Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 149: Control energy

Sevigny is almost a word, slow and carefully read the booklet. ++++

Although the booklet is thin, in fact, there are a lot of words on it. It took half a hour for Servini to finish the last word.

After reading it, Servini closed his eyes and meditated for ten minutes.

"Xu Yi, this is all about the benefits of energy standardization for us in the Kingdom of Lampari. Can you tell me, is this good for your new flyer?"

Xu also smiled slightly: "Your Majesty the Queen, do you want to hear the truth or lie?"

Sevigny stunned Xu Yiyi with a sigh of relief: "The malicious deceitful king, this is a death sentence."

Xu Yiwei smiled and said: "If it is not malicious bullying? At the very least... is it a bullying that has little influence?"

"That won't work either." Servini said: "If you can't know what this energy standardization will do for your new flyers, the members of the Royal Parliament will definitely not listen to the proposal and implement this policy."

"So, what do you believe in me, Queen?" Xu also asked.

"If I don't believe you, will I tell you so much nonsense?" Servini suddenly sighed. "There are no other people here. Don't always call me a queen for the Queen. Are we still calling each other's names as before?"

Xu also indulged for a moment and slowly nodded: "That's okay. Servini, the benefits of this energy standardization for the Kingdom of Lampari are mainly concentrated on the unified management of energy distribution, which can strengthen the jurisdiction and control of the local, these are in the report. It is very clear on the writing. As for the benefits of energy standardization for our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. If I say that we can let us do so, we have a lot of strength. Do you believe?"

"Oh?" Sevigny was a bit curious. “What is the effort to save?”

"Take an analogy." Xu also paused: "It is also a magic fan. Because the quality of the magic crystal is different, even the size is different, we must consider many aspects when designing the magic fan. The factors are forced to pay several times more R&D design costs and excess production costs."

"So you want all the magic fans to use the magic crystal of uniform specifications?" Servini immediately asked.

"Yes." Xu also nodded. "In fact, this Chamber of Commerce has been doing this. For example, our Chamber of Commerce has already opened a magic crystal refining factory that specializes in the production of specific and uniform specifications of magic crystals. In the production of new type of home magic machinery, we use our Chamber of Commerce. This standard makes it necessary for people who purchase our new model of home magic machinery to use this refined, standardized magic crystal."

“Well, it’s a good idea to do this.” Servini praised: “With the absolute monopoly of your new flying business in the home magic machinery industry, people who want to use home magic machinery have no choice at all. You must accept your launch. This standard has also been forced to accept this new type of standardized magic crystal."

"The facts are not as good as you think." Xu also smiled bitterly. “Although our new flying home magic machine is indeed the most popular home magic machine, after the launch of this new standard, it has received a lot of support and understanding. But... this practice still makes many of our new flying clubs old. Because users don't want to use our standardized magic crystals, they go to buy other home magic machines produced by other chambers of commerce. Because of this, our Chamber of Commerce's home magic machinery department lost 13% in sales last month."

"I actually fell so much?" Sevigny couldn't help picking his eyebrows and looked surprised.

In the field of home magic machinery. The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce is undoubtedly the most top-notch, and it is not a little bit ahead of other chambers of commerce.

Although the home magic machinery of Xinfei Chamber of Commerce is generally more expensive than other brands of home magic machinery, but because of the excellent performance and quality of the new flying home magic machine, it makes people buy the home magic machine, the first choice forever It is a new flying card.

However, in this case, the sales volume of the new Feishang home magic machinery actually fell by 13%, which is really surprising.

"This is not right..." Servini was puzzled. "Using this standard magic crystal clearly can extend the working hours of home magic machinery, and even extend the life of home magic machinery. Why are those people still unwilling to accept it? Is it that you have not promoted the performance of this standardized magic crystal? it is good?"

“No, because we want to introduce this standard, our Chamber of Commerce has invested at least 200,000 gold coins to promote the benefits of standardized magic crystal. But... For many customers who buy home magic machinery, they are most concerned. It's not easy to use, and it's not convenient to use. Our Chamber of Commerce's home magic machinery can only use standardized magic crystal, but there are not many places where you can purchase standardized magic crystal, which makes them inconvenient to use, naturally. Will let them give up."

