Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 123: Thinking can't keep up with development

"The president, I understand your feelings, and the employees of the Chamber of Commerce who died in the port are also deeply saddened and angry, but..." Kennard glanced at the calm face of Xu Yi, hesitated, continued: "Just For this reason, blindly elevating the defense power of our Chamber of Commerce, this is a bit... a little impulsive?"

"Blind?" Xu also turned to look at him. ```` "Why do you think this practice is blind?"

Kennard smiled and spread the hand: "Although the word is used somewhat uncomfortably, but the president will grow up, I can't figure out that I will invest more than three million gold coins in the Chamber of Commerce Guard, and will continue to do it every year. If you want to gradually increase your investment, or even according to your plan, why should you invest a minimum of 5 million gold coins per year? If you just want to avoid the similar casualties of employees in the Chamber of Commerce in the future, we have many other alternatives. Spend less."

"I always said that I am a businessman. But from now on, Kennard is not born to the Emma family, the thinking of businessmen is much deeper than I am." Xu also laughed.

Kennard frowned and sighed: "The president, we are only a chamber of commerce after all."

"No, for me, the new Feishang Chamber is just a tool in my hands." Xu also shook his head. "Although the new Flyer will develop to the present, it is already the best tool, but it is still only a tool. My dream is to change the lives of people on the mainland of Sainz. This goal will not change. Make money, too Just to achieve this goal."

Seeing the look on Xu Yi’s face, Kennard knew that it was meaningless to continue persuading him. Had to sigh. No longer discussed.

However anyway. Kennard also could not understand the behavior of Xu Yi.

Because of the death of several people in the port of Hemi, Xu also suddenly came up with the idea of ​​completely controlling the entire black rice wasteland.

If the idea is not so outrageous, then Xu even wants to fight against the black rice wasteland, and finally the idea of ​​counterattacking the Sark kingdom is really to make Kennard shocked.

Although the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce has now developed into a large-scale chamber of commerce, it has a strong influence in the nearby countries, but in the end it is only a chamber of commerce.

With the strength of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, it is more important that it is not difficult to control the entire black rice wasteland with the military magic machinery produced by the new Feishang Association. After all, the orc family on the black rice wasteland is not organized, and the resistance is weak.

But if you want to fight against the Sark Kingdom, it is simply delusional.

A country and a chamber of commerce, there are two completely different concepts.

Kennard looked at Xu Yi's side face, wondering if the grown-ups would be able to influence the situation in the Staninist country, so the capacity of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce was roughly estimated. This led to the new Feishang Association and even the ability to The illusion of competing with the Sark kingdom?

This problem Kennard is not convenient to ask.

As the CEO of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, he is mainly responsible for the specific administrative affairs of the Chamber of Commerce and the management of the chamber of commerce. However, he can only suggest at most the development direction of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. Without any dominance.

Xu also has absolute control over the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, as long as Xu also made up his mind. Then other people only have to listen to it.

This point, even Kennard can not defy.

Kennard thought for a moment, thinking that he and Xu also worked together for so many years, and the ideals were very close. How could he watch him go astray?

After a pause, Kennard said: "The president, I still hope that you can think more clearly. Our Chamber of Commerce does have enough strength to strengthen its defense, but the strength of our Chamber of Commerce is limited. The current profitability of our Chamber of Commerce, we can only maintain a maximum of 5,000 people and the same level of **** power. If this number is exceeded, the strength will be reduced."

Xu also smiled and asked: "Do you think five thousand people are rare?"

Kennard stunned: "Of course, very few. President, adults, don't forget, even the Earl of Weilun, there are 30,000 people under his command."

Xu Yi haha ​​laughed: "Is 30,000 people strong? Don't forget, the 30,000 people of Weilun, even the 100 people led by Hart have no way."

Kennard frowned. "Can't count it. The president, the Earl of Weilun, can't help the hundred guards led by Captain Hart. There are many reasons for this. If you face the battle..."

"Even if it is a confrontation, the hands of the Earl of Weilun can't help but the one hundred people of Hart." Xu also waved his hand and interrupted Kenned's words.

Kennard sighed: "How is this possible? That's 30,000 people! How could it be that there are 100 people in the area!"

"So, you, and the vast majority of people on this continent, are still stuck in the old thinking." Xu also smiled. "This world has already been completely different from the world you have known before."

Kennard looked at Xu Yi with a weird look. He thought that what he said was also the CEO of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. The understanding of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce is much deeper than that of most people on this continent.

But even if he is, he is not optimistic about the kind of scene that Xu also describes. Why is Xu also so confident?

Xu also smiled and did not explain to Kennedy.

Although Kennard is the CEO of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, he is mainly responsible for administrative affairs. In many respects, he still has his limitations. The grasp of the overall situation is far less than that of his president.

Of course, not only Kennard, almost everyone on this continent, I am afraid, like Kennard, I can’t understand Xu’s thoughts.

This can't blame them, because Xu also brings the magical machinery far beyond their imagination to the world by virtue of the mechanical engineering knowledge brought from the earth, which is equivalent to making the technological level on the mainland of Sainz appear big. Leap forward general improvement.

People's thinking wants to catch up with this change, it will take a while.

What Xu wants to use is the time when there is a gap.

The two men were silent at the same time. The magic car that sat down and continued to belong to the name of the Earl of Weilun before the northern part of the Principality of Staddhism, is now ceded to the highway in the territory under the name of Xu Yi.

This road belongs to a section of the Slu Highway and is in a semi-finished state. At present, only two lanes are connected, and the six lanes after completion are still quite different.

When the magic car ran on the road, it was able to see that there were countless workers from the Kingdom of Lampari, the Kingdom of Rulson, the Black Rice Wilderness, the Principality of Milan, and the locals of the Principality of Constantine.

Most of these workers belong to the Amway Chamber of Commerce, and only a small number of workers are responsible for the overall project planning supervision, and the workers responsible for providing engineering magic machinery support belong to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

The two chambers of commerce have maintained this type of cooperation for four years, and the workers on both sides are very familiar with each other, so the work efficiency is extremely high.

According to the engineering director of the Amrit Chamber of Commerce who is responsible for the construction of the Slu Highway, Xu Yi’s old friend Riley’s supervisor estimates that the Slu Highway will be completed by the middle of next year.

At that time, from the west coast of the Principality of Stading to the city of Kulakka, the capital of the Kingdom of Rulson, although it was more than a thousand kilometers, there was always a smooth road connection.

Driving a magical locomotive that can keep it for more than 40 kilometers per hour can be reached in just one day.

And if you drive the latest magic car that Xu and Kennard are now riding, the speed can be kept above 60 kilometers, and it only takes more than ten hours.

Of course, the Slu Highway wants to be fully operational, the most important part is the cliff of the Principality of Constantine and the Principality of Rulson.

Specifically, it is the smooth completion of the Slu Highway viaduct construction project.

After driving the road for two people on the road, the magic car entered a forest that looked like a continuous, extremely lush forest.

Entering this forest, even if it enters the control of the moon shadow tribe.

Before the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, no one in the Stantin public dared to enter the forest named Weimengsen, because it is very likely to suffer revenge from the Moon Shadow tribe.

However, now, this piece of forest, which has been quiet for thousands of years, is in a noisy situation.

As soon as I entered the forest, I could hear the violent sound of the thunder in the distance.

Looking up, you can also see a towering giant wood falling down and kneeling on the ground, raising the branches and dust.

"The president, if you don't see it with your own eyes, I can't believe it. The elves will allow humans to make such a big move in their homes, and even allow humans to cut down the thousand-year-old trees that are most cherished for them. Kennard looked at the huge wooden tree that fell in the distance, quite emotionally.

Xu also smiled lightly: "The elves want to re-develop and integrate into human society. This is a necessary step."

"That's also because the president is different from your charm. The elves lived with us for thousands of years on the continent of Sainz. This is the first time that I really tried to integrate with humans." Kennard said.

Xu Yi haha ​​smiled, thinking that other elves are not very clear, but in the minds of the night song tribe and the moon shadow tribe, there is indeed a strong charm.

Otherwise, Elder Lucia and Elder Lisya will not force themselves to combine with an elf woman.

I thought that I would see the elders of Lisangya soon, and Xu couldn’t help but have a headache.

I hope that Elder Lisangya will let himself go this time. Don’t force him to choose an Elf beauty when he meets. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!