaked a sigh of relief and smiled: "Mr. Xu, it looks like you are still somewhat dissatisfied with the transfer technology."

Xu also glanced at him and shook his head slowly: "No, I have nothing to dissatisfaction. Only after all these things have been exhausted by their own efforts, suddenly they have to be handed over to others, and this is still somewhat uncomfortable."

Director Russell laughed: "I understand that Xu will grow your mood, but for anything, we have to look forward to it? Although your new flyer will hand over these technologies, it seems that you are suffering. However, no matter how much the technology transfer fees that the ten chambers of commerce must accept to accept these technologies, how much more promotion will the entire magic industry bring to the magic industry after the participation of the ten chambers of commerce. I hope that President, you won't understand?"

Xu also smiled coldly in his heart.

Technology transfer fee?

Before the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce publicly sold the technology of home magic machinery including magic stoves, magic electric stoves, magic air conditioners, etc., any business association that wants to acquire relevant technology must pay a technology transfer fee of at least 100,000 gold coins.

And what about the ten chambers designated by the Magic Industry Management Agency?

The most technology transfer fee is only 30,000 gold coins!

And these 30,000 gold coins even include a whole set of magic machine tool production lines!

If it is converted. These technologies are almost the same as the new Flyer Chambers!

The so-called technology transfer fee. In Xu Yi's view, it is only a fig leaf. It’s just that these guys want to be a scorpion but they have to prove the arch.

The so-called ten chambers of commerce involved in the promotion of the magic industry, Xu also does not object.

Behind these ten chambers of commerce, there are shadows of the old aristocrats in the kingdom. With such a solid backing, and now with the technology provided by the new Feishang Association, these ten chambers of commerce will inevitably rush into the ranks of the magic industry in a short time. To accelerate the overall development of the magic industry.

More importantly, because of the participation of these ten chambers of commerce, the stubborn old-fashioned aristocrats who previously opposed the magic industry will naturally no longer adhere to this position. Instead, it will turn around and support the development of the magic industry.

For example, one of the conditions that Xu also proposed to King Eric through the city of Kamadu before was to adjust the special business tax for magic machinery.

After Xu also transferred a part of the technology, this condition quickly responded.

Just half a month ago, the commercial tax reform in Bangta City was abolished on the grounds that “experimental proof is not applicable”.

Because of this relationship, many of the Magic Chamber of Commerce in Bangta City, which was already on the verge of closure, and some small chambers of commerce that are engaged in the parts processing industry were quickly resurrected. The entire Bangta City seemed to regain its vitality in an instant.

However, Xu is still not very optimistic about their prospects.

The ten chambers designated by the Magic Industry Management Agency will inevitably enjoy a variety of policy deviations and concessions in the future. These chambers without any foundation in Bangta City want to compete with them.

Even if it is a new flying business association, I am afraid that it will be difficult to survive in their pinch.

Now they have not swallowed the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, simply because they have not yet digested the technology of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. Leaving the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has the value of using it.

Every time I think about this problem, Xu always can't help but sigh in my heart.

Business wants to completely get rid of the political influence. It is too difficult.

Fortunately, he had already figured this out and made preparations in advance.

The things that are being done now are just for his dream of creating an industrial system.

To Bangta City, or to leave some magical industry fires to the Kingdom of Lampari, this is already everything he can do now. As for whether this kind of fire can continue to flourish, and lead like the new Feifei Chamber of Commerce. When the magic industry developed in the same way, it is not the current Xu can decide.

After a deep glance at the Director of Russell, Xu Yizheng said: "I believe that the ten chambers of commerce will join the ranks of the magic industry, which will inevitably make the magic industry in the Kingdom of Lampari flourish. But I have a word, I hope that the Director of Russell can give me the person in charge of the ten chambers of commerce."

Seeing Xu also solemnly, the expression of Director Russell became cautious.

"Please say."

"It is not unacceptable for me to transfer the technology that our Chamber of Commerce has mastered. In fact, before this, our Chamber of Commerce has transferred a lot of related technologies for the production of magic machinery."

"Well, I understand. I am very admired when I talked with many people privately about the unselfish behavior of President Xu." Russell nodded.

“What I want to say is that it is certainly no problem to get the mature technology that has been successfully developed directly from our new company. This is also the quickest and most convenient way. But have you ever thought about a problem once we have mastered our new club? All the techniques have been taken away, what should I do next?"

Director Russell smiled a little slyly and smiled: "I understand that you will know what you mean. You may have emphasized that the development of the magic industry is inseparable from the development of technology. I think the ten chambers of commerce are also very Understand this truth, this does not need to worry. Besides, there is Xu Fei, the new Feishang Chamber you led is not?"

Xu also shook his head: "No, you don't understand, they don't understand either. Technology research and development is just a sentence, but the actual want to do it, but it is not as easy as you think. You are welcome, no matter people, theory. There are also basic workers on the basis. At present, no Chamber of Commerce can compare with our new flyers."

Director Russell frowned. "So long, what good advice do you have?"

Xu also smiled slightly: "I don't have any advice, only... I wish you good luck."

Seeing the expression of Xu Yi’s cheeky smile, Razor’s face could not help but change his face. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!