"Impossible." Servini suddenly shook his head firmly. "Xu Yi, you can never expect this kind of thing, why should you do this?"

Xu Yi snorted and smiled and said: "Well, I did expect this result, so this time it was actually an experiment I did. I just want to see it, just relying on our new Flying Chamber of Commerce. Can we smoothly promote energy standardization?"

"Then it failed, so come to me for help?" Servini looked at Xu Yi with a smile.

"Well, this... Queen..." Seeing Sevigny's eyes, Xu also immediately changed his mouth. "Cough, Servini, you are my good friend, worrying about your friends. This is the duty of being a friend. What's more, this thing is also very good for the Kingdom of Lampari. You should never refuse me?" ”

Severini stared at Xu and looked at it for a while, then looked down at the thin booklet and sank for a long while, then he nodded slowly.

"Well, even if I promise you, then what are you going to do? If you don't have any additional means, you want to push you to this energy standard. It is absolutely impossible to pass it in the Royal Parliament."

"Of course." Seeing that Sevigny finally nodded, Xu also showed a smile in the chest. "First of all, I suggest that Sevigny set up a chamber of commerce in the name of the royal family."

"The Chamber of Commerce under the name of the royal family already has it, that is, Reeves is responsible, don't you know him?" Servini asked strangely.

"This is not the same." Xu also shook his head. "This chamber of commerce must clearly tell everyone that it is owned by the royal family, and the business of this chamber of commerce can only be dealt with by the Kingdom of Lampari and does not allow other chambers of commerce to intervene."

Severini sighed: "So overbearing? But the aristocracy has regulations, the nobles are not allowed to directly do business, even the royal family."

"It doesn't matter. No matter what the name is, you just have to pass such information. In short, no one else is allowed to access this business."

Severini frowned slightly: "As for this serious?"

Xu Yizhong focuses on the following: "Of course. As for Sevigny, I can tell you with certainty that this business involves the fundamentals of the entire continent in the future. Only by controlling this business can you control the real power. If you want the royal family to continue If you control the Kingdom of Lampari, you must take control of this business in your own hands."

Servini looked at Xu Yi.

I have known Xu for so long. Although I have seen many times, I have been serious and serious, but I have never seen Xu will be so solemn like this.

In accordance with his tone, Severni knows very well that in the eyes of Xu Yi, the business of this chamber of commerce is very likely to be far more important than her imagination.

After a pause, Sevigny nodded lightly: "Well, I can consider it. But you haven't told me what the business of this chamber of commerce is?"

"In general terms, it is energy. The name of this chamber of commerce can actually be called the Lampari Energy Chamber of Commerce." Xu also replied.

"Energy? Is it magic crystal?" Sevigny is even more strange. "The magic crystal is everywhere, what is worth paying attention to?"

Xu also shook his head: "Severini, if you still have this idea, the Lampari Kingdom will probably miss the best opportunity to rise. I am here to make a bold prediction. On the future of the Sainz mainland, take control Energy is the same as controlling the whole continent. This energy is just a general term. For now, it actually refers to the magic crystal."

Servini is indulging and his expression is still full of doubts.

However, after staring at Xu’s stern face for a while, the confusion on Servini’s face gradually subsided.

"Okay, I believe in you." It seems to be to strengthen his confidence, and Sevigny nodded hard. "Xu also your foresight has never been lost. I naturally choose to believe in this prophecy of energy. But if energy only refers to magic crystal, it is impossible to completely control it. Because on this continent, Magic crystals are everywhere."

"So I will come up with the proposal for energy standardization?" Xu also smiled and clicked on the thin booklet on the table. “Magic crystals are everywhere, but they can meet the standard high purity, high concentration, refined standard magic crystal, but not everywhere.”

The only thing that Sevigny was condensed, then his eyes lit up.

"Xu Yi, are you willing to hand over the technology of refining the magic crystal?"

Xu also smiled and extended his hand to Servini.

"His Majesty the Queen, are you willing to represent the Kingdom of Lampari, and we will jointly open the first campsite on the mainland of Sainz with our new Flying Chamber of Commerce?" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster !