Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 18: From what angle?

"It's tricky." Servini looked at Xu Yi, and his eyebrows were deep and wrinkled.

"Tough?" Xu also looked puzzled.

Just half an hour ago, he had to go to Bangta City again because of something, but he accidentally encountered Baron Billier on the road and found that he was actually holding a girl who didn’t know where to come. Suddenly, I felt very puzzled. I immediately ran to the city government to see Sevigny want to ask.

At this time, three days after the car accident in Servini, when the two cars collided, although the Servini and the Baron Billier were not seriously injured, the Baron Billier was still taken to the city government to ask questions.

Xu Yiben thought that in addition to such a serious incident, Baron Billier would at least be sentenced to prison in prison for a period of time, to teach him a good meal, but did not expect that he could actually go out shopping in just three days, and his face was relaxed and fundamental. It doesn't seem like something happened.

This makes Xu very puzzled.

Could it be that such a serious thing happened, did Servin intend to let it go so gently?

"What can you do if you don't let go?" Sevigny sighed softly. "On the second day, the Stark family sent people to pay me a full five million gold coins, and according to the rules between the nobility, let the Baron Billier give me the most sincere Apologetic, Duke Stark even personally pleaded guilty to the father, can be said to give me a face. If I continue to compare what the Baron Lear does, it will cause dissatisfaction with other nobles in the kingdom, let them feel that the royal family is deliberate Bullying other nobles."

Xu Yi suddenly stunned: "Is there anything wrong? Severini. You are the granddaughter of the palace! You have a serious car accident, a simple apology is finished?"

"Isn't it too serious?" Sevigny glared at Xu, but it was a bit strange to Xu's reaction. "I didn't even have a bruise. Instead, Baron Billier spit a few mouthfuls of blood, you saw it?"

"It is his first thing to be good! Even if he is dead, it is all his own responsibility, deserve it!" Xu also angered. "This guy was still drinking at the time! If you really want to be held accountable, all the responsibilities should be on him. Tell me that a guy like him should be directly in jail, or one day he will kill someone. !"

"Do you think I don't want to?" Servini gave him a look. Then he sighed quite helplessly. "But Xu Yi, even if it traversed all the laws of the whole kingdom. There is no regulation that was sentenced after driving a magic locomotive and hit a person. Or more accurately, there is no law in the kingdom for magic locomotives. This time, because he hit my granddaughter, I had to be forced to apologize. If I hit an ordinary person, then even if I die, I still can’t count him as a deliberate murder. Maybe he tops it. I only need to pay a little gold, and I don’t even need to apologize."

"This..." Xu thought for a while and smiled.

That's right, the magic locomotive is a novelty for the Kingdom of Lampari, even for the entire Sainz continent, and how could there be a law for magic locomotives.

In fact, if the Baron Billier was not the unfortunate one, it happened to hit the honorable king of Servini. I am afraid he is really a fart.

Xu also thought for a moment, continued: "Well. Your Royal Highness, the responsibility of the Baron Billier should be taken away by this matter. Do you not intend to use this to do something? I think... You can even blame Baron Billier for deliberately killing you. The intention is to assassinate the royal girl. This is always a very serious crime?"

"No." Servini shook his head slightly. "I understand what you mean,'s not the time."

"Not too late?" Xu also frowned. "

"Yes, the timing is not enough. I can't do this now." Servini paused and nodded, adding: "This is a common judgment of many people on the situation. You don't have to doubt."

"Do you also include the opinion of Count Satsuma?" Xu also asked.


Xu also meditated for a moment and nodded lightly: "Okay. I will not participate in these things, because I don't have that ability for the time being. But Servini, at the very least, I hope to use this thing to cause the kingdom to pay attention to the magic locomotive. If I can establish a traffic regulation as soon as I have suggested, I think this is a good thing for the whole kingdom."

"Well, I am looking for someone to do this." When it came to this, Servini suddenly laughed. "Speaking of it, because of this incident, no one dared to oppose any proposal I made about it. As a result, things went very smoothly. Xu also, should you thank the accident?"

Xu also stared at Sevigny, looked serious, and shook his head very seriously: "No, I would rather not be able to establish this traffic regulation completely, nor hope that you are in danger."

Looking at the extremely serious expression and incomparable sincere eyes that Xu Yi had on his face, Severni felt a strong warmth in his heart, and the pretty face could not help but reddish.

After a while, she seemed to be unable to withstand the gaze of Xu and looked down. She bowed her head and paused, but then looked up again.

Although her face was a little deeper, she still insisted on her eyes and did not dodge.

"Xu Yi, I haven't thanked you yet, thank you for your help in the day."

Xu also smiled and shook his head: "This is nothing, no matter from which angle, this is what I should do."

"No matter which angle?" Sevigny looked at Xu Yi with deep thought. "So what are the specific angles?"

"Well, this is the first thing that is the most basic human perspective. Seeing that others are in danger, I am a normal human being. How can I not want to protect each other?"

"Oh? So what about the other angle?" Servini was a bit chasing after.

Xu also smiled and replied: "There is also a point of view, of course, because you are the prince of the royal girl. Think about it, it is a very important credit to protect the noble lady under the guard."

Sevigny also laughed, and once he gave a look, he paused, but he insisted: "So... is there any other angle?"

In the eyes of Servini’s gaze, Xu also slightly turned his head slightly and hesitated for a while. This whispered: “If you want to say it, of course, it’s because you are a girl, and I am a man. Men, protecting girls is not a matter of course."

“Really?” Servini slaps his hands in joy. "You still think of me as an ordinary girl."

Xu also gave her a sigh of relief: "I said... Are you kidding me? Leave your identity aside, are you not only a girl, but also a very beautiful girl?"

Severini narrowed his eyes and smiled. "I am very glad to hear your evaluation. So Xu, I hope that you will treat me more like an ordinary girl in the future, instead of always treating me as the royal girl." Treat it?"

Xu also shrugged: "I am afraid that this request is difficult for me to agree, because your identity of the Queen of the Kings can't be changed. But then, I used to treat you as the least lady of the royal girl. Others will be like me. Are you completely disrespectful to you in private?"

"Well, I really like this feeling. I hope that you will continue to maintain this attitude in the future."

Looking at the delighted Sevigny, Xu also had some funny things in his heart.

Although she saw Shevigny for the first time, she has always acted like a qualified royal girl, always showing a majestic, rational, calm look, but in the end, she is still in her early twenties. The girl also has the side of an ordinary girl.

Perhaps, she really hopes to have an object of equal communication with her.

And Sevigny continued to discuss the details of the traffic regulations, and then discussed the feasibility of temporarily implementing traffic management regulations in Bangta City, Xu also left the city government.

Just out of the gate of the city gate, a black magic car suddenly came from afar.

Xu Yizheng was about to leave, and the magic car sounded a harsh, slamming sound, and stopped just two or three meters away from him.

Xu also frowned at the magic car, and at a glance he saw the seat of the magic car, which was Baron Billier.

Seeing Xu’s gaze sweeping, Baron Billier even made a provocative gesture to him.

Xu also sneered, walked over and knocked on the window, hooked the baron to Billier and motioned him down.

Baron Billier was simply pushing the door down and standing up and looking directly at Xu Yi.

"Hey, this is not the president. How? Just finished seeing the palace of the king? Is it going to sue me to the palace of the king? I just told you, don't waste time! The palace lady can't move me. As for If you are a small businessman, don't even dream!"

Xu also glanced at him and ignored him. He saw a man sitting in the co-pilot and gave him a gesture to signal him to get off.

The man came down from the car. Xu also recognized that he was a small aristocrat in the city. It was probably close to Baron Billier, and he was mixed with him.

"Is this magic car yours?" Xu asked him.

The little aristocrat’s attitude towards Xu Yi was as arrogant as that of Baron Billier. He heard Xu’s problem, raised his face, and his nostrils turned to the sky. He snorted: “What? Is it mine? Do you have any opinion? ?"

Xu also glanced at him and ignored him. Instead, he walked to the head of the magic car and raised his right hand. The magical power of the body flowed quickly.

After a while, a fireball was condensed in Xu.

Seeing the movement of Xu Yi, Baron Billier and the little aristocrat were also taken aback.

"What do you want to do?"

The voices of the two men just fell, and Xu also fell in the right hand, and the fireball was directly on the magic car.

"Boom--" (to be continued)