Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 2: New home

A medium-sized magic bus passes through a newly built reinforced concrete bridge that spans more than a hundred meters and is ten meters wide across the Sandy River. It is also a place two kilometers from the north gate of Bangta City. The newly built station and checkpoint stopped. |[2][3][w][x]

Sevey glared at a pair of bright pupils with big blue eyes, staring at the window and being bright and tidy. Although the flow of people was flowing, it looked orderly, and there was no trace of messy stations.

It took four days from the hometown of the north of the kingdom. First, I took a carriage, and then I switched to a magic locomotive. I traveled thousands of kilometers long before I came to my sister’s mouth to describe the countless city of Bangta. Sevi originally had some Worried about whether or not you will adapt to life here.

But just passing through the magnificent and magnificent bridge has already opened Seve's eyes and I feel very lucky to be able to come to such a city.

And then I saw this huge station that I have not seen before, and I never even thought about it. Looking at a medium-sized cargo magic locomotive, I’m thinking that this Bangta City is what my sister said. The super-class city that is the most advanced and even leading the era of other places.

Even the city of Anweimar, which was only last night, was only a bustling thing in Sevi, but in terms of the shock given to him, it was too much worse than the city of Bangta.

Whether it is a flat road extending from the station, or a variety of magic locomotives on the highway, it shows that this is an alternative city that is completely different from other places.

What makes Seve feel more obvious is that people here seem to be full of spirits and full of energy. The action between the roads is like the wind. Far from being like the hometown and the people he saw on this road, he always looked dead. A "lost soul" general appearance.

Well, the description of "lost soul" is what my sister said. Sevi did not understand it before. Now, people who see Bangta City, he instantly understood the meaning.

"Hey, Seve, what do you want to do, get out of the car." The parents around have got up and ready to get off. Seeing that Seve was still looking out at the window, he shot him and urged him.

Seve sighed and jumped up.

At the age of eighteen, the young and the young, Seve has a seemingly endless effort, grabbing their luggage from their parents, carrying them on their backs, jumping off the car, trotting to the front has gone to check The outgoing sister ran.

The prosecutor is patiently explaining: "Miss Akali, you are an employee of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, so you don't need to take special checks. But your parents and brothers didn't have a record of living in Bangta City before, so they You must accept the appropriate inspection. Please understand."

Akali’s eyebrows are vertical: “Why? They are my family, I can prove for them, why should I still be inspected? Isn’t this all the more? There was no such requirement last year.”

This time, she finally persuaded her parents to take their brothers and emigrate from their hometowns. I thought that I could easily settle down in Bangta City and live a comfortable and comfortable life, but I didn’t expect to suffer when I first arrived in Bangta City. With such obstacles, I can't help but get angry.

"This is a new regulation issued by the urban master this year. This checkpoint was also built." The prosecutor knows from the identity certificate submitted by Akali that she is a senior researcher at the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, so Akali Very polite, still explaining with great patience. "This is not a deliberate targeting of anyone, just to better calculate the foreign population of Bangta City and facilitate management. I think Miss Akali, such a wise magician, can understand it?"

I heard that the prosecutor called himself a "smart wizard" and he was always respectful. Akali naturally couldn't continue to get angry. After thinking about it, he said, "Well, what are you going to check? Please hurry up. Child, I want to take them to rest at home."

"Well, please wait a moment."

In fact, this so-called check is just to check the carry-on baggage a little, and then let the person's birth certificate prove that there is no history of working or living in Bangta City before. The overall process is very simple.

When the Akali family accepted the inspection, it took less than five minutes.

In addition to the Akali, in fact, not many people have the confidence to question the prosecutor face-to-face, so in fact, Akali and his party have delayed the travel of the latter.

However, it seems that the prosecutors are welcoming to Akali, and others naturally understand that Akali’s status is not low, and no one complains.

When the family walked out of the station, Seve looked back and looked at the crowd of people who had a long line at the exit. Then I took a look at Akali and couldn’t help but sigh: "Sister, I used to think that you are bragging, I don’t think you are in the state. Tacheng is really a big man, even this prosecutor is so polite to you."

Akali smiled: "I am not a big man, but I have the light of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. If you want to say a big man, you will know what is the real big man when you meet President Xu and the Royal Highness." ""

Saviton’s eyes were shining: “Can I see President Xu and the Royal Girl? That’s great!”

Akali was somewhat hesitant: " should have no problem seeing President Xu, but the royal girl, why... It’s hard to say."

Severo was disappointed, but immediately excited: "Even if I only see President Xu, he is my idol! I have long wanted to see him on my own!"

Akali smiled slightly: "Oh, Xu is still very easy to see. If you want to see him, I will take you to the Chamber of Commerce tomorrow. I should be able to see it. As for now, let's go home and rest. Mom and Dad are very tired."

"Well!" Seve nodded hard, tightening her luggage and looking around, but confused. "Sister, where are you going?"

"Where to go, the new home I bought is a few kilometers away from here. You have no problem going, do you want your mom and dad to go too?" Akali gave him a look.

"What should I do?"

"Wait." Akali squatted down to the open space outside the station.

There are several medium-sized passenger magic locomotives parked here. See Akali coming over. A middle-aged woman immediately greeted her.

"This lady. Do you want to rent a car? Come sit in my car, as long as it is within the city of Bangta, just say, we are running everywhere."

Akali glanced at a sign hanging on the medium-sized passenger magic locomotive behind her and asked: "Is it the Mercado Chamber of Commerce?"

"Right right, we are the car of the Mercad's Chamber of Commerce. The cars of our Chamber of Commerce are all of good reputation and there will be no problems at all." Middle-aged women nodded.

"That's good. I rent a car."

“Leasing a car?” A middle-aged woman glimpsed: “Miss, are you planning to rent a whole car?”


Upon hearing this answer, the look of middle-aged women immediately became more respectful.

"Excuse me, where are you going?"

"Not far away, it is the dawn area of ​​the new city."

"Dawning community?" The middle-aged woman took a sigh of relief and looked at Akali with amazement. Her eyes were a bit weird, but her face was extremely exaggerated. “It’s no wonder that it’s a morning camp.”

Akali was too lazy to pay attention to the hidden glimpse of her smile, turned and greeted her parents and her brother Seve to get on the bus and bypass the old city of Bangta. Go to the morning high-end villa residential community on the bank of the Sandy River in the new urban area on the west side of the old city.

While sitting in the car, Akali's parents and Sevi have already looked at the scene outside the car and kept showing amazed look. When the magic locomotive drove into the Chenxi community, the three were even more shocked.

Akali’s mother looked incredulously and asked Akali to ask: “Good daughter, you said that the new home you bought would not be here? How beautiful is this beautiful house? ?"

Akali smiled and patted the back of her hand and comforted: "Mom, you don't care how much money, just stay at ease. You can rest assured that I can earn thousands of gold coins every year, buy such a The house is nothing."

Although she has been listening to Akali to mention her current income, this number is too far away for her father, causing them to have no real sense of realism, thinking that Akali is just comforting them, or is at all boast.

And now when they saw these houses with their own eyes, they really began to think about what Akali said.

Can you earn thousands of coins in one year? This is too exaggerated, right?

You must know that more than 100 households in the village add up, and the annual income is not good enough to have only a thousand gold coins!

A moment later, the medium-sized passenger magic locomotive stopped in front of a three-story villa near the river bank.

Akali took out five gold coins and threw the middle-aged women to drive. She jumped out of the car and went to the front of the villa. She opened her arms and smiled at her parents and Sevi: "Mother and Dad, Sevi, this is ours." New home!"

Akali’s parents and Sevi got out of the car and stared blankly at the luxurious villa that looked so grand and beautiful, and the floor space was more than 500 square meters. eye.

After a while, Akali’s mother asked slyly: “Daughter...this...this...this is really your house?”

Akali smiled and shook her head: "No, Mom, you are wrong. This is not my house, but our house. Because our family will live here and live here."

Akali’s mother looked at the villa for a while, and her eyes suddenly burst into tears. He whimpered: “I... I thought... I thought I would wander outside, but I didn’t think... I thought I can live in such a beautiful house, really... really..."

Akali’s father took his wife’s shoulder and nodded to Akali, sinking: “Akali, you have worked hard.”

Seeing the parents look like this, Akali suddenly felt that the nose was sour, and the eyes could not help but shed a few tears.

Only Seve was greatly embarrassed, and there was no sadness at all. Instead, he was full of excitement and joy.

"Dad, Mom, sister, what are you crying? We should be happy to have such a big and beautiful house now."

Akali’s father wiped his lips and sighed: “We just thought that we would settle here and leave our hometown. Some feelings are gone.”

Seve pouted: "What's so good? We left the broken place, not because we can't go on."

After saying that the parents and Akali had any reaction, Sevi went straight to the villa.

Seeing his unstoppable look, Akali’s father sighed and then showed a smile.

"Yeah, anyway, I can't go over there, there is nothing to be nostalgic. Let's go, let's take a look at the new home!" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!