Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 137: Always have to pick one

Xu also was shocked. /

"Lee... Elder Lisanya, you... what are you talking about?"

Although Eleucia was not so shocked by Xu, he was also surprised to see Elder Lisya, but did not ask.

"I asked if you want to mate with me." Elder Lisangya repeated in an unusual light. Then pointed to the lower body of Xu Yi. "I have selected a few beautiful girls from the family to pick you up, but you have never been interested in them, but every time you are in front of me and Eloah, they always show strong ** So I think, you might be more interested in mating with us?"

"No, no, no, no..." Xu also quickly waved his hand. "Elder Lisa, you misunderstood, you really misunderstood! Really! I am..."

Look down at the little brothers who are still high, and then look at the two elders staring at the gaze here, even though Xu has long been used to being naked in front of the two elders, but still has a face that is red.

"This... This is just an instinct for being a human man. I have already explained it to you and Elder Elijah many times. I really have no other meaning, just instinct... this can't be controlled."

"I also said, I did not blame you." Elder Sang Sauer shook his head. "I know that this is a normal reaction that you should have as a human male, but just because this is a normal reaction, is it just that you are indeed mating to us? I thought you should be like an ordinary human man. Similarly, interested in younger elf girls, but from your performance, you seem to be more interested in me and the elf woman like El Lucia?"

Xu also wants to dig a hole in the hole and drill it in. I quickly pulled my clothes. Desperately put on.

After being dressed neatly. Xu also barely calmed down.

Facing the enquiries of the two elders, Xu also coughed and said: "Elder Lisanya, if I really make a choice, I am still more inclined to young elf girls. Of course, this is not to think You and Eleuthera are old women. On the contrary, I think you and Elder Elio are both charming. It is a very elf woman who is much better than the average Elf girl."

"Then why do you want to refuse?" Elder Lisanya looked wondering. "Since you think that both me and Eloah are full of charm, your physical reaction also proves that you have a **, why are you still not willing to mate with me?"

"This is totally different!" Xu also had to raise his voice. "Elder Lissaya, Elder Lucia, in my mind, both of you are respectable elders, and Camilla's great magician is very close in my mind. Even if I am instinctive I have a physical reaction, but if I really mate with you... and you, I am definitely not acceptable."

Elder Lisanya frowned and shook his head gently: "You humans are really strange and contradictory races. You are very willing. But they refuse because of this unnecessary worry. I and Elohim are not you. What elders, because we don't have any kinship. I don't understand where your concerns come from."

"This...just my heart is thinking about it, let me and you...cough, mate with you, I can't pass my own." Xu Yidao.

Elders of Lissaya and Elder Essie looked at each other and sighed: "Okay. I thought that since you were interested in me and Eleuthera, then choosing to mate with me will make you Getting used to and adapting to the female genius of our elves can also allow you to really pick out one of your favorite elf girls and combine them with their offspring. It seems that you humans really think too much. I can't understand."

Xu also smiled bitterly, thinking that the elders of Lisangya had circled a circle, but in the end they still wanted it.

The elf girls have been here for half a year, and he has been rejecting them. The elders of Lisangya are obviously very impatient, and even use their own to achieve this goal.

This practice clearly shows the difference in character between the elders of Lisangya and Elder Eleuh.

If it is Eleuthera elders, I will never think of using this method to accept myself and the Elf girls.

However, when turning to look at the elders of Eleuthera, Xu also found that Elder's gaze fell on his own lower body, a thoughtful look.

"Don't even Euresia Elder have this idea?" Xu also suddenly felt that the whole body was cold.

He knows very well that Elder Lucia and Elder Lisya are powerful wizards who are as powerful as Camilla's magicians. If they decide to use themselves, He has no resistance at all.

Fortunately, Xu’s worries did not become a reality. The two elders thought for a moment. Elder Lisangya sighed and looked down on the ground: "I was also interested in human males, but since Xu Hui If you don't want to, then you have to forget it. But Xu Huichang, when I and Elder Elijah made this proposal to you, I promised to give you a year to consider it. Now it will be a year soon, if you arrive If I can't make a decision at the time, I and Eloah will decide that you have lost your choice and will help you pick it out. I hope that you will not regret it when you arrive."

Xu couldn't help but smile.

Because of this problem, he has argued with the two elders countless times.

But no matter what he said, the two elders insisted that Xu also choose to combine with an elf girl, because they need Xu and the elves to combine the generations, the meaning of this matter is too significant. They are extremely valued and will never allow Xu to refuse.

Xu also has been extremely resistant to this incident, but now seeing the elders of Lisangya in order to promote this matter, even if he does not hesitate to personally go into battle, Xu Yi’s heart can not help but appear a bit loose.

Maybe... really looking for a combination of elf girls is also acceptable?

What really makes Xu worry is that he is very resistant to the fact that he is used as a stallion.

However, the elf girls who were elected by the elders of Lisangya have been in contact for a long time because of resistance, no matter who they choose to combine. Can't escape the fate he used as a stallion...


"That's not necessarily." Steele smiled and shook his head. "Xu Yi. You forgot a person. If you choose her, you should not feel that you are being a 'horse.'"

After sending the two elders, Steele came to visit Xu Yi as usual.

The two chatted for a while, and Xu did not hide it. He told Stil all the words that Elder Lisya had just said and the concerns in his heart.

In fact, for the two elders to ask Xu to choose a combination of elf girls, Steele, who seems to have the opinion in Xu also has no objection, on the contrary, she is very positive. I always urge Xu to make a decision as soon as possible.

According to Steele, this is because she feels that she is not a stranger in the identity of Xu Yi. Anyway, she also accepts Li Si and Linda as a woman of Xu Yi. Now let Xu also have an elf. The girl of the family has made her feel more interesting.

Xu also laughed at the attitude that Steele showed, but it also reduced his psychological burden somewhat, so he only had the concern of “staffing”.

However, now Steele said that Xu also forgot a person.

"who is it?"

"Of course, Janice." Steele laughed.

Xu Yi was stunned and immediately stunned.

Yes, when it comes to the Elf girl, the one he is most familiar with is of course Anis.

This Xu also came to the mainland to be the first to meet the Elf girl. So far, I have known Xu Yi for more than four years, and both sides are very familiar. There is no sense of alienation at all.

But precisely because the two sides are too familiar, this led Xu to always unconsciously ignore the fact that Yanis is actually an elf girl.

If combined with Yanis, Xu would not think that he was used as a stallion.


"How can this be done? I have always treated Yanis as a little sister. Just like Vivian, it is too awkward to combine with her." Xu also shook his head.

Steele smiled and poked his finger on Xu's face: "Don't think I don't know. Actually, you used to drive Yanis? This beautiful and lovely elf girl, how can a normal man? Not tempted."

Xu also smiled awkwardly.

He did have been heart-warming for Yanis, but it took a long time to get along. Now he spends more time treating Yanis as a relative, just as he has now treated Vivian as his sister.

"Actually, you just mentioned Vivian..." Stil's face showed a slightly strange smile. "Xu Yi, do you know that Vivian has said it many times, and will definitely marry you later, but you said that treating her as a sister, if Vivian knows, it will be very sad."

Xu can only smile: "Steel, I have you now, and Liz and Linda, I think it is enough. If there is more, I am sure that I am energetic, time, and more important. The feelings are not enough. I don't want to be an irresponsible man, it will only make them sad."

"You..." Steele reached out and touched Xu's face, rubbing his face, his eyes full of love. "Xu Yi, you are sometimes too gentle, and think too much for others. In fact, many people, such as Lisi, Linda, and Vivian, actually only need to stay with you, they will I feel very happy and happy. On the contrary, if you have always had this kind of thinking and can't be sure of their relationship with them, you are only hurting them all the time. Do you understand?"

Xu Yiyi said: "Really?"

"Of course." Steele sighed softly: "Do you know that I have seen Vivian sneaked and cried several times. I asked her, she said that you rarely like her during this time. I used to chat and talk, and even almost no one met, let her think that you didn't like her, she was scared."

Xu Yi silently sighed and sighed: "If this is the case, then she really married me. I still don't have much time with her in the future. Does she feel more lonely and afraid?"

"No, it's not the same. Vivian needs what you give her a sense of security. Now, nominally, she is still your slave, she is afraid that she will be abandoned at any time. And if she can marry you, at least She will feel a lot of peace of mind."

Xu is also silent.

He has a very good talent in mechanics and a very good talent in magic, but there is no talent for men and women.

If it wasn't for Steele's reminder, he might not notice the idea of ​​Vivian.

Thinking for a while, Xu also sighed: "So what about Yanis? Is she always different from Vivian?"

"Yannis is much better than Vivian. She is a very sunny and optimistic elf girl. She told me that she likes you and is willing to be with you. I believe this is her true. The desire, there is no other idea. I think, if you have to choose a combination of Elf girls, Yanis is your best choice."

Xu also nodded, thought about it, and asked: "So you, Steele. What is your real thought?"

Steele smiled slightly: "As a qualified wife, the most important thing is to support your husband. Isn't it? If you go to do what you want, no matter what choice you make, I will support you. ""

Xu also smiled and pinched Steele's pretty face, thinking that although Steele was very firm, he still couldn't completely let go.

Whenever this time, he felt that if he was really the hero of the hymn in the novel comics, then there would be no psychological burden, and it would be much easier to make a choice. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!